by Chris Engle
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THE FIRST BATTLE OF THE GAME – WELL, AT LEAST HOW I WANTED IT TO COME OUT! The Hwa Rang battle plan The Hwa Rang army encounters the Paekche army in the hills above Kongju. They engage in a series of maneuvers fishing for advantage. Each move pulls the defenders a little further away from the capital. Suddenly the Paekche general realizes that the Hwa Rang army is pinning in the open field leaving the capital undefended! When he sees smoke on the horizon he turns his men to the capital and attempts to break off to save what is left of the royal family. THAT IS WHEN THE HWA RANG STRIKE! Result: The defenders turned their backs and started moving away. The energy and bravery they had when facing the enemy evaporates. Thus creating an empty space for the Hwa Rang to exploit. The rushing wave sweeps down on them routing their force. 1/3rd of the defenders were killed. 1/3rd were captured. 1/3rd got away. Why it works.
2. The Hwa Rang are schooled in the subtle art of waiting for and creating the opening they need to move through to victory. 3. The Paekche army is not so flexibly trained. If they were then they might be able to escape from the killing field I've set up for them. PS: Paul, sorry about whacking you like this at the start of the game. It is my best shot at knocking down your guys before they could join with Josep against me. I'm interested to see how you counter me! Unfortunately for me my battle plan utterly failed! My troops were whipped! We had to flee back to Silla. Everyone was angry at me and joined together to crush my poor kingdom. A FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO GET THE CHINESE TO STAY OUT OF KOREA Runners appear in your courts from Mayol Wang announcing that THE sun of heaven - the Emperor of China - has ordered Silla to withdraw from Paekche. The runner goes on to say that Mayol Wang accepts the celestial decree and will withdraw. And he extends an invitation for the lords of Korea to come to Kyongju with the Chinese army that is coming so that we all can swear allegiance to the Emperor as loyal servants should. Josep - If you invade me is that going to get you in trouble with the Emperor? Paul - No hard feelings. Had to see if these martial arts bad asses were as tough as they said they were. They aren't! Marcus - Why get just Silla when you can get the whole peninsula? Gareth - Whoever you end up running. Come on down to Silla. We're having a party! WAR LESSON: DO YOU TRUST ME? Hwa Rang has started off with a bang! Silla has attacked Paekche and shown its own weakness. I have gotten everyone in the game to join against me (just what happens in military free for alls) but then I go all contrite and yielding. Do you trust me? It this a trick? Am I setting a trap? Given that I am giving in to all China's demands can they do anything but accept? If a Chinese army is planted right in the middle of China, what does that say for everyone else's chances of expanding? If other countries attack mine after making peace with China will they not be in the same trouble I'm in? Or is it free season to dismember Silla? These are the questions that must be asked. When you ask them, you will come up with answers. These answers will form the vision that you will enact in the rest of the game. Either you will try to kill me (which is wise because as I said I will be playing a very aggressive game - so this is likely a trap). Or you will try and deal with me (a risky proposition but potentially workable since I obviously need an ally right now). No matter what happens there will be more fighting in Korea - COUNT ON IT! PS: As Marcus pointed out in a past message. I'm greatly weakening my position by telling you all this. Subterfuge is blown. But I want to show you guys how I think when I'm playing a military game. The range of options opened is very great. But one can still play a very traditional straight forward game. Just watch out for the wolves! The feeble attempt fails! Everyone in the game joins in an alliance against me. Times will be hard. SO HOW DO I LAUNCH AN ATTACK? Now that Silla is on the run. The players have to ask themselves, "How do I attack Silla?" Clearly just charging straight in is a mistake. Paekche had a disordered army was out numbered strategically and was facing an elite force. But defending home ground outweighed all these deficits. It seems logical that Silla will now get this home ground advantage. If I fight them I may have my way of things. To attack in a Matrix Game obviously is a tricky thing. But consider what exists in the geography of MGs: Areas (provinces), cities in areas (some fortified so they can not be entered without a fight - effectively another area), people living simple lives in the area and armies. Winning a war must deal with these geographic facts.
One can try to occupy the area - But this takes lots of troops. One can drive one's enemies into forts to be sieged later. One can try to take over political control of the people. One can kill the leader and hope the next leader is worse/better. One can attack the organizational backing of an army to weaken it (after all an army marches on its stomach!) Whichever approach you take suggests a course of actions needed to make it so. Oh, and since players will not normally make blatantly stupid moves (which are normal in reality), you can make arguments for them! MY NEXT ARGUMENT ON COMING HOME – PREPARATION FOR INVASION The forces of Silla return to Naktong and learn that the peasants have taken upon themselves to build a defensive wall similar to that at Kyongju, around Kimhae. My what upstart fellows! Naturally Mayol Wang has his regular force occupy both fortifications.. "We can't have the peasants control fortifications! It's against the natural order of things!!!" Result: Kimhae and Kyongju are surrounded by walls. They are also both now garrisoned by half of the regular force. The Hwa Rang army remains in the field as an army of observation. Why does it work?
2. We have word that the Chinese, Japanese and other Koreas are on their way. 3. And last but not least - an undefended fort is useless - so we garrison it. It works so Silla is as ready as it can be for invasion. MY VISION FOR DEFENSE Since the world is coming to my door step, Silla is mobilizing for war. Note my plan. I hopefully have two fortified centers. Each garrisoned by regular troops. Invaders will have to reduce these strong points or I will be able to project my political control over the people indefinitely. These strong points are certainly vulnerable to attack and seige but I suspect that the large armies headed my way will discover that supply will not be easy. Meanwhile I have an army of observation in the hills. A Hwa Rang army at that. This army can come to the relief either strong point and make supply difficult. Since we know that the home field advantage is VERY REAL, this force must also be reckoned with. So all you who would attack Silla. Know that if you bring a small army you will find yourself between a hammer (Hwa Rang) and an anvil (whichever strong hold you are nearest). But if you bring a large army, you will find yourself in a poor nation that can not feed you. Like Darius' Greek invasion, large armies will likely soon have to go home. How do you over come this? PLANNING AND PREPARATION!!! Make arguments to set up supply lines, gather crops, build magazines, establish ports, and learn how to forage better. Be ready to cope with the trouble that I will argue you will have - starvation, disease and desertion. And above all else decide who you want to attack first and go after them while not dividing your forces. If I can divide your forces, weaken them, and cause trouble within your coalition - I will!!! So now you know my plan! Of course Mayol Wang will deny all of this. It was those darned peasants who built the fortifications! I'm just garrisoning them to hand over to the Japanese. And when the Japanese come. It will be bandits that attack them. But we know better! So goes the lesson - Now can you kill me? THE WOLVES USE ARGUMENTS TO MOVE MY TROOPS The army positioned in the border of Lower Han cross it and enter in Lower Han. They take peacefully but with firmness the control of the province. They proceed with the following objectives for assure the action. Make a group of patrols along the border with Kum for observe the Silla armies movements and organize the people and resources just in case begin an armed conflict. The peasants well trained for Silla armies, fortified Kangnung the major port city of Kum and the Kogyuro HQ is established there. Why should this work?
2. The Kogyuro forces are well trained and organized. They did hope for this moment during several months. 3. Kogyuro has the support of her allies to make the occupation effective. PERFECT! JUST WHAT MATRIX GAMES LET YOU DO! Ohhhh...Yea! Josep is making an argument for where my army is. We will have competing arguments! If Josep succeeds he has put my army out of position to defend Naktong. Which is what I want to do. Still, Josep has put my army in a good position to take over Kum. A good fortified center in the middle of a province goes a long way to cowing the peasants (ie beginning the work on transferring their loyalty to me. After all isn't the King dead - Why not Mayol Wang for new King?) Back to Table of Contents -- Matrix Gamer #18 To Matrix Gamer List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Chris Engle. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |