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UnicornThe Persistent Hooves of Otaka Tight but flexible, this deck can take both the military path and the honor path to victory. The concept here is pretty self-explanatory. Designed for multi-player play, this deck can go the distance. Cards like the Master Smith and his distant Lion relative Ikoma Kaoku allow this deck to keep growing as the game chugs on into the wee hours of the night. The zero-cost holdings provide a quick beginning so you can get the battle maidens into gear, allying with other players. You need to get to five Honor relatively quickly so that so that you can get the Historian into play. Cards like Blocked Supply Lines and Entrapping Terrain keep your moderately defended provinces in the game while cards like Rallying Cry and Call to Arms rarely leave you undefended. The Armor of Sun-Tao allows you to always have a Deadly Ground on hand as well as an "Entrapping Terrain" for those times that you need them. Keep a steady accumulation of honor and do not jump too far ahead until you can supply yourself with an adequate defense. Remember: the best place is second place but do not get too comfortable there or your claim to the throne could be lost. This requires great concentration. Unicorn: The Persistent Hooves of Otaku by James Nowak Fate Deck
2 Deadly Ground 2 Entrapping Terrain 3 Rallying Cry 3 Superior Tactics 2 Call to Arms Egg of Pan Ku 3 Stand Against the Waves 2 Scout Shiryo no Shinjo Ancestral Sword of the Unicorn Armor of the Earth Armor of Sun Tao 2 Walking the Way 2 Fires from Within 2 Touch of Death Ring of Earth Dynasty Deck
2 Merchant Caravan 3 Small Farm 3 Stable 3 Diamond Mine 3 Sanctified Temple 2 Master Smith 2 Doji Plains Naming the True Evil Iris Festival 3 Otaku Kamoko Otaku Kamoko (exp) 3 Shinjo Rojin 3 Iuchi Daiyu 3 Otaku Baiken 3 Ikoma Kaoku 3 Shinjo Yasomara CrabThe Right Claw of the Crab This deck is strictly a military monster and anything but little. The premise "Me big, you small, Me crush small You". Every personality in the deck has a force of at least five when entering play. The exception is Soshi Bantaro, who is there to defend all of your big bad boys from those spells that send them home. Also note the use of Kyoso no Oni Using her Ranged 7 Attack. She can neutralize almost any incoming or defending units that can give your "boys" a run for their money. Sneak Attack with Deadly Ground puts an end to the battle real quick as does Crushing Attack. Traversable Terrain and Superior Tactics can move your "boys" in and Confusion at Court keeps them there. Finally, if an honorable deck is giving you "the business" with his annoying personalities then simply Kolat Instigator them. Beware your current honor and stay aggressive but know when to hold back. Think ahead and pay attention to your opposition's force. Crab by James Nowak Fate Deck
3 Night Battle 3 Traversable Terrain 3 Oath of Fealty 3 Superior Tactics 3 Sneak Attacks 3 Evil Portents 3 Kolat Instigator 3 Confusion at Court 2 Crushing Attack Ancestral Sword of the Crab Egg of Pan Ku Dynasty Deck
There is No Hope Return of Fu Leng The Darkest Day Kuni Wastelands 3 Jade Works 3 Corrupted Iron Mines 3 Iron Mines 2 Small Farms Merchant Caravan Festering Pit of Fu Leng 2 Hida Yakamo (oni) Hida Yakamo (exp. oni) 2 Kyoso no Oni Soshi Bantaro 3 Ogre Bushi 3 Ogre Outlaw Oni no Akuma Kuni Yori (exp.) Toturi's Army: The Tactical Eye of Toturi by David Surette Fate Deck
3 Breach of Etiquette Dynasty Deck
3 Togashi Tokei 3 Morito Tokei Toturi Toku Takuaan Mikio Hida Sukune (exp.) 3 Base Camp 3 Jade Works 3 Black Markets 2 Merchant Caravans Iris Festival Inheritance Return of Fu Leng Are You With Me Desperate Measures Yogo Junzo's ArmyThe Momentum of Evil Cards like There Is No Hope (to prevent the Iris Festival) and Severed From the Emperor (to prevent the use of the Imperial Favor) are a must for Yogo Junzo's Army. The Goblin Shaman and Kuni Yori channel Sympathetic Energies, to move plague tokens, and Walking the Way to get that Avoid Fate early in the game, or Deadly Ground to end the battle with no funny stuff for that last province). Get a first--round personality into play - you have six - then next turn equip them with followers and send them out. Cripple your opponent early, and rarely sit by and pass. Save your Ambushes for those personalities that really cramp your style. Finally remember that you can Utterly Defeat an ogre or oni that bites the dust. Give this much thought. Yogo Junzo's Army: The Momentum of Evil by David Surette Fate Deck
2 Ogre Warriors 3 Ikiryo Ring of Void 2 Sympathetic Energies Walking the Way 3 Evil Portents 3 Ambush 2 Confusion at Court Superior Tactics Avoid Fate 3 Rallying Cry 2 Refugees Block Supply Lines Utter Defeat Deadly Ground Dynasty Deck
