by Henry Lubbers
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Characters may be assigned as part of a scenario or created randomly. To randomly create a character, roll a d10. The number generated goes in the first box on the Bravery line. Consult the chart below for the numbers to place in the remaining boxes.
1. The higher the Bravery number, the more brave the figure is and the more he can do in a turn. 2. The load box is the number of impulse points (or IPs) it takes to load a weapon. A bow takes 2 IPs, a pistol, musket or blunderbuss 6 IPs, and any mounted weapon or a rifle 10 IPs. 3. The hit boxes are filled in when the figure is shot or hurt during combat. When all hit boxes are gone (7th hit), the figure is dead. On the fourth hit, deductions are also made for the bravery and melee sections. 4. The melee boxes indicate the number of points added to the melee. As the figure accumulates hits, it becomes weaker and melee strength declines. 5. If a figure is mounted on a fresh horse, the controlling player may roll three six-sided dice to generate movement. Please note: If the riding figure wishes to perform any other action, the controlling player must deduct 1d6 from horse movement and use it to generate IPs to perform various actions. If a fresh horse has received two hits, the third hit will reduce it to Normal status. The controlling player may only roll 2d6. The fifth hit reduces a horse to Worn status. The controlling player rolls a single d6 for movement. A rider on a worn horse may either ride the horse OR perform actions -- not both. Draw Cards When a figure's card is drawn, roll a d6 and add the pips on the die to the figure's current Bravery factor. This total represents the figure's current IPs, which represent the figure's ability to take action in the turn. (A) If controlling several figures you may roll a d10 for your personal figure OR (B) an officer figure may roll a d10. IMPORTANT: Mounted figures do NOT add their bravery number when dicing for IPs. Instead, they use only one of the six-sided dice normally used for horse movement. When dismounted, they operate as normal. For example, a d6 roll of "3" plus a Bravery factor of "7" would give the player 10 IPs to use during the turn. A rider with a Normal horse wants to act and not merely ride. He rolls a d6 for horse movement and a d6 for IPs. Unused IPs may NOT be carried over from one turn to the next, unless they are being used to load a weapon. Officers may roll first and then give their IPs, or a portion of them, as a form of inspirational leadership to other figures under their command and that are within 12 inches during the course of the turn. Of course, any IPs given to other figures cannot be also used by the officer figure. Using IPs A. Movement
Guerrillas include woodsmen, Rangers, Spanish guerrillas, foot cossacks and the like.
B. Shooting 1. If the weapon is loaded, then the figure can fire at any acquired target. 2. Acquiring a target in the open or acquiring a target in cover that has fired a black powder weapon in the current turn is automatic. 3. Acquiring a target in cover requires a die roll to see if the figure has been spotted. Roll 1d10. A result of 8 or better (8,9,0) and the target is acquired and may be shot at. 4. Modifyers
+5 if the figure has paid IPs to aid spotting* -1 if figure started the turn in a startled state -2 if figure is a line trooper or mounted cavalry trooper -2 if figure started turn in a cowering state -4 if figure started turn in a prone position * By expending IPs, the player can increase his chances of acquiring a hidden figure by a +5 to the roll. To get this modifyer: -- Line Infantry or cavalry pay 4 IPs -- All others pay 2 IPs For example, a line infantryman in the woods tries to acquire his enemy. On a regular d10 roll, the figure would need to roll a perfect 10 to acquire his target (since 10 with a -2 modifier for being a line infantryman equals 8). By spending 4 IPs, the infantryman can now increase his chances to a die roll of S or better to acquire. A roll of 5 minus the line infantryman penalty of 2 equals 3. Add in the +5 he paid for with 4 IPs and the modified die roll is now 8, the number needed to acquire. C. Once the weapon is loaded and the target is acquired, the shooting may begin. Use the formulas below to calculate the percentage chance to hit. Bow, Pistol and Blunderbuss Formula:
Example: The target is 12" away: 25 - 12 = 13 X 2 = 26% or less chance to hit Smoothbore Musket Formula:
Example: The target is 22" away: 50 - 22 = 28 X 2 = 56% or less chance to hit. Rifle Formula:
