by Steven Bradshaw
Illustrated by John Benbur
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You have a numerically inferior force and wish to prevent a larger French force from entering the territory of your Italian allies. (1)(2) 2 x 30 Pikes, B Reg, Seas, Hvy (P), Pike*, Sword, (CO)
You have chosen a position to defend and prepared it with earthworks as shown: The French force opposing you consists of: 1 & 2: 32 Swiss Pikes, 8 Hvy (P), 24 Med, B Reg, Vet, Pike* Sword, (CO) + 8 Swiss Shot, Med, B Reg, Vet, Arquebus, Sword (O)
1. The French begin to advance on your positions. The Division on the right advances at a fast rate whilst the left hand division only advances slightly. Your guns manage to hit the two Pikes blocks on the left through their skirmish screens. The gun in redoubt (10) fires at the advancing Gendarmes, this causes few casualties but the aristocratic nobles take it as an affront to their honour and impetuously charge to the Spanish positions. 3. The Gendarmes carry on their impetuous advance. Rounding the village they see a Spanish Pike block and change direction to attack it. The French troops continue to advance all along the line. 4. The advance continues the Spanish Arquebusiers wait behind their gabions waiting for the French to come within range. 5. The French Gendarmes charge frantically into the Spanish Pikes at the corner of the village. A short but bloody fight ensues, the French unable to make headway fall back from the hedge of pike heads. 6. The Spanish Archers (7) seize their chance and charge into the disorganised Gendarmes. They force the French back again. The Italians (5) in the East village, open up on the French, Italians and Swiss. Both units are taken by surprise but soon get over it. On the Spanish right the Gendarmes (6) arrive in the village and begin to advance uncontrollably on the French left. 7. The French archers now charge their Spanish counterparts and rout them due to their own charge impetus. The French Gendarmes fight back against the archers and halt them. The two units have now counter-penetrated and each emerges from the rear of the other, (if you can understand). 8. The Spanish Gendarmes hit the Landsknecht Pikes but are halted as the Germans stand firm. On the Spanish left the Archers that emerged from the rear of the French Gendarmes come under fire from the Swiss Arquebusiers and rout having lost half their number from the previous report as well as their sub general. The French archers pursue their Spanish namesakes then halt to rally. 9. The French Gendarmes move off to the left of the Spanish Pikes, now they are under control of their officer once more. Behind them the two Swiss Pike blocks are manoeuvring to attack. In the Spanish centre the Arquebusiers are at last able to fire. They let out a continuous stream of fire on the advancing French crossbows, bravely they carry on shooting back at the Spanish defending the entrenchment. On the right the Spanish Gendarmes continue trying to break into the Landsknechts, the battle is fierce and neither side gives an inch. 10. At the left of the village the Spanish Pike form a square as they are afraid of being caught in the rear by the French Cavalry. The left hand gun pours hail shot into the French Italians who halt in the face of the fire. The Arquebusiers pour such a hail of fire into the advancing French crossbows that they break and run carrying the unenthusiastic halberdiers with them. The Spanish Gendarmes are forced to fall back from the steadfast Landsknechts. 11. Behind the Spanish the French archers, now reorganised from their pursuit begin to advance on the Spanish Arquebusiers. The Spanish General orders them to about turn to force this threat. They manage to shoot at the oncoming horsemen. The Landsknechts having suffered casualties from canon fire as well as the fierce battle with Gendarmes now break and run seeing the French foot flee. Also in the French centre, the Italians and French pike, both having lost men to fire, turn about and flee. The whole French left wing is in rout. On the right the Swiss prepare to get to grips with their Spanish foe. 12. The Spanish Arquebusiers barely have time to shoot before the French orders charge into them, the burst right through them inflicting many casualties. The Spanish pike in square cannot countercharge the Swiss pike and are no match for the Swiss deep formation. The Italian crossbows and the left hand gun crew rout seeing these troops fleeing. In the gloomy light as night draws on the French are unwilling to carry on with the fight. Well I think you've won this one as I didn't capture two of the villages. My plan went a little astray. I planned the left to advance slowly and to have my cavalry round the back of the defences whilst the Swiss tried to take the central village. My Gendarmes getting fanatic attack get in the way of the Swiss and slowed my attack. I could have done without them charging your Pikes! Your Gendarmes getting uncontrolled advance worked out well, they halted the Landsknechts and stopped them getting to grips with your pikes. I hope you didn't mind me putting your pikes in square but it seemed logical with enemy to front and behind. It meant they couldn't be charged in the flank but they were no match for the Swiss like that. Anyway it was enjoyable and I nearly won! I'll sort out another scenario. I'll draw the terrain, then put my deployment in an envelope. You can then deploy, then open my envelope and write your orders. If you put your orders in an envelope I can see your deployment, write my orders then open your envelope. Sounds complicated but I think it will work out. The enclosed battle report is to show what can be achieved with using a scenario instead of a face-to-face head on battle. Steven did 99% of the work. Providing troop list and deployment map for the Spanish deployment. I then sent him the marked up map and orders for the Spanish. Steven them played the game solo and sent me the battle report. All I have done is reproduce the maps from Steven's sketches. [An excellent job indeed. Is this a PBM Solo?] Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior #105 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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