There is No Hope Severed from the Emperor Plains of Otosan Uchi Kuni Wastelands The Festering Pit of Fu Leng Dark Oracle of Earth Dark Oracle of Water Merchant Caravan 3 Black Market 3 Corrupted Silver Mines 3 Corrupted Iron Mines Goblin Shaman Kuni Yori (exp.) Shuten Doji Oni no Akuma Oni no Ogon (the zero cost one) 3 Ogre Outlaw 3 Moto Tsume Moto Tsume (exp.) PhoenixIn Defense of Honor This deck runs for the 40 honor mark, and tries to avoid the onslaught of attacks that usually follow once you hit 40. The defensive system is a simple concept but a complicated undertaking The deck contains the possibility of having a total of nine provinces via Annexation, Chrysanthemum Festival and three Hidden Fortresses. The deck also attempts to make the provinces bigger by using Strength of the Earth and Castle of Water. If Dashmar comes up early let him sit until the dynasty phase of the turn in which you hit forty honor. Protect against attacks on Dashmar's province by using Benevolent Protection of Shinsei. Using Tomo to move attackers to different provinces (like the Hidden Fortress) is another possibility of this deck. Price of War is added to slow down the attrition race. Use the special ability on your Stronghold to ignore the cost. Use Political Descent to prevent players from ganging up on you in your final round. One of the key elements of this deck is to cycle through your fate deck by using the Ring of Void and the Imperial Favor. Get that Twist of Fate and be ready for Dashmar to show his scaled face in a province. These matters should be given great consideration. Phoenix: In Defense of Honor by Rick Bligh Fate Deck
Egg of Pan Ku 3 Encircled Terrain 3 Political Dissent Superior Tactics Twist of Fate 2 Spirit Guide 3 Minor Shugenja Ancestral Sword of Phoenix Hammer of Earth Ring of Earth Ring of Void 3 Benevolent Protection of Shinsei 3 Castle of Water Iron Citadel 3 Walking the Way Dynasty Deck
3 Agasha Koishi Dashmar 3 Isawa Tadaka 3 Isawa Tomo 3 Isawa Uona Kitsu Toju 3 Toku Mountain Pass Chrysanthemum Festival Inheritance Strength of the Earth Price of War 3 A Hidden Fortress 3 Dance Troupe Diamond Mine Go Master 3 Jade Works 2 School of Wizardry 3 Sliver Mine 3 Small Farm 3 Trading Ground 3 Agasha Koishi Dashmar 3 Isawa Tadaka 3 Isawa Tomo 3 Isawa Uona Kitsu Toju 3 Toku Mountain Pass CraneThe Iron Crane This is a Crane that takes a secure stance at the edge of the playing table and slowly gains honor. When others begin attacking, it comes to life. This deck neutralizes attacks and then, when the opponents defenses are lowered, it goes in to do some damage, claiming the honor from those victorious battles. The military strength is in the fate deck. The Mantis Bushi neutralize big personalities while Iaijutsu Duels reduce opposing numbers. When things look bleak, whip out To Do What We Must. Losing one unit is better than losing them all. Attaching Shiryo no Doli to any Crane is perfectly fine but do it quickly. Get those Shouts voiced and the battle will be yours. Use the Imperial Gift to fetch your Imperial Standard or the Ancestral Sword of the Crane. For those final honor gains turn to Kitsu Toju and His Most Favored. This requires great thought. Crane: The Iron Crane by David Surette Fate Deck
Doji House Cuard Shiryo no Doji Ring of Void The Imperial Standard Ancestral Sword of the Crane His Most Favored Avoid Fate Superior Tactics Refugees 3 Iaijutsu Duel 3 Focus 3 To Do What We Must 3 The First Shout 3 The Second Shout 3 The Third Shout Dynasty Deck
Peasant Revolt Iris Festival Imperial Gift Evil Feeds Upon Itself 3 Market Places 3 Port 3 Jade Works 2 Merchant Caravan 3 Doji Yosai 3 Kakita Shijin 3 Kitsu Toju Doji Reju Earth Dragon 3 Daidoji Uji Daidoli Uji (exp.) UnicornSix Degrees of Otaku Baiken With this deck you want to go second and get A Gift of Honor in your opening hand. You will be sure to gain the three honor against almost everyone. Bring your personalities out for full price if you can; you'll want that honor. Spread followers and items around. This will lessen the effect of Occult Murders. Save His Most Favored until this event passes. Attack as soon as you can. When you make those attacks use Sneak Attack, Scouts and Isha to play Deadly Ground, Night Battles and Crushing Attack. When you have the numerical advantage or have a good amount of followers in play, use Narrow Ground to stick it to big personalities. Meditate on these thoughts. Unicorn: Six Degrees of Otaku Baiken by J.L. Robert Fate Deck
3 Test of Courage 3 Crushing Attack 3 Deadly Ground His Most Favored 3 Narrow Ground 3 Night Battle 3 One Koku 3 Rallying Cry Ring of the Void 3 Sneak Attack 3 Superior Tactics 3 Heavy Cavalry 3 Scout Shinjo House Guard Shiryo no Shinjo Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn Ancestral Standard of the Unicorn Ancestral Sword of the Unicorn 3 Personal Standard Dynasty Deck
Doom of the Dark Lord Imperial Gift Inheritance Iris Festival Occult Murders 3 Jade Works Master Smith 3 Merchant Caravan 3 Sanctified Temple 3 Stables Shinjo Riding Stables 3 Otaku Baiken 3 Otaku Kamoko Otaku Kamoko (exp.) Otaku Kamoko (exp. 2) 3 Shinjo Rojin 3 Shinjo Sanetama Isha (exp.) 2 Jade Dragon Back to Imperial Herald Issue #8 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |