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1. Tenth ArmCavalry Regiment
4 Squadrons@
3 platoons@ 1 (5/3 man) rifle PHQ sqds, 3 (6/4 man) rifle sqds, 1 wz35, 1 (5/3 man) rifle sqd, 1 BAR, horses, sabres 1 MG Squadron:
2 platoon: 4x MMG on carts (Tachankas) 1 platoon@ 4 MMG, pack horses 1 Anti-tank Platoon: 2x 37mm Bofors A/T guns, horses 1 Recce Platoon: 1 (4 man) rifle PHQ Sqd., 5 (6 man) rifle sqds, 1 BAR, cycles 1 Section: 1 (6/3 man) rifle/engineer sqd, horse, sabres, demo charges Brigade Infantry Battalion
3 Companies@
3 platoons@ 1 (6man) PHQ rifle sqd, 3 (19 man) rifle sqds, 1 BAR, 1 wz35 1 MG Support Company:
3 platoons@ 3 MMGs, 1 cart 1 platoon: 3 MMGs on carts (Tachankas) 1 platoon: 2x 81mm wz31 mortars, 1 cart 1 Anti-tank Platoon: 3x 37mm Bofors wz36 A/T guns, horses 1 Recce Platoon: 1 (4 man) rifle PHQ Sqd., 2 (19 man) rifle sqds, 2 BAR, cycles 1 Section: 1 (12 man) rifle/engineer sqd, 1 cart, mines, explosives 2. Brigade SupportBrigade HQ: 5 (12/8 man) rifle sqds, horses, sabres, 1x PF508 staff car 2 radios with: 1 A/A Battery:
2 platoons @ 1 xPF508 staff car + AAMMG, 1 40mm Bofors, 2x C2P tractors, AAMG, 2 xPF508 staff cars 1 Artillery Battalion:
3-4 batteries@ 4x 75mm wz02/26, horses, 2 LMG 1 Armoured Car Squadron:
2 platoons@ 1x wz34(37mm), 2x wz34(MGs), 1 M/C Combo 1 Recce Tank Squadron:
2 platoons@ 6x TK-3 or TKS, 1x MC Combo 1 Cycle Squadron:
3 platoons@ 1 (3 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 4 (9 man) rifle sqds, 1 BAR, cycles 1 Engineer Squadron:
1 platoon@ 1 (3 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 1x Taczanka or LKS, 4 (6/4 man) rifle/engineer sqds, horses, sabres 1 platoon@ 1 (4 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 2x Taczanka or LKS, 3 (6/4 man) rifle/engineer CBW sqds, horses, sabres, gas mines, 1 (12 man) engineering sqd, cycles 1 platoon@ 1 (3 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 1x Taczanka or LKS, 4 (6/4 man) rifle/engineer CBW sqds, horses, sabres, A/T mines, explosives 3. Notesa) Radios are only where indicated.
2 platoons@ 1 (4 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 5 (6 man) rifle sqds, 1 BAR, bicycles 1 platoon: 1 (4 man) PHQ rifle sqd, 2 MMGs, 3 x 50mm mortar, bicycles g) Cavalry Squadrons were meant to have 4 platoons, but in practice, the 4th platoon were reserve units and did not arrive in time. If they did, they were combined into a 5th Cavalry Squadron. h) The split strength squads refer to normal mounted/dismounted manpower -- only in extreme situations would the full squad dismount. i) Gas mines (drums with musturd gas) were used at roadblocks without official permission at least once against the Germans. Back to MicroMark WWII Polish List of TO&Es Back to MicroMark WWII National List of TO&Es Back to MicroMark Period List of TO&Es Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by Mark Bevis and MicroMark. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |