by Ree Soesbee and Ed Bolme
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"They will rise, and the prize shall be theirs. But be warned; do not destroy what you cannot rebuild.' -Itako For a thousand years the Great Clans of Rokugan fought amongst themselves. At times the wars were small; at times they threatened to tear the Empire apart. Whichever the case, one military truth remained constant: the Great Clans were fond of sending the eager young samurai of the Minor Clans--ever willing to prove their worth-to die. The horrid cost this exacted from the smaller clans helped keep them weak. But in these tumultuous days, a leader has emerged from among the "lesser houses' His name is Yoritomo. Yoritomo, of the House of the Mantis, is one of the best-known warriors in the land. His brash, arrogant style revolves around peasant weapons rather than the honored weapons of the samurai. Many revile him for his low birth and scorn him for his aggressive nature, but they also fear him for his incredible strength and agility. He is a samurai of legend. In the early days of the Clan War, the Crane were hard-pressed by the advances of the Lion and the ravages of the False Hoturi. They turned to the Mantis Clan, paying large sums of gold for mercenary samurai troops to expend for Crane safety. Under Yoritomo's guidance, however, the Mantis did not hoard this gold, but spent it to hire ronin and units from other minor clans to bolster their ranks. As the Day of Thunder approached and the Empire mustered itself to battle the fiend that sat upon the Emerald Throne, Yoritomo stood before the doors of each of the Minor Clans in turn, shouting his message. "The Great Clans have forsaken you," he cried, holding his banner aloft. "We go to remind them that they cannot use us as pawns or as tools. Apart, we are nothing-streams in the wilderness. Together, we are the ocean's wave that they cannot overcome!" The Fox rallied swiftly to his side, weary of the Crane wars that blackened their lands. With the kitsune, traditionally the voice of the Minor Clans, came the loyalty and allegiance of other clans of the Triple Alliance. The Wasp and Sparrow stood beside the Fox, joining Yoritomo in his quest to stop the Great Clans of Rokugan from treating the Minor Clans as ashigaru. and gain the respect that they give each other: the respect of samurai. At the Day of Thunder, Yoritomo at last won his position. In the war council before the final assault of Fu Leng, he did not kneel, but only bowed. With the assembled Minor Clans firmly behind his leadership, he demanded from the assembled daimyos that they grant the Alliance status as a Great Clan. Should they deny his demand, the Minor Clans would attack the assembled armies to prove their willingness to die for their honor. In that tense moment, on that desperate battlefield, Crab Champion Hida Yakamo laughed in sincere appreciation for Yoritomo's daring, and, at last, the Minor Clans gained equal standing in the Empire. But some who marched under Yoritomo's banner now see more. They see a brave general, capable of demanding loyalty and organizing a mighty army out of the scraps of the once-minor clans. They see in the Mantis daimyo a new Emperor, and rumors fly of an assault on Otosan Uchi. Certainly Yoritomo and his Alliance have greater goals than the cessation of war, and if they must take their wages in blood, they will do it for their own voice, not at the demand of the Great Clans. Upon this much, they all agree. And still the Alliance's power grows. The Mantis successfully stormed Phoenix lands and hold Kyuden Asako. Yoritorno's son, an adopted Bayushi samurai named Aramasu, has loaned the Mantis a tremendous amount of power, stolen from the Scorpion while they were in exile. With that information and the knowledge of the secret roads of the Empire, Yoritomo and the Alliance have risen to become one of the post powerful clans in the Empire. And still, for Yoritomo, it is not enough. Yoritomo, arguably the most powerful military leader in Rokugan, is on the march. Having dealt with the duplicitous Scorpion, the Mantis have moved toward Phoenix lands while keeping an eye on the Crab. What is Yoritomo's goal? The meteoric rise of Yoritomo and his amalgamation of minor clans has led others to look beyond the old power structure. This is a time of change for Rokugan. Abandoned by most Kami, suffering through a month of darkness, governed by a possibly mad Emperor, the land cries for stability. Would a Shogunate be out of the question? Steve DiRusso and Eric Devlin Mantis One-on-OneDynasty Deck (45)Events (2)
