by Phil Clark
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A Multi-Player Scenario for DBM Introduction"Blood on the Snow" is based on an original multi-player 15mm miniatures scenario designed for use with the WRG 7th Edition by Phil Clark and Peter Rosetti. It was first played by seven enthusiastic club members at the Woden Library in Canberra for a CGS Open Day on Sunday 15 May, 1988*. The opportunity to use DBM makes the scenario even more playable and enjoyable. The game poses the classic problem faced by all "civilized" empires - the successful defence of borders against barbarian hordes. Except where indicated in this scenario the normal DBM rules apply. This is a big game and a great excuse to dust off those old unfashionable figures languishing on dusty shelves. To play the game you will need over 700 WRG army points (AP) each of Romans and Barbarians (see Tables 1-3). You will also need paper to record secret victory conditions and unit activation, nine counters (cardboard or plastic) for hidden movement, various terrain pieces and two 6' x 4' tables covered with white cloths. The SynopsisIt is deep winter in the twilight years of the Western Roman Empire. Falling snow silently covers the land, concealing valleys and blurring forests with a soft white blanket. Shivering and stamping their feet from the cold the border (limitani) garrison of three small fortresses (Castri Primus, Secundum and Tertius), nervously watch over the vulnerable part of the southern bank of the River Dubius. In reserve some distance away beyond the town of Opprobrium lies the winter quarters of the mobile (comitatensis) legion Legio XIII Barbaras Victrix, led by the newly arrived Magister Militum for Upper Dubius: Agrippa Firmus. On the opposite bank three restless barbarian tribes, the Chicanerii, Ribaldii and Burglarii, under the loose leadership of Allegoric, king of the Chicanerii, wait to take advantage of the worsening weather to enter the Empire. Only the natural barrier of the wide, cold, swiftly flowing river prevents their crossing - for now! The PlayersBlood on the Snow is a game designed for 2 to 7 players. Ideally, a non-playing adjudicator should be present to keep track of bounds, weather, hidden movement etc. The suggested ratio of players to commands are:
The Romans Each Roman fortress command (or limitensis group) has a corresponding legionarii cohors (infantry) or equites vexillatio (cavalry) command located in the legionary camp. Where there is more than Roman player, one player must be designated Magister Militum, acting as the overall C-in-C (i.e. allocates the PIPs). The Magister Militum begins the game in the legionary camp and throughout the game commands the legion's cavalry command (equites vexillatio). At the end of any bound the Romans can only have a maximum of four active commands. When a legionarii command is activated both it and its corresponding castri elements are commanded by the cohors sub-general in the following bound. The previous fortress sub-general's element is not removed. In any bound the Magister Militum may allocate any of his own command's unused PIP's to any of the other activated Roman commands, provided he himself is activated. The Barbarians Each Barbarian player commands one or more tribe(s).Where there is more than one Barbarian player, one player (representing the dominant tribe) must be designated CinC or paramount chief. Each Barbarian tribe is treated as a separate army and each tribal command element moves and fights as a C-in-C element (i.e. receives its own PIP). Each tribal C-in-C is also classified as an Ally-general to the paramount chief. At the start of the game, after setting their objective each tribal command is placed on th opposite river facing the Roman forts. Elements from different tribes cannot be intermingled. The ArmiesThe following tables list the armies involved. The first column indicates the number of elements, the second column gives an element description and the last gives the DBM army point cost. Players using other rules should adapt these lists accordingly. To give a feeling of the vast numbers of Barbarians involved, the ratio of Romans to Barbarians should be maintained. Auxilia Brhinus Contentus Legio Limitensis
Note: Archers, Reg Ps (O), support auxilia limitensis, Reg Ax (O). Bolt shooters (ballistae) are notionally located in towers and cannot move, but can shoot in any direction and over other friendly troops who also ignore them for movement purposes. Barbaras Victrix Legio XIII Comitatensis
* When activated the Opprobrium militia becomes part of the C-in-C’s command but cannot move further than 100p of the town. Opprobrium town artillery is positioned on towers and cannot move, but can shoot in any direction and over any friendly troops who will also ignore them for movement purposes.
Note: Archers, Reg Ps (O), support auxilia palatina Reg Ax (S) and Legionarii Reg Bd (O). Equites Reg CV (O) dismount as Ax (S) The Tribes
The ArenaThe playing area consists of two 6' x 4' tables placed side by side so that together the ends measure 8' and the sides 6'. The combined table area should ideally be covered with white cloth, to depict a snow covered background, on which terrain is placed as depicted on the map. The following terrain pieces are required:
The ObjectiveBefore setting up the Barbarian C-in-C throws two D6 to determine the Barbarian's objective. The objective should be recorded (or given to the adjudicator) and not revealed to the Roman players until the end of the game. Objective Score:
6-8 "Hägaar's Revenge" - Objective is to destroy the town of Opprobrium and defeat the legion; Barbarians are awarded 1 point for capturing the town and 2 points each for every broken Roman Legion command. 9-12 "Der Völkerwanderung" - Barbarians must exit the tribes from any side or rear edge of the far table; 1 point for each Barbarian command's mobile baggage (.5 of a point for each element) successfully exited, and 1 point for each broken Roman Legion command. Note: Barbarians will also receive 1 point if with any objective the Roman C-in-C element (Magister Militum) is destroyed. The WeatherThe climatic region is Cold. It is 0700 on a foggy winter's morning and there is a risk of snow. Fog remains for the first three bounds unless there is snow. Snow falls when in any bound the average PIP dice for either side is 5 or more. Visibility in snow is reduced to 300p and in fog to only 100p - in either conditions individual commands throw their own PIP dice.Note: Barbarians ignore the 100p maximum movement restriction in fog (they're in a hurry!) The CrossingIn the first bound the Barbarian tribes test to see if the river Brhine has frozen sufficiently to support crossing in force, each tribal command testing in sequence from right (upstream) to left. The testing command throws two D6 and successfully crosses on a score of 10 or more. Any command failing with a score of 5 or less permanently removes the foremost testing element (they've fallen through the ice!). If a command is successful, the next command adds one to its die roll, even through subsequent game bounds, until all tribes can cross safely. Tribal commands that have successfully tested must cross in the bound of testing. All Barbarian movement is hidden if the elements are unsighted. Each command receives three numbered counters, one representing the command (tribe) and two dummy counters. Counters are placed and moved on the table as the slowest element of the command. Roman elements are always in sight. When a command is sighted, the appropriate counter is removed and all Barbarian elements (if present) placed on the table in full view of both players. For simplification, hidden elements moving together are grouped around a general and are assumed to be within 250 paces and no further forward of the command element. Once they are sighted elements remain on the table for the duration of the game. All Barbarian baggage is mobile and moves as Knights (O) but always count as baggage elements for combat. Roman baggage elements are assumed to be BUAs and are therefore immobile. The Roman ResponseRoman PIP allocation is unaffected by distance and visibility. Until activated no Roman elements can move further than 100 paces from their starting positions, e.g. Roman garrison troops cannot move more than 100paces from their fortress walls. Activation of Garrisons occurs when Barbarians are sighted within 250 paces from a fortress on the Roman side of the river. Activation only affects the garrison doing the sighting , however, garrisons in other fortresses and cohors commands of the mobile legion can be activated by messenger (see Table 4). Garrison commanders must send messengers to the Roman C-in-C to activate legionary forces, each message attempting to activate that garrison's corresponding Cohors Command. If the C-in-C is not in the legionary camp he must in turn attempt to activate the intended cohort following receipt of the message. This may occur in the same bound. The C-in-C may also attempt to activate other cohorts or garrisons once his command has received a message, or has himself become activated upon having sighted the enemy, but only at the rate of one command per bound. The C-in-C can choose to "activate" his own command in any bound in which a messenger successfully reached his command element, however, even if the C-in-C leaves the camp he must still be notified by messenger and in turn must send a message to activate remaining un-activated commands. The Roman messenger system is represented by each command attempting communication throwing two D6's at the beginning of a bound and consulting the following table: Table 4: Messenger Success TableCastra Command
3-6 Messenger struggling in snow 7 Messenger successful 8-11 Messenger successful next bound 12 Messenger, captured, killed or deserts C-in-C Command
3-4 Messenger struggling in snow 5-8 Messenger successful 9-11 Messenger successful next bound 12 Messenger captured, killed or deserts A successful messenger activates a cohort in the same bound. Messengers that are struggling in the snow are still attempting to reach their objective and testing commands may dice again the following bound. If a messenger is killed or captured that command can only continue testing if it removes an element permanently from the game (decimated century!). The Barbarians never decipher or destroy messages - it is assumed they are incapable of reading Latin! If Barbarians are sighted within 300 paces of Opprobrium or the legionary camp, the C-in-C can attempt to activate the whole mobile legion, but only at the rate of one Cohors Command per turn. If a Barbarian tribe successfully demoralises a castra command (i.e. destroys a fort) the resulting smoke activates the corresponding cohors (and the other garrisons) the following bound. Some of Richard Stubbs' Polybian Romans as seen recently at the NWA DBA Championships Even after successful activation Roman garrison comma nds continue to be treated as separate commands for demoralisation until they are in line of sight of their corresponding cohors command or the C-in-C's command. The Roman FortificationsAll Roman frontier fortresses, the legionary camp and the town are fortified. The frontier forts and legionary camp are classified as temporary fortresses [TF]. The gar risons are assumed to be behind and manning the fortifications and are only depicted if on patrol within 100 paces of the fortress walls or when activated. Only two elements per fortress can be on patrol. The town of Opprobrium is classified as a BUA surrounded by a permanent fortress [PF]. All legionarii cohor or equites vexillatio commands are presumed to be inside the legionary camp and are only depicted in a single element column outside the gate when activated. Each frontier fortress is linked by road and the centre castra is linked by road to Opprobrium and which in turn is linked to the legionary camp. Victory ConditionsAt the end of the game, either by mutual consent or after 24 bounds, the adjudicator calculates how well the Barbarian side has achieved its objective:
3-6 points - a draw - desperate fighting weakens the border defences. 6.5-9 points - the frontier has collapsed - the fall of the Empire is nigh! Some rave reviews of "Blood on the Snow": "A chilling piece of work, crisply done" Julius Caesar
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