by the Diceman
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All site links are correct as of the 31 of May,' 99. As Diceman missed the previous issue he's had an attack of the 'guilts', chained himself to the computer and hacked away until he's come up with a HUUUUGE article to make up for his recalcitrance. But he didn't stop there no sir, he's also cleaned the coffee and pizza stains off, updated and reproduced his for mer piece on all those websites that we net-head gamers love to haunt. So for your delectation and perusal here is SILICON CITY (The Electric Boogaloo - again) I thought I would reprint the review I completed in a previous issue to give those of you that are new to the magazine a chance to catch up on the net and it's 'wargamers heaven' routine. As stated previously (by a couple of yellow robed monks at the foothills of Mt. Shsshypangulia and myself) - 'the world is an amazing place'! Made more so by the fact that all manner of wargames figures can be bought via the net without leaving the painting table (except for that bloody tedious requirement to go to work for a few hours each day). For those 'On-Line' (and by golly - the Government knows that you're all up to no good looking at those free rudey-nudey sites and they want in!!!) chase up my links - you may be in for a bloody great surprise. THE CHIPS ARE DOWN Come with me once again down the Silicon Valley of Death (and no - I don't mean Jamie Lee Curtis's bust line) to explore the wonderful World Wide Web. WAB Unofficial Warhammer Ancient Battles Home Page an excellent site to get the latest army lists on Warhammer Ancients: WAB site another WAB site with loads of data: /introduction.html WARGAMES RBS's DBM (De Bellis Multitudinis) Wargames Page as the name says: Ed's Hobby Hovel, A Wargamer's Webpage - great site with all kinds of links: Flags of the British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces: colours.htm WARFLAG This is without doubt the best flag site on the net. It is designed by a wargamer for wargamers to download 25mm colour flags of all periods (I personally have 5 battalions adorned by these flags: Histoire ET Figurines French wargames site with great links and uniforms etc (English version is available): SHOPS (most are self explanatory) The Armory Eureka Miniatures Nick's site TMP Manufacturers Directory index.html Foundry Old Glory Gripping Beast Military Simulations htm Harlequin Miniatures harlequin.html Dark Heaven & Reaper Catalogue Harlequin Miniatures ( US site) WHFB GW World Homepage Games Workshop (if you must) TERRAIN Gaming Scenery Page Welcome to TerraGenesis [- this has to be one of the best wargames scenery sites on the Net with plenty of 'how-to's on making all kinds of different pieces quickly and relatively easily Ed.] tintro.html MILITARY BOOKS Crusader Books This is a Canberra-based Australian company with a huge range of books on nearly every military subject you can think of (very competitively priced). which you can order through their site. All the sites are excellent value. I'm sure Nick, Wargames Warehouse, Mil Sims and The Tin Soldier would all love your feedback. Leave them E-mail. Remember, the sites are there to serve you not visa-versa. Let 'em know if there's an error and I'm sure it will be fixed - ASAP! Back to Table of Contents -- Kriegspieler #5 To Kriegspieler List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Kriegspieler Publications. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |