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Brash Hero C Peck Bribery U Hobbs Chacing the Wind R Maher The Coward's Way U Biondolillo Crushing Attack U Maher Delicate Calculations C Wackwitz Disharmony C Lancaster Diversionary Tactics C Hobbs Enlightenment C Maxwell Family Loyalty R Vick Fearful Populace U Sirac The Final Breath C Hudson The First Shout C Leonard Fu Leng's Steeds U Maddocks Hazardous Ground C Hobbs Higher Ground C O'Connor Kolat Saboteur R Maher Moving the Shadow C Maher Nemesis U Peck Ninjn Kidnapper U Grabski Passing on the Soul U Cadice The People's Expense C Wald Reserve Movement U Wackwitz & Daily Ride Until Dawn R Wackwitz Scorn C Anderson The Second Shout C Trowbridge Spoils of War R Wackwitz & Daily Strike with No-Thought U Maxwell The Third Shout U Maher Those Who stand Alone C Cadice The Tides of Battle R Garcin Unfettered Attack U Trowbridge Virtues of Command U Gallegos Your Life Is Mine R Trowbridge Events
An Untold Cost R Wackwitz & Daily Dealing With Shadows U Raabe Dragon Sword is Broken U Wackwitz Imperial Funeral U Sirac Not this Day! U O'Connor Pearl of Wisdom R Lancaster The Price of War U Vick Seize the Day R Hudson Strength of the Earth U Shanteau Holdings
Bandit Hideout C O'Connor Battlements of Matsu Castle R O'Connor Black Market C Leonard Bushi Dojo C Biondolillo The Gates of Hida Castle R Peck The Kakita Palisades R Anderson Merchant Caravan C Maher Ningyo C Vick The Shinjo Parade Grounds R Sirac The Togashi Bastion R Wackwitz & Daily The Towers of Isawa Casde R Biondolillo Items
Armor of Earth R Trowbridge Dripping Poison U Spencer The Emerald Armor R Snoddy The Eye of Shorihotsu U Shanteau Garrote U Grabski Gunsen of Water R Maher The Imperial Standard R Shakr Katana of Fire R Shakr Mempo of the Void R Leonard No-dachi C Trowbridge Personal Standard C Lancaster Yari of Air R Leonard Personalities
Akodo Godaigo (Un) R Alexander Asako Oyo (Ph) U Wackwitz Bayushi Baku (Sc) U Raabe Bayushi Shoju (Sc) R Spencer Bog Hng (Ua) CMaddocks Dairya (Ua) R Snoddy Dark Daughter of Fu Leng (Ua) R Everingham Doji Kuwanan (Cr) C Rasbe Fusaki (Ua) C Gallegos Ide Daikoku (Un) R Wald Ikoma Tsanuri (Li) U Wilson Ikoma Ujiaki (Li) R Kimble Isawa Natsune (Ph) C Anderson Isawa Uona (Ph) R Everingham Kaiu Kenru (Cb) C Anderson Kaiu Suman (Cb) U Wackwitz Kakita Fontku (Cr) U Shanteau Kakita Toshimoko (Cr) R Hoover Kemmei (Ua) C Hudson Kolat Whisperer (Ua)R Shuler Kuni Yori (Ua) R Maddocks Matsu Toshiro (Li) C Snoddy Mirurnoto Daini (Dr) R Gallegos Oni no Akeru (Ua) U Spencer Oni no Jirnen (Ua) U Wackwitz Oni no Kaze (Ua) U Sirac Oni no Mizu (Ua) U Hoover Oni no Seiryoku (Ua) U Tedin Oni no Taki-Bi (Ua) U Peck Qaruh (Ng) U Peck Ramuh (Ng) C Tedin Seikua (Ua) C Gallegos Shahadet (Ng) R Wilson Shinjo Mosaku (Un) U Kimble Shinjo Sadato (Un) C Behnke Togashi Mikoto (Dr) C Gallegos Togashi Rinjin (Dr) U Peck Tsuruchi (Un) C Spencer Yogo Asami (Sc) C Tedin Yogo Junzo (Un) R Wackwitz & Daily Regions
Crossroads C Lancaster The Doji Plains U Vick Farmlands C Bruton Flatlands C O'Connor The Isawa Woodlands U Bruton The Kaiu Walls U Biondolillo Kuni Wastelands R Grabski Mountdn Pnss C Trowbridge Plains of Otosan Uchi R Wald The Ruined Keep of Fu Leng R Kimble Swamplands C Lancaster Spells
Black Wind From The South R Wackwitz & Daily Calling the Elements C Behnke Courage of the Seven Thunders U Hudson The Elements' Fury U Cadice The Fires That Cleanse U Hudson The Iron Citadel * R Biondolillo Jadestrike C Biondolillo The Path to Inner Peace C Maher Purity of the Seven Thunders R Hobbs Return of the Fallen Lord * R Spencer Reversal of Fortunes U Lancaster Sharing the Strength of Many C Hobbs Strike at the Roots C Bruton Walking Horror of Fu Leng * R Wilson The Wasting Disease * R Spencer Wheel of Fate U Hudson Whispering Winds C Lancaster Wind-Borne Slumbers U Biondolillo Followers
Kotaro R Hudson Lesser Oni C Trowbridge Mantis Budeka U Grabski Mantis Samurai U Peck Ogre Warriors R Peck Pikemen C Biondolillo Shield Wall U Garcia Key
U: Uncommon R: Rare Cb = Crab Cn = Crane Dr = Dragon Li = Lion Ph = Phoenix Sc = Scorpion Un = Unicorn Ua = Unaligned * = Black scroll Back to Imperial Herald Vol. 1 #3 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |