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Purple HazeUnicorn At first it is only a gentle rumble, moving slowly towards you from the hills along the horizonSo soothing is the sound, that you step forward over the hillside to look and see until its too late and you are crushed and trampled under the hooves of the Purple Lovin' Pony People! This deck is what you would call a geometric deck. Everything builds off of each other until you have such a large army that you will in variably smash anything that tries to stop you. Its fast and deadly, and is strong in both the early and late game. The Fate deck is perfectly suited to handle anything you could possibly come up against. One of the unique differences about this deck though is that it is just as strong when attacking as infantry as it is when attack as cavalry. Purple Haze: Unicorn Deck
3 Shinjo Rojin 3 Otaku Kamoko 1 Shiryo no Shinjo 3 Shinjo Goshi 1 Shinjo Yokatsu (inexp) Holdings
3 Jade Works 3 Merchant Caravans 1 Prayer Shrine 1 Inheritance 1 In Time of War 1 The 12th Black Scroll 1 Doom of the Dark Lord 1 Return of Fu Leng Fate
3 Bad Kharma 3 Sneak Attack 3 Block Supply Lines 3 Rallying Cry 1 Call to Arms 3 Deadly Ground 3 Superior Tactics 2 Fires of Retribution 1 Battlefield of Shallow Graves 1 Egg of Pan Ku 1 Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn 1 Ancestral Sword of the Unicorn Bowed, Controlled, Dead, or DiscardedScorpion This deck will bow opposing personalities from the the get go so that they never have enough force to take a province. Aramoro's sole job in life is to remove personalities before they can enter play. The Shapeshifters allow you to copy either the Asami's ability or Aramoro's. You use the Call to Arms when they do announce an attack, to use your Yogo Asamis to bow the the guys you couldn't bow in their action phase. Goshiu and Kachiko are there to control your honor loss and kill off opposing personalities. Once your opponent's dynasty deck has been depleted have your shapeshifters assume the largest force and start taking provinces. The fate deck does its share of controlling as well. With some help from your friendly neighborhood Kolat, you will have even the toughest personalities begging for mercy. The rest of the deck will allow you and your personalities to stay alive long enough to allow you to control the game. Beware of those pesky honor decks, but you can tune this deck to your play style. I really don't play against honor decks except in tournaments. Bowed, Controlled, Dead, or Discarded: Scorpion Deck (The Shadow Stronghold)
3 Bayushi Tangen 1 Balrushi Kachiko 3 Yogo Asami 3 Ninja Shapeshifters 1 Exp. Bayushi Goshiu 3 Jade Works 3 Geisha House 3 Corr. Geisha House 2 Ninja Stronghold 1 As the Shadow Falls 1 Emperor's Peace 1 Inheritance 1 The First Scroll is Opened 1 Doom of the Dark Lord 1 In Time of War Fate
1 Egg of Pan Ku 1 Test of Honor 3 Refugees 1 The 12th Black Scroll 3 Entrapping Terrain 3 Kolat Master 3 Block Supply Lines 3 Bad Kharma 3 Feign Death 3 Call to Arms 3 Kolat Assassin 1 The Broken Sword of the Scorpion The Ancient Halls of the AkodoLion This Lion deck is a reactive deck as oposed to a deck that attacks as often as possible. It capitalizes on its tiny numbers that get bigger with the attack and the followers. Cards like Fires of Retribution are in there to handle the spells like Wasting Disease that never seem to go away. Lies, Lies, Lies are in the deck for those pesky dishonorable people out there, and Narrow Ground, because you will most likely outnumber them. And of course Suspended Terrain. Who wouldn't want another Peasant Revolt in a deck like this? All but three cards comes out with your stronghold so the deck will move rather quickly, allowing you to start shelling out those followers. Your events will win you the game. None of your personalities are affected by the Reasant Revolt or the Levying. After your events go off you can capitalize on your opponents personalities being bowed to launch your offensive. The Ancient Halls of the Akodo: Lion Deck
3 Matsu Yojo 3 Kitsu Okura 2 Ikoma Kaoku 1 Ikoma Ujiaki 3 Jade Works 3 Copper Mine 2 Merchant Caravan 2 Prayer Shrine 2 Farmlands 1 In Time of War 1 Inheritance 1 Doom of the Dark Lord 1 Return of Fu Leng 1 Peasant Revolt 1 12th Black Scroll Fate
3 Lies, Lies, Lies 3 Rallying Cry 1 Counterattack 1 Imperial Levying 1 Entrapping Terrain 1 Call To Arms 1 Egg of Pan Ku 3 Narrow Ground 1 Ancestral Standard of the Lion 1 The Iron Citadel 2 Fires of Retribution 3 Block Supply Lines 3 Superior Tactics Who Turned out the Light?Junzo This Junzo deck is very strong and has won several tournaments. This de~ relies on big force, quickly, and cheaply. It never allows opponents to build, as it will almost always attaclc on the second ture and certainly attacks on the third. This deck will just continue to build and attack and smash that you will eventually crumble under the attacking force. Its use of Kappuksu's 1 personal honor to get around Ki Rin is the crowning touch. This is a lean mean, and deadly fighting machine. Who Turned Out the Lights: Junzo Deck
3 Moto Tsume 1 Moto Tsume (Exp) 1 Oni no Ogon 1 Oni no Akuma 1 Kappuksu 1 Moto Sada 3 Black Market 3 Corrupted Iron Mines 3 Corrupt Geisha House 1 Festering Pit of Fu Leng 1 Hidden Heart of Iuchiban 1 Severed From the Emperor 1 Inheritance 1 Imperial Funeral 1 Heavy Shadow of Fear 1 Doom of the Dark Lord 1 There is No Hope 1 Kuni Wastelands 1 Plains of Otosan Uchi Fate
2 Goblin Chuckers 2 Zombie Troops 3 Evil Portents 3 Test of Courage 3 Dark Lord's Favor 3 Avoid Fate 3 Refugees 2 Rallying Cry 2 Kolat Assassin 3 Feign Death 1 Explosives The Wing of the CraneCrane This Crane Honor Deck uses Shinsei's Shrines to gain honor quickly and steadily. The low number of personalities allows it to run with very little gold, leaving room for a plethora of events to shut down your opponent and accelerate your honor win. The Personalities work well together and when they die you gain more honor for it. The events will slow your opponent to a crawl, giving you time to build and gain honor. Your gold is very simple since you don't really need to spend very much at all. The deck tells opponents to stay away and should they not heed its warning they will be destroyed, dueled, or sent home. The Wing of Crane: Crane Deck Dynasty
3 Daidoji Uji 1 KiRin 3 Doji Reju 3 Shinsei Shrine 3 Market Place 3 Merchant Caravan 1 Inheritance 1 Imperial Gift 1 Imperial Levying 1 Emperor's Peace 1 Peasant Revolt 1 Light of the Sun Goddessv 1 Emergence of the Tortoise 1 A Soul of Thunder 1 Iris Festival 1 Chrysanthemum Festival 1 Retirement Fate
3 Block Supply Lines 3 Refugees 3 To Do What We Must 3 To the Last Man 3 Superior Tactics 3 Entrapping Terrain 3 Iaijutsu Duel 2 Arrival of the Emerald Champion 1 Ring of Earth 1 Shiryo no Asahina 1 His Most Favored 1 The 12th Black Scroll Back to Imperial Herald #9 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |