Being a set of rules - with much room for improvement - for the conduct of an ECW solo-campaign.
10.1 THE PRINCE Being a list of Forces aligned with the Prince, warring against her Majesty, Queen Polivka. Historical Period set for "England" in 1639.
Under the Command of the Prince (Prince John):
9 Foot Regiments (3 at 6 value and 6 at 5 value) 6 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 6 value, 2 at 5 value, and 3 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 2 "Musketeer" Regiments (2 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)
Leaders: Prince John in Command at +1 Earl of Worcester as Advisor to the Prince (no field rating) General Sandias as Alternate at 0 Sir Hughes as Sub-General at -1
CR: H:4 / L:2 / BP:4 / Init:5
Southern Association Forces, under the Command of General Janiszewski:
9 Foot Regiments (4 at 6 value and 5 at 5 value) 5 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 6 value, 2 at 5 value, and 2 at 4 value) 1 "Musketeer" Regiments (1 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: General Janiszewski in Command at 0 Lord Enerson as Alternate at 0 Brigadier Tschannen as Sub-General at -1
CR: H:3 / L:2 / BP:3 / Init:5
Lowlands Army, under the Command of Major General Koeppel: 7 Foot Regiments (2 at 6 value and 5 at 5 value) 4 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 6 value, 1 at 5 value, and 2 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 3 "Musketeer" Regiments (3 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Major General Koeppel in Command at +1 Prince Vajaria as Alternate at 0 General Cassidy as Sub-General at +1 CR: H:3 / L:3 / BP:3 / Init:5
Being a list of Forces aligned with her Majesty, Queen Polivka, warring against Prince John and his alliance. Historical Period set for "England" in 1639.
Under the Command of the Queen: 10 Foot Regiments (1 at 7 value, 3 at 6 value, and 6 at 5 value) 7 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 6 value, 2 at 5 value, and 4 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 1 "Musketeer" Regiments (2 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Queen Polivka in Command at +1 General Dvorak as Alternate at +1 Sir Anthony, Baron of Grey Manor as Sub-General at -1 CR: H:4 / L:2 / BP:4 / Init:5
Forces of the Western Alliance, under the Command of Lord Otto: 7 Foot Regiments (1 at 6 value and 6 at 5 value) 5 Cavalry Regiments (2 at 5 value and 3 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 4 "Musketeer" Regiments (4 at 2 value) 2 Light Artillery "Batteries" (2 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Heavy Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Lord Otto in Command at 0 General Stuart as Alternate at +1 Sir Leupold as Sub-General at -1 CR: H:3 / L:3 / BP:3 / Init:5
Northern Army, under the Command of Lieutenant General Joyce: 8 Foot Regiments (3 at 6 value and 5 at 5 value) 4 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 5 value and 3 at 4 value) 2 "Musketeer" Regiments (3 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Lieutenant General Joyce in Command at -1 Prince Tvrdik as Alternate at 0 General Machowski as Sub-General at + 1 CR: H:3 / L:2 / BP:3 / Init:5
Being a list of Forces in Neutral "Scotland", unaligned with either Queen or Prince. Historical Period set for "England" in 1639.
Under the Command of Lord McMullin: 4 Foot Regiments (4 at 5 value) 3 Highlander Warbands (3 at 5 value) 3 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 5 value, 2 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 2 "Musketeer" Regiments (2 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Lord McMullin in Command at +1 General Sullivan as Alternate at 0 General Bradburn as Sub-General at +1
CR: H:3 / L:2 / BP:3 / Init:5
Under the Command of General Crispin: 3 Foot Regiments (3 at 5 value) 2 Highlander Warbands (2 at 5 value) 2 Cavalry Regiments (2 at 4 value) 1 "Musketeer" Regiments (1 at 2 value) 1 Light Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: General Crispin in Command at 0 Bishop Glenn as Alternate at +1 CR: H:3 / L:1 / BP:2 / Init:5
Being a list of Forces from France, unaligned with either Queen or Prince, and perhaps neither. Historical Period set for "England" in 1639.
Forces of the Invading French, under the Command of Duke Bertrand: 7 Foot Regiments (3 at 6 value and 4 at 5 value) 3 Cavalry Regiments (1 at 5 value and 2 at 4 value) 1 Dragoon Regiment (1 at 1 value) 1 LC Regiment (Hussars) (1 at 3 value) 4 "Musketeer" Regiments (4 at 2 value) 2 Light Artillery "Batteries" (2 at 2 value) 1 Medium Artillery "Battery" (1 at 2 value)Leaders: Duke Bertrand in Command at +2 Baron Christophe as Alternate at +1 Count Lohman as Sub-General at 0 CR: H:4 / L:3 / BP:3 / Init:4
10.5 REINFORCEMENTS/RECRUITMENT The points referred to here are the same as bonus points in the ARMATI rule book addendum. So, with 20 points to spend in the Spring of 1641, as an example, Queen Polivka can "recruit" five regiments of foot, with a fighting value of 5, at a cost of 4 points per regiment. Or, she may use the points to "buy" a battery of artillery, a regiment of horse, and spend the rest on regiments of foot. Reinforcement schedules are as follows:
Queen Polivka: 100 points over the course of 5 years (5 Springs) 20 points at one time, no more than 1/4 (5 points) may be horse units, no more than 1/4 may be artillery
Prince John: 120 points over the course of 6 years (6 Springs) 20 points at one time, no more than 1/4 (5 points) may be horse units, no more than 1/4 may be artillery Scots: 64 points over the course of 4 years (4 Springs). Applies once forces are engaged in campaign. 16 points at one time, no more than 1/4 (4 points) may be horse units. Artillery replacements not possible unless manufacturing town(s) are occupied. (still in development as of 1/98; rule on what constitutes a "manufacturing" town.) (*) Exception: Armies / Commands may "borrow" up to half the allowed points, in addition to those already provided by the schedule, provided the "recruiting" towns are still free of enemy control. Cost for these extra points is double the value of Victory Points. For example, the Queen wants to smash the armies of the Prince in the coming year, so requests 30 points of reinforcements. She will pay double the price in Victory Points for these extra 10 force points. Note: Returns after a battle shall be determined by following the guidelines provided in the Advanced ARMATI book, page 33, under Post-Battle Reclamation.
Concerning Supply "points" and the costs of maintaining a force in the field: Each month, one (1) infantry regiment costs one (1) supply point.Each month, one (1) cavalry regiment costs three (3) supply points. Each month, one (1) artillery battery costs two (2) supply points. The cost for maintaining an army then, quickly adds up each month. The revenue for supporting the army is gathered from the districts of the army's home region or province, constructed depots, and possibly captured districts of enemy territories. The campaign map is divided into three "sides", one Rebel, one Royalist, and one Scottish. The Scottish side comprises two (2) regions, totaling seven (7) districts. The Rebel side comprises three (3) regions, totaling 12 districts. The Royalist side comprises three (3) regions, also totaling 12 districts. Each district within the Scottish regions produces 10 supply points. Each district within the Rebel and Royalist regions produces 15 supply points. Every month a total comparison must be made of the supply points "produced" and the supply points "required" by the standing army for that region. If supply production is higher than supply requirement, then the army is considered to be "IN" supply. If supply requirement is higher than supply production, then the army is considered to be "OUT" of supply. Subjugated enemy districts yield a supply production of 2/3 their original value. For example, a subjugated Rebel district will only yield 10 supply points to the conquering Royalist force. A subjugated Scottish district will yield approximately six (6) supply points to the controlling force.
ECW Campaign Turn Records
For God, Queen, and Country: Campaign Game Report
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