1 Unexpected Allies Holdings (17)
3 Jade Works 3 Large Farm 3 Master Smith 1 Oracle of Earth 3 Ratliing Nest 3 Small Farm Personalities (23)
3 Ratling Conjuror 3 Ratling Scavenger 3 Ratling Thief 3 Rik'tic'tichec 1 Ropp'tch'tch 3 Tchickchuk 2 Tsuruchi 3 Yoritomo Furikae Fate Deck (48)Actions (25)
3 Contentious Terrain 3 Deadly Ground 2 Diversionary Tactics 2 Encircled Terrain 3 Rallying Cry 3 Ratling Hordes 3 Stand Against the Waves 2 Superior Tactics Elemental Ring (1) Ring of the Void Followers (21)
3 Ratling Pack 3 Ratling Scout 3 Ratling Conscripts 3 Tattered Ear Tribe 3 Ratling Archers 3 Ratling Bushi Sensei (1) 1 At'tok'tuk Sensei Mantis MultiplayerDynasty DeckEvents (4)
1 Inheritance 1 Imperial Gift 1 Iris Festival B>Holdings (24)
3 Port 3 Trading Post 3 Island Wharf 3 Small Farms 3 Pearl Divers 3 Merchant Caravans 3 Marketplace Personalities (51)
1 Yoritomo 1 Yoritomo Exp 3 Yoritomo Yukue 3 Yoritomo Denkyu 3 Yoritomo Kamoto 3 Yoritomo Furkae 3 Yoritomo Komuri 3 Yoritomo Kanbe 3 Yoritomo Takuni 3 Yoritomo Tsuyo 3 Tsurushi 1 Tsuruchi Exp 3 Mukani 3 Mukani Exp 3 Bayushi Aramoro 3 Hyobe 3 Hasagawa 2 Daikua Region (1) 1 Plains of Otosan Uchi Fate Deck (77)Actions (45),/B>
Followers (16)
3 Kobune Crew 3 mantis Samurai 3 Wasp Archers Items (15)
1 Ancestral Weapon of the Mantis Mantis Power and MobilityDynasty Deck (40)Events (4)
1 Assault on Otosan Uchi 1 Emergence of the Tortoise 1 Famine Holdings (16)
3 Island Wharf 3 Pearl Divers 3 Port 3 Shipyard 1 Trading Port Personalities (20)
2 Yoritomo Chujitsu 3 Yoritomo Nodoteki Yoritomo Takuni 1 Yoritomo 1 Yoritomo Exp 2 Mukami 3 Kitsuni Diro 3 Hyobe Fate Deck (40)Actions (19)
1 Confusion at Court 1 Crushing attack 2 Deadly Ground 1 Deploy Reserves 2 Encircling Terrain 2 Forward "March! 3 Mtns of the Phoenix 2 Ravine 2 Traversable Terrain 1 Wedge Elemental Ring (1): Ring of the Void Followers (11)
3 Mantis Bushi 2 Mantis Marine Troops 3 Sailors Items (5)
3 mantis Fleet 1 Yoritomos' Armor Kihos (3)
1 Spirit of Water, The Sensei (1): 1 Toturi Sensei This is a power and mobility deck. The multiple Ports in the deck provide Gold, mobility, and Force to your army. The Dynasty deck is pretty straightforward; the Fate deck contains the surprises. The Mantis Fleet combines nicely with the Ravine, allowing you the Cavalry mobility while still letting you use the card. The Kobune Crew allows you to play the Mountains of the Phoenix and then scoot away, leaving the enemy to blow up. Even better, have your Mantis Bushi bow your enemy's weak Personalities before you leave, so that when the Terrain resolves, he or she has to target a heavy-hitter. Rare and Fixed Cards Used Emergence of the Tortoise is a basic-set rare; it's in there to give you a free turn of attaching Followers and attacking. I think it's an undervalued card and should be cheap to buy. The Mantis Bushis are also rare but pretty important to the deck. They appeared in the Pearl Edition set, so you should find them easily. Yoritomo, his armor, adn the Battle Standard of the mantis are all there for Force Bonuses. They are not necessary. Any samurai willl do to replace Yoritomo, and Yoritomo Technique might be a good replacement for the Items. The Wedge is in there because I actually have one. The Torturi Sensei and Mantis marine Troops are rares from the Honor Bound and Ambition's Debt expansions, but as R2s, they should be easy to find. Variants Sad to say, but the deck starts to have difficulties as soon as you leave the Open environment. Neither Daikua, who is a Sneak Attack all by himself, nor Hyobe, who prevents you from bowing on the attack, is Jade-Ex legal. Sneak Attack and Rallying Cry could cover them, but that's space lost from your Fate deck. Are You with Me? and Emergence of` the Tortoise are not necessary, but they help out. Replace them as you wish. When playing Strict jade, you lose the Sailors and Trading Port. Elite Spearman can replace the Sailors, and the Path of Akodo can replace the Port, to get extra work out of that Kobune Crew. I already discussed replacing the Standard and Armor above. Yoritomo Technique can adequately cover Deploy Reserves. Chasing Osano-Wo can replace The Spirit of Water. And any power card, like Charge, can replace Wedge. Back to Imperial Herald #14 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1999 by Wizards of the Coast This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |