by Ree Soesbee, Kevin, and Frank Chafe
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Deep in the heart of the Shinomen forest, long before the time of humans and the Children of the Sun, the race of Naga thrived. Their cities were built within the sheltering boughs of the forests, and the Naga raised great magics in order to protect their cities and villages. Time passed, and the Naga grew in their understanding of natural magic, such as the power of pearls. The Naga were foes to the Darkness: a powerful evil that hunted the land unchecked, destroying all ceatures it could find. Terrible Oni-like creatures and shadows with no faces were their enemies, but the Naga fought back, conquering the Evil and sending it away. It is a time of Naga history known as "The First Burning of the Land." After the war, prophets and astrologers spoke of a time of Great Sleep, a period of Ages in which the Naga would rest, undisturbed, waiting to fight the Dark again, in a far-distant time called only "The Second Burning of the Land." It was accepted by their people as the duty to which their race had been born, and the Naga faced their Sleep with the peace and serenity of wisdom. When it came, the race of Naga vanished from the face of the land, their cities hidden with great spells prepared by their magicians, deep within the forest of Shinomen. For a thousand years and more, the Naga have slept. Their lands remain undiscovered, only the ruins of outlying cities exposed to mortal eye. They slept, and they waited, confident that when the Evil returned to the lands of the mortal world, they would be awakened to fight it again, as their duty demanded. To the humans who conquered Rokugan, the Naga were little more than a child's tale, an ancient and mythical race of unknown origin whose ruins occasionally dotted the Western lands. No more. Now, as the evil in the Shadowlands begins to awaken, and the days of the Scorpion Clan Coup draw ever closer, a few Naga have awakened. Their Scouts, ever prepared to clear the way for their people, rise from the Great Sleep to find a world that has been shattered by change, turned from the peaceful forests and rolling hills they once knew into a civilized land, covered in sprawling cities and towering palaces. A people whose language was foreign and harsh-sounding leveled their shining katana toward your face, calling you hideous names, or worse yet - fell before you, huddled and aouching, as though you were gods. And, somewhere within all the astonishing change, the strange and terrifying world into which these simple Scouts have awakened, something terrible lies in wait. The Evil is returning...The Second Burning of the Land awaits. Cultural Overview There are five different 'types' of Naga or bloodlines of the race. Naga are born from eggs, hardened in saaed eggcoves, from the nest of their mother and father's bloodline. Naga eggcoves are tended by all members of the bloodline, and often, the duty to protect these coves is given to Naga warriors just past their ascension to adulthood. The duty is never a tedious one, nor one without respect, for while a group of young Naga are defending the eggcove (however ritualized it may be), the rest of the bloodline brings them food and weapons, making sure they are rested and able to carry out their duties. Because all eggs from a given bloodline, (or all eggs in general, in smaller Naga habitations) are kept in one cove, a Naga might never know who their parents are. This is not a difficulty for the Naga, who consider all children to be part of the village, and therefore a piece of all Naga In certain cases, a Naga might be aware of his biological parentage, but it would be uncivilized to claim any possession of a child. Despite this, a few Naga keep careful tabs on their sons and daughters, avoiding mention of heritage but maintaining pride in one's children. The Naga bloodlines are rather like the families in traditional Rokugani Clans. They dictate the size and basic physical abilities of a Naga and in some cases, they provide innate strengths and weaknesses. Some of these types include: Asp (the bruiser tactioans, warlords of the race), Constrictor (the duelists and masters of sheer strength), Greensnake (diplomats, intelligence gatherers and scouts), Chameleon (able to adapt to their surrounding, often woodsmen and hunters) and Cobra (mutated users of the Naga pearl magic) . Each of these bloodlines has a differing aptitude, similar to the Clan Families bonus to Strength, Willpower, etc The children of a Naga have their heritage dictated by the bloodline of their father and mother, and these distinctions do not mix in any way - the child of an Asp and a Greensnake is always either an Asp or a Greensnake, never a half-Asp character. While most Naga have a rather centauroid appearance, a human torso, head and arms on a long, serpentine tail. Some Naga look more serpentine, having mutated from the usual form. These mutations are more common in Naga shugenja, partioularly the Cobra bloodline, whose eggs are placed near magical pearls while they gestate. ln fact, some members of the Cobra whose mutations are partia~larly severe do not have a humanoid aspect to their heads and chests. These Naga instead have scaled torsos and slitted eyes, strange, snake-like faces, scaled hoods at the back of their necks and shoulders, and other mutations. To the Naga, these mutations cause the Cobra to be somewhat repulsive and distinctive, but the Cobra bear their mutations with honor and pride. Once in a generatio4 a true Abomination is born - a Naga whose appearance is so abhorrent to the Naga that they are forced to shun the child. Most of these Abominations die out rapidly, and all are born sterile, due to their mutations. In many cases, severely mutated children are left in the forest after birt'4 shunned by the race. The Naga will not raise a hand against their own kind, and so instead of killing the child, they give them a slim chance to live on their own. The dangers of the forest slay many of these mutated childre4 but the few who survive to adulthood can earn their place and rejoin the Naga Naming Practices Naga go through many names in their lifetimes: first, their childhood name, then their adult name, and lastly, a list of names of their profession. After choosing a professio4 a Naga is rarely known by any name other than their job. A typical Naga might be known as "Shallish" as a child, then pass their Naming ceremony and become an adult, choosing the name "Marisa" and then go into the scout profession. The name for a minor Naga scout, assigned to the southern Shinomen forest might be "Ashaphra" and then they might be promoted from the Ashaphra through Shazaar, to Isha Wshew! A Naga is always referred to by the name they currently attained. This means that a Naga might be called the Ashaphra, even by their childhood friends (who knew them as Shallish), but as soon as they are promoted to Isha they are referred to by that name. In the event of two Ashaphra (two characters with the same profession), they would be differentiated by using their professional name, and their adult name: Ashaphra Marisa and Ashaphra Qazach. Physical Characteristics A Naga's tail is usually from 10-20 feet long, depending on their bloodline - Constrictors, for example, are larger and more weighty than most other bloodlines, while Greensnakes tend to be smaller and more agile. For each foot of overall length of the Naga, their approximate weight is 25 pounds per foot of length, including the torso. Thus, a 15 foot long Naga (a typical size) would weigh approximately 375 pounds. If a Naga is 10 feet long, this means the body/torso of the Naga stands 4 feet high, with a 6 foot 'tail' along the ground (a rather small specimen), while a 20 foot Naga would stand 6 feet high with a 14 foot tall along the ground Naga can rear to a greater height (up to half their total length) with preparation (coiling), but they cannot walk or travel while coiled and rearing. A Naga's movement, consists of sliding, both coiling and flexing their tail muscles, at the same pace and endurance as a typical human can walk, but difficult terrain means less to the tremendous tail of a Naga, as does water. Naga can travel at normal human pace over any terrain. They do, however, leave a very discernible trail unless trained to cover their path. The race have an equivalent to the Rokagani gempuku ceremonies, a ritual shedding of skin performed when the young Naga is prepared to enter the adult world and take their first name. At the same ceremony, Naga are inducted into society and are exposed to an elaborate spell woven with pearl and jade. This ritual makes them forever immune to the Shadowlands Taint, known to the Naga as the Dark Gift. The civilization of the Naga is unchanging, a static environment which has evolved only minimally even in the hundreds of years before the Great Sleep. Their civilization is caste based, defined by bloodline but not limiting the social advances a Naga can achieve (A simple Scout can become the Dashmar, for example, but a Greensnake will never evolve into a Cobra.) Because of this, the Rokugani culture is inscrutable to the Naga - particularly those who have just awakened, meaning all Naga characters played before the Scorpion Clan Coup. Naga are not used to adapting their beliefs, particularly when the beliefs of others seem to be nonsensical. Thus, a Naga will always be at +10 TN to all etiquette, courtier or social skills dealing with the Rokagani people. All Naga make horses nervous - the smell of serpents causes them to panic, forgetting their training and skittering sideways, or even charging away from the Naga. Because of this, controlling horses in the presence of a Naga - whether in 'human' form or not - requires constant attention. Female Naga Playing a female Naga can be an interesting experience, and a unique role-playing opportunity. Only female Naga have the ability to alter their physical form, exchanging their tails for humanesque legs. This ability occurs at the onset of puberty, and females can begin using their legs almost immediately. However, constant use of legs means that they are not as good as other Naga with the use of their tail - which becomes somewhat stunted through disuse, and may be shorter than a typical Naga of their size. If this is the case, the GM should feel free to penalize the female with leverage, movement, or other difficulties. Also, female Naga must study their skills twice, learning how to use their bodies with and without the leverage provided by their tail. Because the female Naga must learn the skills in both legged and tailed form, it costs twice as much to purchase and raise her physical skills during character generation. In addition, it will cost 2 experience points, instead of one, when the Naga buys a new physical skill during game play. During the game the cost of raising her ability, after the initial purchase, is the same as any other character. Only the purchase cost is raised. In order to exchange her tail for legs or reverse the process the Naga must spend 5 hours in meditation. She may attempt to shorten this time by making an Agility + Akasha skill check with a TN of 1Q Every raise will reduce the time needed by 1/2 hour, with a minimum of one hour. In Rokugan, just before the start of the Scorpion Clan Coup, there were few Naga awake in the lands. Those who had awakened knew only that they were alone in a strange new world, a world whose mountains remained familiar, but the people on the face of the land were hostile and strange. Naga interactions with humans were difficult because of language and culture barriers, and Naga were often mistaken for kami, or even Oni. Reactions vary, from abject terror to devoted worship, and everything in between. Even after the Clan Wars, Naga are isolated from society, and only through the aid of Mirumoto Daini have the Naga begun to understand the bizarre behavior of their human comrades. A beginning Naga character at the time of the Scorpion Clan Coup could have many reasons for joining a human party. Certainly, discovering all they could about this new race in order to pass it along to the rest of their people, would be of priority to the first Scouts. Secondly, Naga are a tightly integrated society - one whose worst penalty is to be cast out of the culture, to walk alone. The first Naga Scouts may realize that if they have awakened, so too must other Naga Yet, in their hearts, they know that they are alone, and that loneliness could drive them to seek companionship with the odd humanoid inhabitants of Rokugan. High Skills Lore: Pearl Magic One difficulty that all awakening Naga face is learning the language of the humans Humans chitter, where Naga hiss. Humans chirp, where the more civilized tongue uses long syllables and open vowel sounds. With a knowledge of 1 in the Rokugani tongue, a Naga can converse with humans in simple words and phrases. [Where are the horses?] With a knowledge of 3, the Naga is considered fluent in the language of humans, and can converse freely. (Excuse me, honorable Kakita-sama, but where are the stables located.?"). At 5, a Naga has mastered the language to a great extent and is capable of showing off his study and huge vocabulary, "Excuse my interruption, oh exquisite maiden of the lineage of the Kakita daimyos, but I am in turmoil over the disputable loss of my equine. Could you, with all eloquence, assist me in locating the magistrate?") All characters are assumed to have a mastery of 3 in their native tongue, but this skill does not add to their insight Naga Language Naga do not begin with the skill to speak the Rokugani language, and must learn the language of humans. All Naga can speak the Naga language, a combination of sibilant sounds and long, meaningful pauses coupled with soft motions of the face. lt is extremely difficult for humans to learn. Akasha This skill is equivalent to the human skill Shintao, and reflects the Naga's dedication to duty and the tenets of their race. Naga who take this skill are extremely loyal to the Naga race, and pursue their life knowing that they are a small part of a greater whole. Further, only Naga with a Rank 3 Akasha skill can have Traits higher than 5. This skill reflects their knowledge of the guiding tenets of the Naga race. Busei Skills Conceal This skill can only be used in a natural environment, such as forests, mountains, or underwater. It allows the Naga to move silently and without being seen, you may also hide your trail with this skill. Raises can be used to raise the TN to be detected or you may use a raise to conceal an extra characters tracks (this takes much more time). Only Naga can learn this skill Pearl Kyujutsu Some Naga are raised in the Cobra pearl bed egg-pits, but do not become shugenja Many of these retain a slight bit of magical prowess, enough to perform rudimentary attacks with the power of a pearl. A Naga with this skill can destroy a pearl to do a lkl die ranged attack at up to 50 feet (2k2 against Shadowlands Tainted creatures). Resolve this like an archery attack (with Agility instead of Reflexes) except strength does not affect the potency of this attack. Only one pearl can be used for such an attack per action. Only Naga can learn this skill. Banned Skills: All Low Skills, Horsemanship, Courtier, Heraldry, Sincerity & Tea Ceremony. The following advantages and disadvantages may only be purchased by Naga Advantages: Amphibious (3) The amphibious advantage means they can stay underwater for a maximum of one hour per earth rank, without breathing. A Naga with this advantage does have small gills on their neck or upper torso. Immune to Fear (2) Naga are naturally aware of the Shadowlands, and have much knowledge of the creatures within. With this advantage, the Naga has enough knowledge of the Shadowlands to resist their fearful presence and is no longer affected by fear effects. Disadvantages: Watersnake (5) This Naga is less able to survive above water than most of his kin. He must return to the water every 24 hours, or be completely immersed in water, such as a cool bath, for at least an hour per day (He is +5 to all TN for each day he fails to do so). Mutation (2 points per rank) Some Naga are born with minimal mutations in their bloodstream possibly caused by their parent's exposure to pearl magics, or the pearls used in the egg-pits. These mutations range from mild facial and torso elongation, scales on their faces or hands, and human- colored, or albino skin to more severe forms of mutation, including serpentine eyes, fms, or useless gills, or webbed hands. For each rank in this disadvantage, the Naga must have some easily discernible trait of their mutation, and only 6 points may be spent on this disadvantage. If a Naga has a rank 3 mutation, as well, they are sterilized with powerful magic by their clan, so that their mutations will not further taint the race. The Naga are not kindly disposed to children born wit} mutations, and tend to treat them poorly. This means the more heavily a Naga is mutated, the more his own people will tend to shun or ignore him. Because, to the Nag4 unity of race is more important than an individual's own self being shunned by a Naga's people is one of the worst things a Naga can endure. Consider this to be the equivalent of the "Social Disadvantage" in the basic rulebook, and Naga cannot take that disadvantage. The NagaThe Naga Scout is led by the Isha, the recognized authority among the Scouts. Other scouts may attain this title through hard work, devotion and faithfulness to the duty of their profession. Some of the other titles in Scout craft include the Shazaar and the Shalasha, both titles of respect, associated with leadership. A Shalasha might be the leader of a small troop of Naga Scouts, while the Shazaar would lead a troup of diplomatic scouts, trained to interact with other races and cities. The BloodlinesTwo bloodlines are commonly called into the duty of the Naga Scout, preferring to serve their people through woods lore and exploration. The Greensnake and the Chameleon are both appropriate for a Naga player character. Note that Naga cannot learn any of the other schools of Rokugan: shugenja, samurai or otherwise. Further, Naga do not adhere to the Code of Bushido, and therefore have no concept of honor. They do have a very dedicated ideal of duty - duty to their race, their home, and their people. Greensnake: The Greensnakes are the small diplomatic bloodline within the Naga civilization. They are often chosen to be scouts because of their ability to negotiate and understand strangers, and frequently have abilities which reflect this. The Dashmar, the sleeping Naga Venerable Lord, is almost always a Greensnake. Greensnakes are the smallest of the Naga, ranging from only 10-15 feet in total length, and have a slender physique. Benefit +1 Intelligence. Chameleon: The Chameleon are another bloodline of Naga which are commonly scouts, as their ability to hide and remain seen is well known throughout the Naga civilization. Chameleon Naga are slightly longer than Greensnakes, ranging from 13-17 feet in total length, and their bodies are bulkier in proportion. Chameleon can alter their body's coloring to an extent, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. Benefit 2 free raises when using (Stealth) skills. They lose this benefit if they take a mutation that affects skin color. NagaScent Outfit(The bow is Fine Quality, everything else is average)
The Naga ScoutBeneflt +1 Perception.
Skill Archery (2) (Based on Agility rather than Reflexes), Hunting, Conceal, Akasha, any two High or Bugei skills. Techniques: Rank 1: The Naga's gift At this rank, the Naga scout has gained enough acuity of vision that they can see well in the dark, even to the extent of making out the faint presence of individuals in almost pitch darkness. The Naga scout has trained their sensitive eyes to see a broader spectrum of light than human eyes are able to, and they can register an individual's presence even in the faintest of starlight. A long as any degree of light is ambient, can see as clearly as daylight. Rank 2: Know your Enemy At this rank, the Naga can sense the impurity of the Shadowland Taint within a creature or item. Successful perception check, the Naga can sense how tainted and whether the taint is innate or gathered through use of maho or other dark means. Her aura of awareness is equal to 10 feet times the Naga's school rank but the Naga must see the individual or item in quest/on. Rank 3: Blackened Sky This rank, the scout may make two attacks per round with their weapons. The arrows are launched one after another, and this is handled by the combat system in the same manner as abushi making kenjutsu attacks per round. Rank 4: Strength of the Soul At this rank the naga scout has so conquered his body's weaknesses that he can resist sleep for a number of days equal to their earth ring plus their school rank. They are not wearied by this action, but may not perform it again until they spent a number of days with a normal sleep routine equal to the amount of time spent withour sleep. Rank 5: Wisdom the Wind Brings T this rank the Scout's perception is so heightened that they are aware of all life nearby. A Scout at this level can concentrate slightly (still able to move and talk while doing so) and discover all forms of life within a range equal to ten times (School Rank + Perception) in yards. The Scout may follow their movements, aim arrows at them, attempt to discover their identities on general terms, such as goblins, humans, other Naga. The Naga can use this ability even if there are trees, stone walls, or other barriers in the way. However, a Scout may only successfully fire an arrow at their target if there is a low chance of actually hitting -- through leaves, rice paper or brush, for example, would be fine, while through a stone wall would not. If the Scout uses this ability to fire at an opponent without seeing, do not receive any penalty for this attack. Back to Imperial Herald #9 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |