From various members
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Rough Terrain Plastic backdrops for fish tanks make effective and interesting instant rough terrain for 1/300 to 15mm figures. Measures 13" wide x 22" long and is 3" high at the "tunnel-end." A quick spray with black and then white paint and a light covering of flock produces just what you need at a cost of £ 31.
Ferrero Rocher plastic chocolate boxes are ideal for storing figures, after the chocs have been devoured. Using old plywood a container was built to hold 8 of these boxes in 4 rows of 2. See sketch. Safe stowage for your armies and "gifts" for your loved one. Flags, tents, mako screens, sails etc. The tinfoil from the top of Nescafe 750g of coffee cans is ideal for making these items. Orders by Douglas A. Ziprick Enclosed is a stack of "orders" that I have used for a number of fun games. Several have been played more than once with a different outcome on replayl These have been used both for solo games and for group games. When using these for solo games I only set up the basic scenery outlines on the table. The game starts with a light morning fog so the exact terrain details are obscure. As the troops of my side advance further onto the table a terrain chart is consulted and the additional terrain items that are now visible at closer range are added to the scenery on the table. The dice are rolled for each 1 foot of travel by a unit into the "fog." These can include such things as fence lines, hedges, fields, rough ground, marsh areas, thickets, light woods, orchards, farm buildings, sentry outpost, troops, as well as enemy tents and encampments. Each unit is under the command of some officer. Each officer has 2 to 4 cards in the draw pile and 1 card states to reshuffle the pile. When an officer's card is drawn, then the units of troops under his command are active. If his troops fire on or approach to within 6" of an enemy troop unit then a dice is rolled for possible reactions by the enemy unit; these may include: not observing the approaching unit, forming up a skirmish line (hasty reaction), forming up a firing line (controlled reaction), or even panic and run! These order sheets have sequential dates which mirror some of the activities that cavalry patrols will participate in as they scout, fight and harass the enemy. The inspiration for these came after reading about Morgan's Raiders and the fascinating exploits that his men did. Many times we would "shuffle" these order sheets, draw one from the stack and that would be the orders for the evening game. A separate sheet listed dice rolls to determine the details and strength of both friendly and enemy units as they became available as reinforcements or the enemy position was contacted by advancing troops. An example of this table follows, it has changed over the years, to include various special units as they have been painted. 2D6 Unit
3 Infantry patrol sum 2D6. 4 Zouave/Tiger/Black infantry sum 3D6. 5 Infantry unit sum 3D6 + artillery 2 guns +1 wagon. 6 Infantry unit sum 3D6 7 infantry unit sum 4D6 + artillery 2 guns +1 wagon. 8 Cavalry unit sum 3D6 + artillery 2 guns. 9 Cavalry unit sum 2D6 + H. artillery 2 guns +1 wagon 10 Cavalry patrol sum 2D6. 11 Supply train sum 2D6 wagons + sum 2D6 cavalry. 12 Artillery train sum 2D6 artillery + sum 1D6 infantry Doubles - 1 supply wagon with unit
These are the orders that I promised to you folks and lost when moving, recently found in one of the moving boxes that finally got unpacked - *low priority* box which had wargame accessories in itt SAMPLE ORDERS
Each shuffle of draw cards roll 2 dice: Doubles - enemy infantry come onto table edge. 7 enemy cavalry come onto table edge. 11 reinforcements arrive moving north (roll on troop table). (The terrain tiles are placed to the south side each time). To: General Flapjack. From: General R.R. Lee. Date: 17 June 1863. Situation: Enemy supply wagons are north of your positions. Orders: Rapidly attack and destroy these supply wagons. Troops: lot and 2nd Texans. Reinforcements will be sent as they become available. Each shuffle of draw cards roll 2 dice: enemy forces Doubles - 2 supply wagons + Texans (1st then 2nd come onto table); 7 1 wagon + cavalry escort. 11 1 infantry regiment (roll on troop table). All moving from west to east (plot on. road map until terrain is visible). To: General Flapjack. From: General R.E.Lee. Date: 18 June 1863. Situation: An enemy artillery and supply wagon train is trapped by flooding of the "Muddy Wallow Creek" just north of your positions. Orders: Rapidly move and attack to destroy this battery and supply wagons. Troops: lot and 2nd Texans, Louisiana Tigers, 5th Louisiana Artillery Battery Each shuffle of draw cards roll 2 dice: Doubles = 1 raft completed and 1 wagon/gun escapes. 7 Reinforcements arrive moving north. 11 enemy unit arrives in area (roll on troop table). (plot onto map of area until terrain is visible) TO: General Flapjack. From: General R.E. Lee. Date: 19 June 1863. Situation: General S. Jackson's troops are cut off and running low on supplies north of you. Orders: Break the encirclement in your area and make contact with his troops. Escort a supply train to his troops. Hold open the road for further supplies and reinforcements. Troops: 1st and 2nd Texans. Reinforcements are on their way. Each shuffle of the cards roll 2 dice: Doubles - 2 supply wagons moving north. 7 enemy force comes on to table edge 11 reinforcements arrive moving north (roll on troop table). To: General Flapjack. From: General R.E. Lee. Date: 20 June 1863. Situation: A captured dispatch rider has revealed an enemy HQ north of your positions. Orders: Rapidly move to surround and capture this HQ unit which is billeted at Murphy's Farm. Troops: 1st and 2nd Texans, Memphis Volunteer Horse, Tennessee reserve Horse Artillery. Each shuffle of the cards roll 2 dice: Doubles - enemy cavalry arrives on table edge. 7 enemy infantry arrive on table edge. 11 enemy supply wagon arrives on table edge. No reinforcements available for Rebels. Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior #108 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |