by Terry Preen
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For me this is still an unattained dream, and I suspect it will always remain so. I still find it more satisfactory to take the god-like role of operating both sides as fairly as possible rather than struggling to devise fool-proof ways of giving the enemy an intelligent ‘general’ to scotch my plans and devise plans against me. Over the years I’ve toyed with many ideas, chopped and changed a bit here and added a bit there, but what most often seems to happen is that it all develops into an almost workable but cumbersome and time-consuming mess. This article covers a method I have devised for a game in which I play God and control both sides. It does, however, provide an interesting variant on move-counter move and alternate move systems. It is extremely simple to use and virtually non-time consuming, which has to be a bonus. The rules allow more efficient or lucky commanders to move and conduct combat more regularly than their more cumbersome (or unlucky) enemies or allies, although this is by no means a certainty and even the best of leaders dogged by bad luck can be outmanoeuvred by a less gifted general. Since the rules also allow outflanking, reinforcing and other opportunities to be exploited or missed they lead to a more exciting game than the strict alternate move game. The rules work far more satisfactorily with armies that are divided into battles, wings, divisions, brigades etc. rather than a ‘one leader controls all’ type army such as in DBA. I use the system with both homegrown rules and with DBM, DBR, Armati and Fire and Fury, but see no reason why it should not work with most other game rules. The system comes in two parts, either of which may be used on its own. To begin with, I give each leader/general a rating, although this is by no means a must; if you wish to deem all such persons as ‘average’ then do so. My own rating system ensures that not many tactical geniuses occur and that a fair smattering of slow, stolid or just plain stupid leaders may crop up, but that the majority will most probably be of average and reasonable ability. The ratings are decided by a d10 dice throw as follows:
For solo play I usually determine the ratings of the leaders after deployment, although obviously in a campaign leaders that take part in several battles will become familiar and carry the same rating throughout. Having established the leader ratings, which as I have said can be ignored if desired by assuming that all leaders are of average (0, 9) ability, and having deployed for battle, I now determine the order of play for the leaders, which is basically the first opportunity each of them has to spring into action. The sequence for such events is recorded onto a rota, which is simply a sheet of lined paper with the turn numbers in a column down the left-hand side. To determine the order of play, roll 1d5 (average die) per leader, each adding or subtracting his personal first command rating (i.e. +1, 0 or -1). For a more random spread use 1d6 instead, but be prepared to have commands taking double or even triple turns. The modified score equals the turn on the rota in which the leader may initiate an action other than to defend himself, which is automatic when another command is activated against him. An ‘activation’ includes all movement, shooting and combat. The leader’s means of identification (name, letter, number) is recorded against the appropriate move turn on the rota. All leaders that occupy Game Turn 1 are deemed to be activated and may conduct movement and combat with their commands. If no leader is occupying a turn then proceed to the next turn.
As each leader completes a turn, delete his name from the current move, re-roll the d5 and modify it by his command rating. The score determines the number of moves before the leader may activate again. Thus, as will soon become obvious, a -1 leader is more likely to reactivate sooner than a 0 or +1 rated leader, and this allows for some daring manoeuvring. If a leader is lost during a turn, then his command immediately reverts to a ‘Leaderless’ rating (+2, 7), and will subsequently add +2 to all d5 activation determining die rolls. This concludes the method of establishing the turn rota, which may be better explained by the example I give later. Leaders Now that we have a system for determining who may activate in each phase, we will go on to consider the actual allowances for and restrictions on the individual leaders once activated. This is where the 10, 9, 8 or leaderless 7 rating comes into play, and for this I must thank George Heath, who kindly sent me a set of fantasy game rules for which he had no further use. The one really useful idea that came out of the rules, which I developed to suit myself, is their leadership initiative movement. Basically, it works like this. The leaders have a rating (10, 9, 8 etc.) which with the use of two d6 scores influences how much, if any, movement which troops under their command may make. Each time that a unit or group of units moves, the leader’s initiative rating is temporarily reduced by 1; thus a leader rated 9 wishing to move a unit/group must score 9 or less to do so. If he then wishes to continue moving either the same body of troops or another unit/group under his command, then he must score 8 or less to do so, and so on. The leader may continue to conduct movement with his forces as many times as he wishes or until he rolls a die score total higher than his current modified initiative rating. On subsequent reactivation turns the leader reverts to his original initiative rating and begins again. To these basic rules I have added the following:
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