For example, target is 12" away: 100 - 12 = 88% or less chance to hit. Mounted weapons move down to the next level, i.e., mounted rifles fire as smoothbores; smoothbores as pistols; pistols cut the percentage chance in half. If players wish to add throwing tomahawks and knives to the list, make the percentage chance to hit 25% or less while the range does exceed 12". D. At the time of firing, the figure may elect to modify any possible results from a hit by either AIMING or CAREFULLY AIMING. 1. Aiming costs 2 IPs and gives a +2 modifier on results if a hit is achieved. 2. Careful aiming costs 4 IPs and gives a +3 modifier if a hit is achieved. 3. The decision to aim or carefully aim MUST be made and announced before a formula solution is diced for. Results of Firing If the target was cavalry, pick to hit either the horse or rider if you aimed or carefully aimed. Otherwise, roll d6: 1-4 horse is hit, 5-6 rider is hit. If the target is hit. roll a d10 for the result. and modify it with the factors below:
+ 3 Carefully Aim + 3 Blunderbuss - 2 Target is brush/scrub - 3 Target in woods - 5 Target in buildings or behind works Results Table
11 Target receives 5 hits -- mark off on hits box 10 Target receives 4 hits -- mark off on hits box 9 Target receives 3 hits -- mark off on hits box 8 Target receives 2 hits -- mark off on hits box 7 Target receives 1 hit -- mark off on hits box 6 or less, roll again on the table below. Re-roll Table
4 Target is missed, but gets very angry and must use all his available IPs on his next turn to act in order to move towards the firing figure. Figure may fire if already loaded, but is not eligible for any bonuses. 5 Target is missed, but is sorely vexed and will use 1/2 of his IPs (rounding up) on his next chance to act in order to move the toward the firing figure. Figure may fire if already loaded, but is not eligible for any bonuses. 6 Target is missed, but startled. Loses 1/4 of his IPs recovering composure. Will suffer a -1 when trying to acquire target his next chance to act. 7 Target is missed, but cowers. Loses 1/2 of his IPs recovering composure. Will suffer a -2 when trying to acquire a target next chance to act. 8 Target is missed, but drops to the ground, prone. Loses all of his IPs recovering his composure and standing back up. Will suffer a -4 when trying to acquire a target in the next chance to act. 9. Figure will run away immediately a total number of inches equal to his IPs. Terrain penalties are ignored. If the figure has already acted in the current turn, then running will be the only thing he can do next turn. 10 Figure will run away immediately a total number of inches double his IPs. Terrain penalties are ignored. If the figure has already acted in the current turn, then running will be the only thing he can do next turn. Melee Any figure within 1" of an enemy may melee. Be warned: It is dangerous and highly unpredictable. Fat'h side rolls a d10 and modifies the die roll. Highest die roll wins. The loser deducts the difference between his total and the winner's and marks out that number of hit boxes. Modifiers
+/- current melee strength (ranges from +2 to -2) +/- Weapon modifiers below:
Roll again immediately to break ties, UNLESS:
Sample TurnAssume a woodsman (Guerrilla) with a bravery factor of 10 rolls a "6" on a d6 when it is his turn to act. This would give 16 IPs. He moves 12" in the woods at a cost of 6 IPs. He loads his smoothbore musket from scratch at a cost of 6 more IPs. He now has 4 IPs left. He pays 2 IPs to increase his chance to acquire Chief Otter Breath. He immediately pays 2 more IPs to aim his weapon. He rolls a d10 for acquisition. He adds a +5 to the die rolls. His natural roll was a "4, " and with the +5, he has acquired the chief. He now fires his smooth bore musket at the chief who is 12" away (50-12=38x2+ 76%). Our hero rolls a 67 and hits the chief. He rolls another d10 with a +2 for aiming BUT with a -3 for woods, or -1 overall. He rolls a 5, which is now a 4. He missed, but must roll again on the second table. The second roll is a "5, " which modifies to a 4. Cheif Otter Breath is angry at being shot by our hero. The chief must use all of his IPs to try and close with the woodsman when it is the chief's turn. The rules are simple and very easy to learn. Just remember that you can do whatever you have IPs to pay for. If you are loading over more than one turn, use a d6 to mark how many IPs are being carried over in the loading process. It keeps everyone honest. Card Sequencing For those unfamiliar with the use of cards, there are several ways to sequence the game. 1. Give a red card for every figure on a side and a black card for every opposing figure. Shuffle and draw. 2. Add or subtract cards from the correct number. This forces players to think more carefully about their actions. 3. Assign each figure a specific card so that figures must move at the specified time. 4. Allow officers the first move so that their IPs may inspire others when it is their turn to act. Back to The Herald 49 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |