Compiled by Dave Cross
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Thanks to Phil Barker, Richard Brodley Scott and all those that have contributed to WRG army lists. I also wish to acknowledge all historians that contribute to the research of all military history - without them we are but blind children in the dark.
This army list is designed to help you create a Varangian Rus (Russian Viking) wargames army for Warhammer Ancient Battles. The Rus (Finnish word for Swedes) nation was founded by an amalgamation of Varangian Vikings and Slavs. Viking raiding parties apart from pillaging and plundering the European coast also travelled extensively into foreign lands. One of these "friendly" incursions led to the founding of the Kievan Rus State based around Kiev. Over time the state unified the surrounding areas and grew through successful trade with the Byzantines, Arabs and the Viking homeland to name but a few. Indeed the success of the Rus State is highlighted by the fact that Russia stems from the word Rus. The period covered by this list starts with Rus raids into Constantinople in 860 AD and ends with the breakup of the Kievan state into competing principalities around 1054 AD. The Rus were as aggressive as any other Viking nation of the time. They attacked Byzantines, Khazars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Poles, Croats, Estonians, Cumans and, of course, each other. Throughout the period they maintained a close relationship with their roots and could call upon both Vikings raiding parties and, at times, larger incursion forces as allies. They subdued the Bulgars in 968AD and had the use of them as allies throughout this period, primarily as horse archers and scouts. After 990AD they had sufficiently conquered the Pechenegs, a nomadic horse nation, and used them as allies. Designers Note The army list has been designed to reflect the varying nature and character of a Varangian Rus army as opposed to the standard AoA Viking raiding armies of the period. The Rus used distinctly different tactics in that they tended to fight using long thrusting spears (originally a shipboard weapon) in large spear walls, backed up by javelins, throwing axes, axes and shields. These steady, though at times impetuous, spear walls were backed up by numerous skirmishing archers that, from all accounts, proved very effective in stopping skirmishing cavalry and infantry from widdling away the formed troops. The use of mounted allies was a distinct variation on the standard Viking theme. The success of this amalgamation was not lost on the later Viking nations tactical thinking (see Normans). These allies were used in scouting, screening and harassing roles. I have restricted the issue of the enigmatic double-handed axe to the ranks of the Druzhina, the Army Commander's personal guard, comprising primarily the high born and nobility. This follows the same evidence that only selected, and well trained, fighters were capable of using the weapon effectively whilst in close formation. The Varangian Guard (see Byzantine army) are another example of this evidence. As opposed to the axe, it was during this period that the long "thrusting" spear became a popular infantry weapon amongst the Rus. One would assume that this was in response to fighting mounted opponents and therefore requiring a further reach past the horse. Thrown weapons such as hand axes and javelins were also popular as were the bow. Recent research has shown that the Longbow was in use by the Vikings hence the option in the army lists. Army SelectionCharacters: Up to one-third of the points value of the army may be spent on characters. Cavalry: Up to one quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on cavalry. Infantry: Up to three-quarters of the points value of the army may be spent on infantry. Allies: Up to a half of the points value of the army may be spent on allies. Rus may have both Nomad Horde and Viking allies together in the same army as per the options listed. The minimum size for a unit is five infantry or cavalry models. There is no upper limit. In each unit, one model may be upgraded to Leader for +5 points, one model may be upgraded to Standard Bearer for +5 points and one model may be upgraded to Musician for +5 points. SPECIAL RULES: DRUZHINA A Rus army may include a single regiment of Druzhina. The Druzhina were the personal bodyguard of the General. The Druzhina, if used, can only form a bodyguard for the army general. DRUZHINA HATRED If the army general is slain then Druzhina become subject to Hatred as described in the psychology section of the Warhammer Ancient Battles rules. This applies to the Druzhina for the rest of the battle. SHIELDWALL The standard infantry tactic of this period was the shieldwall. In a shieldwall the front rank held its shields low, the second rank leans forward with its shields at an angle, and the third rank then holds its shields above their heads. Bowmen in the rear ranks then shoot over the