by Russell Stratton
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WarbandsUnless the scenario dictates otherwise each warband can have between 8 and 14 figures. Eight automatically, then d6 to decide how many additional figures. There are four classes of figure – leader, character, warrior and peasant. There is only one leader per warband and no more than 20% of a warband can be classed as characters. Nominate a leader for each warband. Sequence of playDecide Action
Decide ActionAt the start of each turn the warband may wish to take certain actions e.g. cross the river, seize cattle, attack the village. Before the action is taken decide the degree of difficulty for this task and assign an action score between 0 and 100 e.g. cross the river may have an action score of 10, seize cattle may have an action score of 30 and attack the village may have an action score of 60. Roll a % die to determine whether or not the warband carries out the action or not, adjusting in relation to casualties (see morale). A score equal to or greater than the action score means the action is taken, less than the action score means the action isn’t taken. I’ve also used this method to resolve issues that come up during the course of the game and aren’t covered by the rules. MovementMovement is determined by drawing from a pack of playing cards, red for one side, black for the other, to decide which side moves first. Basic movement is 2d6. Roll once for each warband and each warrior may move the rolled distance or less. The die roll is modified when crossing rough terrain, river, fence etc, or carrying/leading loot by subtracting the highest die score. CombatWho can fight:
2. Any one figure can only have a maximum of three opponents at any given time. For each figure in combat roll one die, the die to be rolled varies depending on the class of the figure.
Character – d12 Warrior – d10 Peasant – d6 Any figure carrying/leading loot –2 on die roll. Highest die in roll off kills opponent.
2. With multiple opponents the lone figure must beat all of the attacking roles one at a time or the figure is killed. Morale
As the game goes on and casualties increase the chance of actions being taken can diminish and reflects the decrease in morale, weariness etc. that prolonged combat can bring. Replacing leadersIf the leader is killed, roll for the remaining characters in the warband. The selected figure then becomes the leader and they receive the leaders combat die roll i.e. d20. As and when the campaign ever gets going (basically when I stop meddling with my current project, WWII Eastern Front, nothing like a bit of diversification), I’ll type up the campaign notes and put an article together. Kingdoms of Britain: Background Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior # 144 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |