by Tim DuPertuis
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Rules questions answered by the editor if possible. Really tough questions will be forwarded to Games Workshop U.K. for official answers. Andy Chambers asked that I clarify one of the answers in last issue's Q & A article. The question and answer were: MT: When a model rides a jet bike/bike/in a vehicle/ whatever and you get a crit that says the crew/ riders are killed, do they get saves?
Andy asked me to mention that it is only if the vehicle damage result says that the model is "killed" does he not get an armor save. These results only occur in the following tables:
Turret Damage Table Vehicle Damage Tables for vehicles with exposed crew Any open vehicle crew or passengers that are hit (1-2 on the hit location chart except for the War Walker and Battlewagon in which the driver/ passengers are hit on a 5-6) must also be wounded and fail an armor save before taking any wounds. This applies to the following damage tables:
Rider Damage Table (single seat bikes) Guardsman Damage Table (Sentinel) Driver Damage Table (Scorcher) Eldar Damage Table (War Walker) Passenger Damage Table (Battlewagon) Alternate Rule Andy and Jervis have suggested an optional alternate rule for those who find this too deadly: Armor saves are allowed for the 1-3 results on the Hull Damage Table and Turret Damage Table. On a 4-6 result, the model is killed with no armor save allowed. For bikes, jet bikes, speeders and all of the light Ork vehicles a 5-6 result on the Vehicle Damage Table still kills the riders/crew with no armor save allowed. And on with the questions...INQ: Models in Ork mega-armor can ride a bike (Wazdakka Gutzmek). Can they also ride boars and cyboars?
INQ: After much head-scratching we have decided that Ghazghkull's Waaagh! power lasts for two player turns, not two game turns as many people are playing it. Is this correct?
And Jervis Johnson answers a few more... INQ: After reading the Mandiblaster rules and comparing them to the rules for the Banshee mask, it sounds to me like the Mandiblasters are used at the beginning of each combat round (ie. before rolling the combat dice), regardless of whether the Scorpion charged, followed up or is locked in melee.
INQ: Can a model use two psychic shield powers at the same time (Psychic Shield and Aura of Fire)?
INQ: Can the Web of Skulls and Silent Death cause multiple hits on a single model?
INQ: When are Nullify cards played? After spell is declared or after target is declared?
ChaosINQ: Does a Bloodthirster roll his save with one or two D6?
Editor's note: Andy says that this will change when the Chaos Codex arrives and I would suggest that you use 2D6 (like Terminator armor) for now since any weapon with a good chance of wounding the 'Thirster will completly negate his save if only one D6 is used. INQ: Do Disks of Tzeench and Slaaneshi steeds still cause fear when ridden by mortal Chaos champions?
INQ: Does Virus work against demons?
INQ: Can Swooping Hawks engage a vehicle in HTH when landing from flying high or jumping?
INQ: Do Warp Spiders get hit with a free hack if they Warp out of HTH?
And Mark Theurer sends in a few more for Andy ... MT: Can the Cybork Body Wargear card be used with normal armor and fields?
MT: Re: Personalities w /heavy weapons. It is very easy to randomize shots from a non area effect weapon, but weapons with a burst effect must be placed over a specific model or connected to the firer's base like a death spinner. There is really no way to randomize where these shots fall.
MT: If you draw the Special Issue Strategy Card, can you give the item to a character with a maximum of zero wargear cards (Avatar)?
MT: Do jam results on the Sustained Fire dice count as a single hit and then the weapon is jammed or do you lose the hit altogether and you're jammed?
MT: Do Harlequin masks provide protection from gas weapons?
MT: Can a Harlequin wearing a Holosuit and a refractor field still hide?
Close CombatMT: Can Ogryns, Greater Daemons and other large creatures leave close combat (with model on 25mm bases) like Dreadnoughts without suffering from free hacks and becoming broken?
MT: Do Swooping Hawks become broken when flying away from close combat?
MT: Do Wraithguard suffer a -1 penalty in HTH for not having a close combat weapon?
MT: If I charge a model with a Howling Banshee and a Guardian, does the enemy suffer from the Banshee mask for the entire CC round (vs. both enemies) or just against the Banshee?
MT: Now, suppose the enemy model in the above question managed to survive that turn of combat and no casualties were taken in the next round, it's back to my turn now. If I charge him with an additional Banshee, is he now paralyzed against all three opponents or just the new Banshee?
MT: Since Ragnar cannot dodge in HTH, does the same hold true for the Assassin?
AssassinMT: Can the Assassin wear any armor or fields and still dodge, infiltrate and use polymorphine? Basically, are there any restrictions to the above powers? Why? Because Polymorphined Assassins with Terminator armor, Displacer fields and Storm Shields suck!
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