by the readers
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From: Paul Grace. I am heartily pleased and relieved to know that Lone Warrior is to continue and that reports of her 'death' were greatly exaggerated. When I received the letter, warning of the imminent demise of LW, I was both shocked and upset. Having been a member of the association since 1977 it was like reading of the death of a close friend. I also felt a deep sense of guilt as, in all those years, having never submitted an article to the magazine. I replied, pledging support for any attempted resurrection and promised to write an article for the magazine. Needless to say, my loyalties will remain with LW, and as for that promised article: when complete I shall be passing it on to the Editor of Lone Warrior. [Got it! Thanks.] As far as ideas and views about the future of SWA: Rules Workshop. I have long had an article for LW based on a system for determining 'national morale' but it has never been submitted because I can't quite get the system up and running and feel reluctant to pass on an incomplete (or should I say half-baked) idea to the readership. However, there must be many members struggling with ideas for solo systems that they can't quite get off the ground. A 'Workshop" column would provide a forum for rules developers to submit ideas, concepts, or incomplete rules systems (or solo modifications to existing rules sets). Readers would then be invited to offer their comments on how to improve or implement the idea. Hopefully, more readers would be encouraged to submit articles without the fear of having to produce a flawless set of rules or modifications. If this idea were to be taken up by the Editor I would be happy to submit my 'unfinished symphony' to start the ball rolling. [I would certainly publish rules and ideas, look at Michael Gray's rules in LW 106 and LW 108 in which he asks for any comments. Use a few of his systems myself now - for samurai/ninjas of course!] The idea of producing an index to LW is an old suggestion but becomes more important as time goes on. As a great deal of time and effort is being used to produce a computer archive of LW articles then an index would be a useful byproduct of such labors. [David McCann is to be applauded for his index, not only does it make my job as editor easier but his idea for selling it has brought in unexpected wealth to the SWA coffers.] I am glad we are returning to the sense of fellowship and purpose (solo WarGAMING) that I well remember when I first joined the SWA. The Lone Warrior lives - Rejoice! Paul's second letter. Enclosed is a copy of my article on 'national morale.' It has taken me two months, since my last letter to you, to get around to tidying it up and putting it on the word processor. I shall never moan about a late copy of LW ever again! Many thanks for LW 108; it was well worth waiting for. I am sure that the LW Index will prove to be an indispensable tool. I tried to produce my own computer index many years ago. I managed to input issues 10 to 31 on a database using the Sinclair Spectrum. When I upgraded to the BBC B, I had to start all over again. On moving on to the PC (with yet another incompatible format), the prospect of keying it all in again left me cold. I am thankful that someone has persevered with the task. I noticed in a recent issue of 'Slingshot' a list of relevant (i.e. ancient) articles appearing in other journals over the last year. Lone Warrior was not mentioned. As a member of the Society of Ancients, I would be happy to pass on details (title and issue date) of any LW articles covering the ancient period to 'Slingshot'. It would help publicize the SWA. [Great idea. Please go ahead with it and you can get details the details out of your recently purchased index!] Working on the theory that a good idea is always worth stealing (as long as you acknowledge it); perhaps LW could do something similar and produce a list of solo wargaming articles published elsewhere. Members could be asked to list any relevant works that they have recently read and pass them on to the Editor for compilation. [Agreed.] For example: Battlefleet (Naval Wargames Society) Vol 20 No. 2: Night Action: WWI Solo Scenario by Simon Butler. Ragnarok (Journal of the Society of Fantasy & Science Fiction Wargamers) Vol 94/95 Issue 1: Flee!: Solo scenario using HOTT rules by Matthew Hartley. Listing of Practial Wargamer Solo Articles (LW124) From David Heath, Italy. The articles I found most useful (in LW) were figure reviews and scenarios. Those I enjoyed least were the campaign histories of members' ongoing military adventures. I would like to have found more material pertinent to the 'solo' side of wargaming, in particular systems, concrete not vague ideas, for controlling the enemy. Good luck, look forward to signing on again in the future. From Andrew Freeman. I don't know if you are still looking for firms to offer a discount etc. to SWA members. I enclose a catalog from 'Peter Pig' who already offers discounts to the Naval Wargames Society and the Society of Ancients. I haven't pursued this myself as I didn't want to "tread on anyone's toes." This is a small firm run by Martin Goddard, a great enthusiast, who firmly believes wargames should be fun. This is very much reflected in his rules. A favorite of mine at the moment is "Hammerin' Iron," for ACW ironclads, simple and great fun. [Andrew, thanks for this. Please contact Martin and let me know how you get on. The same goes for any other member who knows a firm or shop who may be willing to give SWA members a discount, please contact them and ask them to confirm in writing to me and I will publish the details. If the firms want to help in any other way, please inform Simon Brooks.] From Alan Barnes, Ottawa. I always enjoy receiving my copy of LW and look forward to another year of great articles. Keep up the good work. From Stephen White. Many thanks for LW, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I am doing a few demo games and hopefully publicizing the SWA. Two Dragon Samurai is a bit good. I've just bought an army pack. Well recommended. [Stephen, your idea for an SWA T-shirt is sound and I have had one for over a year. I photocopied the cover, got it colored in, then took it up to a local firm that prints everything and anything onto T-shirts and got it done.] From David Bull. The reason for the delay with the re-sub was that I wasn't sure if the SWA was still in existence. I'm very pleased to hear that the SWA is still going. From Alistair Roy. I wish you continuing success. As a fairly new subscriber I am looking for more ideas/articles on purely solo techniques rather than descriptions of historic battles. I subscribe to a number of other wargame magazines and therefore look for purely solo wargame aspects from Lone Warrior. Good luck. [Alistair, you should get a few tips from this edition and thee is always the Beginners Pack.] From Nicholas Holmes. As a gamer who is returning to the hobby after a number of years away, I often look with envy at the wargaming terrain pictured in the 'glossies'. How do they do it? There are occasional references to polystyrene tiles and glue but that is as far as it goes. If there are any members who could offer advice, I would be very grateful. All postage would of course be reimbursed. I would also like to take this opportunity, through the pages of LW to publicly thank Ken Cooper, the SWA's ECW Advisor, who has been a great help to me. He has offered invaluable advice on subjects as diverse as: figure manufacturers, rules, basing figures, and making/painting flags. Thanks Ken. From John Horrell, New York. [Letter concerning the problems we have with anything but $ notes from the States.] I learned too late it seems, that the bankers in Great Britain are following the lead of the American bankers and raising greed to the level of an art form. Had I known this I would have sent cash and avoided causing you such bother. "In God We Trust, Americans pay cash!" [John, glad we had this mix up otherwise I would have missed out on the chuckles I get every time I read the above words! Hope you enjoyed your Back Copies and thanks from the Coffers, for the excess.] From Stephen Baker. I am delighted to hear that the SWA has come through its year of trials and tribulations and now seems to be on firmer footing. Regards. From Rupert Callum. I would like to say I was impressed with Godfrey Bailey's article on the Campaigns of Marlborough game (LW 108). Having someone else's input into playing board games solo is interesting and useful, as is an opinion on a game/range of games. In the past I have bought boardgames from companies I had not tried before and found that they were substandard to what I expect in terms of quality of the contents and the mechanisms of the game. An opinion on the quality of games from different companies is a good guide when looking for a new game to avoid wasting money. More articles like that please! [Rupert, thanks for your comments; I know that Godfrey is always seeking details on new games so if you or any other member can recommend a game or firm why not contact him.] From K J Edwards. Let me take this opportunity to thank you, Kenn, and the officers and committee members of the Association who do the hard work from which the rest of us reap the rewards! Keep up the good work; I look forward to receiving the next edition of LW. From Matthew Hartley. Having been less than an active member of the SWA for two years I thought it was about time I submitted something. Enclosed is a copy of "Flee!" This is a fantasy solo game using HOTT rules by WRG. The Society of Science Fiction and Fantasy Wargamers having published it in "Ragnarok", which is produced bi-monthly and is a must for anyone slightly interested in F/SF gaming. Membership Secretary is: Karen Blease, 4 Old Acre Rd, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0HN. I have very much enjoyed Lone Warrior over the last two years and would like to thank you and the rest of the committee for the work you have put in to produce it. [Thanks for the article, away being 'input' at present. Your article has been spotted at Ragnarok!] From Bill Johnson. Having seen the request for information about "Latins in the Levant" by Wm Miller, I would like to inform any other members who do not know of the existence of Pallas Armata run by Gareth Simon. He makes available reprints of, in the words of its lists of publications, "rare military histories and period memoirs for members of the wargaming societies." At a price which should be within the budget of most gamers. For example, "Latins in the Levant" which was 690 pages in the original comes out in Pallas Armata format at 16. (Better than searching 2 years and then winding up with a Greek version). I have written to Mark Money and included for him Pallas Armata's latest catalog. [Bill, very grateful for your kind efforts. Have been in touch with Gareth and details of the SWA are in his latest listings (great aren't they?) and his details are outlined elsewhere in this copy.] Pallas Armata is a unique book firm. These publications are photocopied A5 booklets reprinting rare military histories and period memoirs for member s of the wargaming societies. For details send a SAE to Gareth Simon, 98 Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2BP. Newsletter and catalog run to 11 very informative A4 sheets! Valkyrie is a new Fantasy 'zine and #1 appeared on 18 August 94. It is the stablemate of all the other prestigious magazines produced by Partizan Press. It is boarded as a Role Playing magazine, which is nothing new to wargamers. There'll be scenarios, news, articles, computer style stuff in a slot called "The Net" - "Come in A1 this is Sunray" - no not that - computer role playing - like "Cannon Fodder" or similar to oldsters like me. Steven Blease will review tons of metal miniatures - all at horrible prices I expect - well we'll see. Have a look for yourself; if it's anything like "ECW N&Q" in caliber it will be excellent. Peter Laing Figures. Are now being produced by John Mitchell, 19 Hook Bank Park, Hanley Castle, Worcestershire, WR8 0BQ. [Thanks to Michael Buttle for the information, nice to see you back with us.] Politically Correct Solo Wargaming. In our continuing attempt to educate our membership, we suggest the following terminology to replace insensitive and uncomfortably precise vocabulary when referring to miniature "casualties."
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