shieldwall in support of the spearmen. Any units of infantry equipped with shields and armed with hand weapons, thrusting or throwing spears and shields may form a shield wall instead of moving. Once formed a unit utilising the shieldwall formation may not march or charge without breaking the shieldwall. The distance moved is halved if the unit wheels more than one inch during its movement. As long as the unit is in a shieldwall, then the unit gains+1 armour save modifier against all shooting and hand-to-hand attacks from the front of the unit. The unit continues to benefit from the shieldwall as long as it does not lose a round of hand-to-hand combat or use any weapon other than hand weapons, or thrusting or throwing spears. A shieldwall may combine spearmen and bowmen in the same unit, with the bowmen making up the rear ranks. The bowmen use massed archery to shoot over the heads of the spearmen, counting as half their number firing. Any shooting hits must be applied to the front rank of the shieldwall. Casualties to the front rank may be replaced from any figure in the second rank. If sufficient spearmen are killed to bring bowmen into the front rank, they take half of all hits from shooting with odd hits going against the spearmen. In hand-to-hand fighting against a shieldwall where there are bowmen in the front rank, each enemy model may choose which of the models it is in base contact it will fight. FEIGNED FLIGHT Any unit of cavalry may normally only stand or flee when charged. A unit that feigns flight, pretends to flee the enemy charge to draw them on, and then, turns on its pursuers in good order. This allows missile-armed troops to avoid an enemy charge and others to draw the enemy out of their shieldwall to be attacked in turn. A unit that may use feigned flight, and that opts for the 'fire and flee', or 'flee' charge response, rallies immediately at the end of their movement. They may reform facing in any direction. If the charging enemy troops contact them, the fleeing troops are not destroyed, but instead fight in hand-to-hand combat. Their opponents still count as charging however. EXPERT HORSEMEN Light cavalry and nomads do not suffer the –1 to hit modifier to their shooting if they moved in the same turn. However this does not allow them to shoot if they charge or make a march move. SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT Light cavalry and nomads are allowed to make a free march move after both sides have deployed. Note that they may not use this move to charge the enemy nor may they shoot any missile weapons after making the move. CHARACTERSYou may spend up to one third of the points of your army on characters. These represent the great princes and their trusted and loyal followers. Army Commander 200 points To early medieval people, their Prince or Duke represented the warrior ideal. He was expected to lead his army from the front and fight in the thick of the battle. Prince, or Duke
Equipment: Armed with a sword, light armour and a shield. Options: May have a thrusting spear or throwing spears for +2 points or heavy throwing spears for +3 points. May have a double-handed axe for +3 points. May have javelins for +2 points. May have a composite bow for +3 points or a longbow for +4 points. May replace shield with a large shield for +1 point. Special Rules: The Prince or Duke is the Army general. Any unit within 12 inches may use his leadership rating. He may form part of a shieldwall if he is with an infantry unit. 0-1 Battle Standard Bearer 100 points Few standards are as famous as the Norse Raven standard, but few armies of the period went into battle without a standard to guide them. Many standards were attributed magical powers. Standard Bearer
Equipment: Armed with a sword, light armour and a shield. Options: May have a thrusting spear or throwing spears for +2 points or heavy throwing spears for +3 points. May have a double-handed axe for +3 points. May have javelins for +2 points. May have a composite bow for +3 points or a longbow for +4 points. May replace shield with a large shield for +1 point. Special Rules: The battle standard bearer carries the army standard. Any unit within 12 inches may re-roll break tests. He must accompany the Army Commander if present. He may form part of a shieldwall if he is with an infantry unit. 0 – 2 Magnates 80 points per model The magnates or great men of the period were known by many titles Count, Earl, Thegn, etc, but their role remained the same. These nobles lead from the front, inspiring their troops. Magnate
Equipment: Armed with a sword, light armour and a shield. Options: May have a thrusting spear or throwing spears for +2 points or heavy throwing spears for +3 points. May have a double-handed axe for +3 points. May have javelins for +2 points. May have a composite bow for +3 points or a longbow for +4 points. May replace shield with a large shield for +1 point. A Magnate if present must lead his own unit of troops. Special Rules: A magnate may form part of a shieldwall if he is with an infantry unit. CAVALRY0 - 1 Bulgar Horse Archers 28 points per model Bulgars
Equipment: Armed with a sword or axe and bow. Options: May replace throwing spears with a thrusting spear for free. May have javelins for +1 point. May have a shield for +1 point Special Rules: Light horse are light cavalry. They may use feigned flight if charged. They are expert horsemen. Light Horsemen 24 points per model Although not as well trained and equipped as Bulgars they were still very useful soldiers. Light Horse
Equipment: Armed with a sword or axe and bow. Options: May have throwing spears +1 pt. may have a shield for +2 pts. Special Rules: Light horse are light cavalry. They may use feigned flight if charged. They are expert horsemen. INFANTRYYou may spend up to three-quarters of the points of your army on infantry. 0 – 1 Druzhina 14 points per model The household would form a solid shieldwall when defence was the best option. Druzhina
Equipment: Armed with a sword, throwing spears, light armour and a shield. Options: May replace throwing spears with a thrusting spear for free, or with heavy throwing spears for +1 point or double handed axe (+2 pts). May have javelins for +2 points. Up to a third may replace throwing spears and shield with a composite bow for free or a longbow for +1 point. May replace shield with a large shield for +1 point. Special Rules: Druzhina may form a shieldwall. They may have both spear-armed and bow-armed models in the same unit. Any bow-armed men form the rear ranks of the shieldwall. Cause fear in enemy troops with Ld of 7 or less. Suffer hatred if Commander is killed. Spearmen 7 points per model Most armies of the period could call up significant numbers of spearmen. These were usually lesser landholders, soldiers with less time to train and less wealth to provide themselves with good equipment, but they were still a formidable force. Spearmen
Equipment: Armed with throwing spears and a shield. Options: May replace throwing spears with a thrusting spear for free, or with heavy throwing spears for +1 point. May have javelins for +1 point. Up to a quarter may replace throwing spears and shield with a long knife and a composite bow for free or a longbow for +1 point. May have light armour for +2 points. May replace shield with a large shield for +1 point. Special Rules: Spearmen may form a shieldwall. They may have both spear-armed and bow-armed models in the same unit. Any bow-armed men form the rear ranks of the shieldwall. Woodsmen 7 points per model Woodsmen are the spearmen of the less settled areas. They are not as drilled in fighting in close formations, but can easily move through woods and across hillsides. Woodsmen
Equipment: Armed with a thrusting spear and a shield. Options: May replace thrusting spear with throwing spears for free. May have javelins for +1 point. Up to one-third may replace throwing spears and shield with a long knife and a composite bow for free or a longbow for +1 point. Special Rules: Woodsmen are light infantry and may form a shieldwall. They may have both spear-armed and bow-armed models in the same unit. Any bow-armed men form the rear ranks of the shieldwall. Bowmen 7 points per model There are suggestions that the longbow was known to the Norse and Saxons well before this period and was used by at least the Welsh and the Vikings in this period. Bowmen
Equipment: Armed with a long knife or axe and a short bow. Options: May have a composite bow for +1 point. May have a buckler or shield for +1 point. May have light armour for +2 points. May have Longbows for +2 pts Special Rules: Bowmen are light infantry. They may use massed archery. SPECIAL TROOPSSkirmishers 7 points per model In addition to the javelinmen, some skirmishers used bows and slings. The short or composite bow was common and the Norsemen and Welsh may have used long bows Skirmishers
Equipment: Armed with a handweapon and short bow. Options: May replace short bow with a composite bow for +1 point, or with a longbow for +2 points. Special Rules: Skirmishers are, naturally enough, skirmishers. ALLIESAllies may be chosen from the following lists: VIKING ALLIESThis sub-list is designed to reflect a large Viking raiding party that would normally be found assisting larger Rus forces. The main difference between this force and the Viking list is the restriction on household troops and their intrinsic resolution based on their own commander rather that the Army commander. Special Rules: All Viking allies take any leadership based tests on their intrinsic Allied Commander's leadership not the Army commander Non Huscarls Viking allies must outnumber Huscarls by at least 2:1. Thralls are Freelance raiders and as such do not count toward the 2:1 ration required above. Back to Table of Contents -- Kriegspieler #5 To Kriegspieler List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Kriegspieler Publications. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |