by Chris Snell
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For the past several years members of our group have gone back to Historicon. The big draw is that most of the figure distributors and manufactures show up for this 4 day convention. This article will deal with the Dealer's Room and itrends in our hobby. The two major trends continue to be tfie proliferation of different scales for every period and the increase in size of the figures being made and used in the hobby. It is bewildeiing the number of scales that every period has now. Gamers are able to buy figures from 6mm all the way up to 54mm. The joke in the hobby is that these increases in size are in response to the aging of the hobbyists! As we have aged our eyesight and coordination have gotten worse. It is easier for us to see and paint a 25mm figure. I tend to support this aging theory after listening to all the gamers. On to the Dealer's Room Once again the Lancaster Resort was having difficulty supporting all the different suppliers that want to sell. Historicon is simply outgrowing the Lancaster Resort. One of the hobby's problems is the overall support given by the hobby out of England. The majority of the miniatures in the past came from cottage industries in the US.. That means we have been at the mercy of these small manufacturers that have little insight into customer service and satisfaction. This is slowly changing as major producers come on line in the US and other old English lines are being produced locally here in the states. An example of this is Figures, Armour, & Artillery (FAA), a 20mm World War II line carried by Brookhurst and now by FAA USA (615-480-8386). This was an English company that will now be produced here in the states. They make an excellent line of 20 mm miniatures covering all of WWH and have dropped their prices. Old Glory 15mm Battle Honors USA is rewriting the hobby. They have continued their assault on Ancients through Dark Ages market by introducing 15 new lists this year alone. Added nations and periods are Biblical-New Kingdom Egyptian, Hittites, Syrian, Assyrians and others. Dark Ages-Asiatic Horse Armies, Byzantines 7th- 13th Century, Belisarian Byzantine, Arab Conquest, Rus, Slavs, Normans, Saxons, and Vikings. These miniatures are marketed in large packs with many different poses for $12.50 a bag for 50 infantry. Quality Castings (703-354-5469) has quietly built an excellent line of 15mm vehicles and troops for WWII through Modern at reasonable prices. Their line complements Battlefront Miniatures, Peter Pig Old Glory, and QRF. I was extremely interested in them to flush out my lead for AK47 and 15mm WWII. Quick Reaction Force (QRF) is an English firm that supposedly supplies Sandhurst with 15mm vehicles for wargaming and vehicle identification training. They are slowly becoming available here in the states and offer a wide variety of vehicles and troops for WWII through Modem. The US distributor also carries Navigator (25mm ancient). Gripping Beast (25mm ancient) and Freicorps (15mm lines). E-mail: Combined Arms is the US distributor for Britannia Miniatures, an outstanding 20mm line that covers WWII and Vietnam. Combined Arms took over a high priced line and dropped prices making Britannia competitive again. Web site: Britannia mixes well with FAA, Battlefield (Drews Militia), Platoon, AB, and SHQ. By the way, Battlefield mixes well with FAA, Battlefield (Drews Militia) is available from The London War Room, Tactical Edge, and others. Robert L. Bowling Painting Service (RLBPS,815-874-5351) is more than just a painting service. RLBPS is the distributor of many lines of products. He is the main source for Raventhorpe Miniatures, 20mm WWII troops and vehicles. He also carries Frontline Wargaming and several other resin miniatures lines for WWII troops and vehicles. He also carries Frontline Wargaming and several other resin miniatures lines for WWII and Modern. In the buildings and terrain department he carriers Steve Barber Models, Sentry Models, Colin Rumford Buildings, and Grand Manner. These lines cover all scales and periods. The Grand Manner buildings are something to behold. Many building manufacturers ignore the inside, Grand Manner adds special touches like tables, chairs and beds. Several of their buildings come with complete interior decorating. There is also a Stalingrad sewer system available. Old Glory 25mm and other carried lines continue to shine. One of our group fell in love with the new Cossack line (Eastern renaissance) that Old Glory is developing and walked away from the counter with a twenty pound package of assorted 25mm lead Poles. Old Glory continues to deliver variety at great prices. Old Glory is also the distributor for the SkyTrex/Hinchliffe 20mm lines. They have also started importing the Skytrex 15mm Modern tank line. These are great looking vehicles at great prices. Wargames Inc. continues to supply Essex. Releases this year included redesigned 15mm Huns and Parthians. The New Kingdom Egyptians were expanded along with Chin Chinese and Medieval Spanish. The Essex 15min WWII infantry figures are beautiful. It Figures (20mm WWI and WWII) is temporarily out while looking for a new owner. Veni Vedi Vici continues to take the pain and agony out of shield designs and painting; Republican Roman and Indian elephant designs are new and available. Good painting to all! Back to Table of Contents The Messenger Fall/Winter 2001 Back to The Messenger List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS/PSW. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |