by Paul Burnell
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Helped with joint SWA/ Lance & Longbow public participation game at Claymore 93 in Edinburgh: though in actual fact it turned out to be 99% L&L supported (I wore my SWA badge!) on the day. The game was a 6mm set up of Agincourt 1415; with the 3 players in joint command of the first French line whose task was to break through the English. L&L (Freezywater Publications, 14 Meadway, Freezywater, Enfield, EN3 6NU) had sent up sets of their booklets & journals...they do an extensive range of colour 15/25mm medieval flags: 28 sheets with approx 9 standards per sheet...15mm sheet is £1.20 inclusive of postage...The Texas firm Signifier do 15.25mm Napoleonic & Seven Years War flags which are about 6 flags to a set (UK dealer; Partizan Press; address in LW, £2 plus 50p postage). Has anyone tried Editions Brokaw figures from Pat Condray?. He specialises in 15mm castings of the 1690-1720 & covers the period more completely than some firms do with Napoleonic... for instance; he makes correct figures for Austrian mounted musicians, Spanish dragoons (mounted & dismounted) & the Russian bombardier with his one man 'cannon'. These are 'small' 15mm & not as detailed as other ranges, but against that the proportions of coat & turnbacks are closer to the uniforms worn & all the detail is exact for each specific army. If this period interests you it may be worth sending for samples (Editions Brokaw, C/O Pat Condray, 8234 Kings Arm Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308. There used to be a UK dealer for these figures). The finest range of 15mm artillery & baggage models for the period between 1640-1765 is supposed to be Hallmark Models (address in LW); they have everything from 1½ pounder battalion guns & Scottish 'Frame Guns' to 36 pounder siege pieces on Vauban carriages for a fortress. They make the only model of the French 3 barrelled cannon; & enough wagons to equip a supply train with no two models alike. I'm thinking of sending away for some of the above to equip my Imperial Army of the Seven Years War. I've become interested in the Austrians through playing in Chris Morris' PBM game set during the Revolutionary wars (1793) to date). The trick is not to take the game too seriously (the win at all costs mentality) but to try & play your role (Emperor Francis) in the spirit of the times. It's surprising what you can pick up from the TV & Theatre to use in ploys in the game...for instance, one play gave a potted breakdown on how to wreck British trade & humiliate the Royal Navy: but unfortunately King George is on the same side as me! Another idea was how Emperor Nero had the early Christians dipped in tar & used as torches (!) If I tried this on the French Republicans I think the Umpire might have something to say about it. I've sent Chris an old article by Jim Kemeny: 'PBM Golden Rules' still holds valuable points & I hope Chris decides to reprint it. [Better send me a copy. Kenn]. Books worth looking at are...'Guinness History Of The British Army (Pimlott, 224pp, 200B/w illus, 16pp colour, £15). 'Guinness Book Of More Blunders (Regan, 192pp, 50B/w photo's, £13) if the latter book is to the same standard as 'Blunders 1'; it will be very useful for wargame scenarios. If the particular story is set in a different era to your period(s) of interest; just transpose the order of battle/weapons. Terry Hooker (27 Hallgate, Cottingham, North Humberside, HU16 4DN) is branching out from his quarterly journal on Latin American military ('El Dorado'). He's publishing a series of booklets, the first being 'The Pacific War 18789-84 (A5 size, 67pp, B/w uniform plates, £4). In his letter Terry said "...working on next booklet: Texas War Of Independence, while other titles in the pipeline are Paraguayan War, Chaco War, Spanish Colonial America; Military 1750-1805, The Spanish American War, and the Mexican Revolution, all of which I'd like a go at, as all booklets will try to be 70pp, some titles could end up as two volumes..." The Pacific War covers both land & naval campaigns & would make an unusual period to wargame. 'The Army of Maria Theresa: 1740-80 (Duffy, 1977, ISBN07153 73870, 256pp, B/w illus.); well worth a look if you're thinking about getting away from Napoleonic: a very readable book...'Armies Of The World: 1854-1914 (Woodward, 1978, ISBN 0283 982438, 188pp, B/w photos). "History & analysis of the important armies: main engagements, statistical info, organisation, & 150 rare & memorable photos". Does anyone remember the American TV series called 'The Civil War' from a few years back? There was a large illustrated book (£25-30) which came out at the same time... well now the TSP (The Softback Preview) are offering 3 books for £1 each: one of which is a soft cover version of the above. The unusual thing about this 'offer' is that you DON'T have to buy another book (unlike the Military Book Society); so in effect you get a quality book on the ACW for £1. If you decide to make enquiries (I saw mine in the Radio Times 21-27 Aug 93) the address... Hardy Court, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3HR. I'm still waiting for their reply. The story of Scottish patriot & medieval warrior; Sir William Wallace could be turned into a $40 million Hollywood movie. 'Braveheart', due to be shot next year in Scotland will be another historical drama in the same mould as 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (cost $50 million); though hopefully they won't cast Tom Cruise or Eddie Murphy as the lead role. One obvious candidate for a part in Braveheart would be Sean Connery. Best video to rent is 'Robin Hood' Not the overhyped Kevin Costner version; but the 'cheap' ($5 million) one starring Patrick Bergin. The medieval feeling is cleverly conveyed by shooting the background slightly out of focus (watch the last 30 seconds of film). Acting is competent: the rift between Norman & Saxon takes proper place & there's plenty to interest wargamers. If you've seen 'Jabberwocky or Monty Pythons Holy Grail, then take out some humour & you've got 'Robin Hood'. Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior #105 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |