by Darryl R. Smith
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Whew! Where to begin? We've held Rally 'Round the Flag '95 (Yes, we did make money), elections are coming up, the membership continues to grow, and membership dues have been reduced! Not too bad considering that many gamers out there thought we were dead as HMGS chapter. Looks like this is just the beginning. Well, first things first. Rally '95 was held Columbus Day weekend at the O.S.U. Union, and from talking to the gamers there, it seemed to be a fairly successful convention. There are some things that we need to work on to improve the con, but considering that this is kind of our first convention (not holding Rally in 1994), 1 think all of the members can be satisfied with the results. What I'd like to do is to personally thank all of the members who ran games, worked at the admission desk, helped with organization, worked to help unload dealers, and who just showed up to play, but that would take up most of the newsletter. However there are a few who deserve to be mentioned. Phil Allar, who organized the games, I think did a fine job and will be forced to do it again next year! Brian O'Leary, who spent every waking moment producing forms, making copies, and running four games on his beautiful terrain. Matt Davidson, who helped unload dealers, ran two games, and painted the Confederate gunboat for the raffle. David Preuss, who lives in Cincinnati and came to the con on Saturday simply to help man the admission desk. David O'Leary, who seemed to be everywhere, helping at the desk, running errands, cleaning up. Scott Savory, who donated five mint boardgames to the raffle and ran two games. Craig Charron, whose 20mm WWII Russians were a great hit in the raffle, and who gave me the idea to hold the raffle in the first place. Ferkin Doyle, who made donations to the raffle, over $40.00 of Old Glory AWL figures. Bob Knecht, who also donated to the raffle. I know there are many who helped, but these gentlemen gave a little more of themselves to help make Rally a success. Thanks! For those of you who haven't heard by now, elections for the Board of Directors will be held in January 1996. This will be your best opportunity to express how you want the Great Lakes chapter to proceed for the next two years. I want to encourage each and every member to take a few moments and read through the bios in this issue and send in your ballot. If you truly want to make a change, vote! With a group this size every vote does count, don't allow a few others to make your decision for you. Often times we forget to thank the people behind the scenes who really make this group work. Last summer I received a call from a member who was concerned about the lack of direction the this chapter had at the time. We had just cancelled Rally '94 (which I found out through this member, no one on the BOD had bothered to tell me!), it seemed that the BOD had no reason to meet, there was no promised newsletter, nothing to make a member want to continue to be a member. Through the conversation with this member it was decided that something had to be done to spark some life into this organization. The member told me that they were willing to produce a newsletter, whether officially or not, just to let the members know that someone was thinking about them. Now one year and over a half a dozen newsletters later Great Lakes is finally becoming what it promised its members two years ago. All of us should make an effort to tell Brian how much we appreciate what he has done to jump-start Great Lakes, and more of us should make an effort to support Brian by submitting articles to The Herald. Thanks, again, Brian! No matter how the election turns out, I do want to express my thanks for having the opportunity to serve HMGS Great Lakes as first its president and later as a board member. Whoever is voted onto the new board I offer a few words of advice. First, do not let the momentum that we have gained slip away. The groundwork has been laid, with Rally '95 going off without any major hitches, with gamers starting to join outside of Ohio, with a successful newsletter. Secondly, remember that this is a historical miniatures gaming society, and we should continue to run this organization under our chapter's by-laws, and under the by-laws set down by the National board. If the effort is made to do more for the members, then Great Lakes will be an institution for years to come. If the effort is made to simply make money, then Great Lakes will wither because I believe the majority of the members joined to enhance their enjoyment of this hobby. Great Lakes News by Brian O'Leary Elections for the HMGS-Great Lakes Board of Directors are being held this month. The inside of the back cover of this issue is your election ballot. You may vote for up to seven candidates. To vote, place an "X" in the box next to the candidates of your choice and return the ballot to Charles Ash, P. O. Box 1401, Delaware, OH 43015. If you have any questions, call me at 614-363-9541. Membership renewal dues are due 12 months after your last dues were received. In this ever changing world of user-friendliness and Ferkin's willingness to steal good ideas from other chapters, you will find a box on the bottom of the front cover of the newsletter; if the box is marked, it is time to renew your membership. The renewal fee is $10. Anyone interested in running events at Gamedays in the near future, or with ideas about locations, please contact me at the return address on the back cover or call 614-363-9541. The Tin Soldier is now offering the 10% discount to members of HMGSGreat Lakes. The store is located in Centerville, see Friends of Great Lakes below. Back to The Herald 9 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1996 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |