by David K. van Hoose
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In this convention update, I need to cover two very important items. First is an urgent request for help from the membership of the chapter. Second is for Game Masters to get their events to me so that they can be scheduled. First, the urgent request. Earlier this year, I requested volunteers to step up and learn how to manage our flagship con, Advance The Colors. This request is now an urgent one for two members to step forward and manage ATC 2003. At the beginning of this year, I was Convention Director and Events Coordinator, as I have done in the previous three years. I hoped two members would step forward and become my assistants to learn the process. However, in April I took a new position with my company managing the deployment of the Navy and Marine Corps' new Internet to their remote sites. Because I am now traveling around the world about 80% of the time, it is impossible for me to continue in my roles of Convention Director and Event Coordinator. Darryl Smith stepped forward in April to take over as the Convention Director, Joe Cairo remaining Dealer Director and me Event Coordinator. In the past week, though, Darryl has switched jobs and now must bow out of filling the role of Convention Director. Plus, it has become very clear that I won't have the time required to perform all the duties of the Event Coordinator. Now, it is June, and time is running out for all the advance planning that goes into the convention. We need two people to fill the positions of ATC Convention Director and Event Coordinator. The Convention Director is the person who manages the whole convention. This includes all the planning with the convention site, getting information to the webmaster for updates, ensuring that events and dealers are scheduled. Also, the Convention Director will need to be onsite Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to make sure things go smoothly. I will assist the new Convention Director in any way that I can in answering questions and providing advice. However, I will not be able to attend ATC this year, so if we don't get a volunteer it will be very hard to put on the convention. Currently, I am still trying to work on scheduling events for ATC 03, but my time is getting very limited. Therefore, we need a replacement Event Coordinator to schedule events and put together the convention program. Again, I will assist the replacement coordinator, and until this person is found, I will do what I can to schedule events. Secondly, I am putting out a call for Game Masters. Your past support of HMGS Great Lakes has been greatly appreciated, and we invite you to host an event at ATC 2003. It will be Sept. 12-14 at the Holiday Inn, Springfield, OH. This is our third year at this location, and we already have dates confirmed for 2004. Please check out the Great Lakes web site ( for more information on ATC as convention time gets closer. As we are an historical miniature gaming organization, please only propose events related to our hobby. Historical periods include (but are not limited to): Biblical, Classical and other Ancients, Medieval, Renaissance, Seven Years War, French & Indian, American Revolution, Napoleonic, War of 1812, Mexican War, American Civil War, Crimean, Colonials, Spanish-American War, World War I and II, Korean War, Viet Nam and Modern conflicts. The current convention schedule is: Friday, Sept. 12
Saturday, Sept. 13
Sunday, Sept. 14
For hotel rooms contact the Holiday Inn Springfield, 383 E. Leffel Lane, Springfield, OH 45505, (937) 323-8631. Rates are $60 per night with 12% room tax. Reservations must be made by Aug. 15 to get the ATC rate, and you must call them directly and ask for it. I encourage you to make your reservations as soon as possible, because there are two major events in the area that weekend and the rooms fill up fast. We have blocked 25 rooms per night and will add more if they are needed (and if available). If you are interested in hosting an event, please complete the Game Master Proposal form and return it to by Aug. 1, 2003. I would like for eachµ M group or company planning on sponsoring an event to supply the Game Master with some kind prize (this can be anything, discounts, toys, etc.) or certificates for all the gamers at your table. Please folks, your chapter needs your help NOW. It is time to pull together as we have always done in the past. Volunteers for the positions of Convention Director and Event Coordinator should contact one of the Board Members as soon as possible. Game Master please submit your events to me so that I can prepare them to be turned over to my replacement. Game Master Event Proposal Form Advance the Colors `2003 will be held Sept. 12-14 at the Holiday Inn, Springfield, OH. If you are interested in running an event, please fill out the form below and return it to David K. van Hoose, 10518 Brookview Dr., Carmel, IN 46032. (317) 581-8840, or e-mail: Please return NO LATER THAN July 1, 2003 for inclusion in the August issue of The Herald and the ATC program. Name Great Lakes Mem # Address Event Sponsored By Name of Event Rules Used Published By Historical Period Number of Players Table Size needed (Highlight/circle): 6'x2.5' 6'x5' 6'x7.5' 6'x10' Experience Level: Please mark with an X No Experience needed
Day and Time (Events will start on the hour. Please make a first and second choice for each day that you wish to run the event).
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