by Mike Demana
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Here is a list of some of the gaming groups in the Great Lakes area. If you would like your club listed, send the particulars (days you meet, types of gaming, your group name and contact point) to The Herald. 13th Regiment Wargame Club This club of 20+ gamers is from southern Indiana and northwestern Kentucky. They meet Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and most Saturdays at 10 am at the Princeton Train and Hobby Depot, 116 N. Main St., Princeton, IN 47670. Contact Danny Mans at above address, or (812) 385-3119, or e-mail: Web site: 101st Alcove Irregulars This group disbanded for awhile, recently, but they are getting back together in February. If interested in joining on the Michigan area fun, contact James Covell, 715 S. Chocolay, Clawson, MI 48017. E-mail: Allegheny Irregulars If you live in the area from Pittsburgh to Youngstown, give these guys a call. They meet on the first and second Sundays of the month in Tom's detached, 3-car garage. Tom Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA 15202. (412) 761-8794, or e-mail: Greater Ann Arbor Area Mostly Historical Miniatures Gaming Group This group of University of Michigan students, staff and "regular people" meets Thursday evenings at members' homes, and once in awhile on Sunday. DBR, Big Battle DBA, and other stuff are popular. Contact Bob Beattie, 437 Lexington Dr., Saline, MI 48176. (734) 429-8521, or e-mail:, or Steve Roper at: Web site: Central Ohio Gamers Association (COGA) Meet 10 am - 11 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Whitehall Public Library. They host a variety of historical miniatures and boardgames. Dave Barr , 2961 Deep Wood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-4015. (614) 864-2044. Upcoming COGA Events:
March 9, noon "Pirates," 25mm miniatures (GM: Dave Barr). March 30 COGA Game Day at The Soldiery. June 8, 1 pm "Retake the Fort!" 25mm Bloody Colonials rules (GM: Eric Adamaszek). July 13, noon "Modern Micro-Armor" (GM: Bob Miller). July 13, 5 pm "Get the V-2!" World War II micro-armor (GM: Bob Miller). Aug. 10, noon "Les Grognards 1809," Austrians vs. French, Piquet rules. Sept. 14, noon "Mons 1914," World War I miniatures (GM: Dennis Roeder). Sept. 28 COGA Game Day at The Soldiery. Nov. 9, noon "Seven Years War," 15mm miniatures (GM: Lind Pratt). Dec. 14 "The Sword & The Flame," 25mm Colonials (GM: Lind Pratt). Chicagoland Wargamers Contact James L. Patterson, III, (773)534-7 305x116, or email: Colby Street Irregulars This group has been meeting for more than 16 years on Wednesdays, 7-11 pm, in the Toledo area. They game all periods and run events at Glass City Games, from time to time. Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or e-mail: Colby Street Update: "We are into the 'Convention Drive' to prepare for the upcoming Drums convention. Tim and Jim ran a French Foreign Legion battle Jan. 13 at Spartacon in Lansing,MI. An excellent time was had by both of us. The game ran well with 11 players (we had 13 but two left for food!). Several Dealers were talked to about making the journey to Toledo for Drums, many GameMasters were found to help fill this year's coming events and many, many friends were seen at our first trip to this very good and smooth running convention. We plan to return next year for sure! Doug and Roy are to run their B-B-Q Battle at Wintercon Jan. 26 in Michigan, also. More later on their return. In February, we plan to hit the local BashCon at the University of Toledo and make friendly with the area gamers who have not heard of historical miniatures. We have high hopes of sending the Johnson triplets to the Seven Years War Convention in South Bend, IN, in March. Also, we plan to attend the Battlefields - 2002 in Westland, MI, put on by the Pro or Con Group. We plan on having a button to run from the HMGS-GL Mainsite to our local Colby Page for expanded Convention coverage and highlight our ongoing projects throughtout the year. Convention pictures, club game news,members tips,convention trips, etc. Locally, we are doing monthly Drums Planning Sessions and fine tuning out events that we will run at Drums and the other conventions that we travel to. Tim is re-working his Pirates Game, Doug has the B-B-Q Event running smooth and Steve is painting something -- has not told us yet what it may be. Jim is doing a paint job on some natives, World War II troops that came into the basement, and soon, two covert projects that will take the Colbys to new scales. The French vessel Weasel is being re-armed, in case we sail to Panape, again. New 25mm vehicles will soon hit our 1942 Game and some Jacobites were seen getting close to the paintbrush. More later...when we figure out what's going on!" -- Colonel Colby, Colby Street Irregulars Confederation of Friends This Indiana club's specialty is 20mmNapoleonics. The 10 members have armies to represent all combatants of the 1809 time period. Duke Robinson, PO Box 47, Owensville, IN 47665. (812) 729- 7651. Conflict Simulations Club This Indiana University group does historical miniatures, board games and fantasy/sci-fi. They meet Sundays 11 am - 6 pm in the Indiana University Memorial Union (usually in the Tree Suites), enjoying Ancients, Horse and Musket era and 20th Century games. Contact Mike Brewington, Unit 1, PO Box 650, Crane, IN 47522-0650. (812) 824- 7858, or Web Site: Duneland Historical Wargame Group This small group of friends meets at the local library in Valpraiso, IN. They have been running a campaign covering the Ottoman Expansion into Europe in the 1400s, using DBA rules. Contact Darren Buxbaum, 311 Madison St., Valparaiso, IN 46385. E-mail:, or web site: Duneland Update: "DHWG has taken some hits in interest and attendence due to the Sept. 11 attack. We had two meetings since that date. The first gathering was two weeks after and attendance was terribly low. Though with three players, we continued the campaign. It was a crushing blow to the Ottomans and allies. The Ottoman army got pushed back to its own capital city. The Bulgarians were conquered and became a Hungarian vassal while the Serbs crushed the Albanian army and killed its general. Three weeks later we had the intention of conituing the campaign, but due to a lack of attendance, we played a number of pick up games (DBA). We also added a new player and added my Wallachian army that I recently painted. I plan to get the gang together again soon, since the holidays are over, and there is further distance from the 11th. Then I will have more info and players hopefully. I plan on rewriting the campaign and including my 'Fate of a General' rules to it. The rewrite will include three additional armies (Wallachians, Moldavians and Poles), these are intended to complicate the German/Hungarian stance with rival Poland and the two viovodates used as pawns for that purpose (and Turkish sympathizers abound as well). If you want to check out my 'Fate of a General' rules, they are on my page under Essays. If you have any use for these, you are welcome to them." -- Darren Buxbaum, Duneland Historical Wargame Group. Gargolye Gamers Group G3 supports ALL gaming in the area to include historical and non-historical miniatures, card, role playing and board gaming. Mark Rosenberger, 1111 Enfield, Rochester Hills, MI 48307-5431, or e-mail: Or contact Mike Reese, 13405 Denver, Sterling Heights, MI 483 13. (810) 939-1690, or e-mail: Web site: G3 Update: "Gargoyle Gamers Group (G3) & Sterling Heights Association of Gamers met on the Jan. 11 to elect new officers. Bryan Harris was elected President, Shawn Sembach VP, and Mark Rosenberger re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer. After the elections, the group ran The American Civil War in the basement (a historical board game), Munchkin (don't ask), and a Star Wars role playing game. SHAG is getting ready for Wintercon, Jan. 26 at the Italian Cultural Center in Warren, MI. I have a new gamemaster, Chris Rahn, helping me in running his first World War II game at a con. We are doing a Battleground WW II game in 25-28mm (figures) and 1/48 armor. We have been running games to get more familiar with the rules, and finally selected a scenario. Mike Czar is helping with buildings. We ran several games at the Lake Orion Club and Mr. Czar's house over Christmas and New Years. See you at Wintercon, Michicon, and Historicon this year." -- Mike Reese, G3 Greater Dayton Wargamers Club (GDWC) These guys game a variety of periods. They meet regularly at the Tin Soldier on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Tom Miller, 516 Elderwood Rd., Kettering, OH 45429. (937)-299-5754, or e-mail: Historical Gamers of Indianapolis (or 19 Plus 1) Meets every Tuesday and some Saturdays for historical games. The address is 2060 E. 54th St., Village Commons, Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN 46220. New guests are welcome ($4 door fee). Tuesday games run 6:30 - 11pm, Saturday 10 am - 5 pm. Dennis McKinney, (317) 873-9624 , or e-mail: Web site: Kampfgruppe This central Indiana group plays all historical periods and scales, meeting in member's homes. Recently, they've been playing Corps Command, Principles of War and Fields of Honor. Rob Stoebick, 13647 Thistlewood Dr., Carmel, IN 46032. (317) 846-3158, or e-mail: Web site: Upcoming Kampfgruppe events:
Feb. 9 World War II Skirmish, using "Battleground" rules. Mid-Ohio Gamers' Group (M.O.G.G.) This group was formed in 1980 from a close group of friends and expanded its variety of games, held various Medieval and World War II battles at cons, and offered competitive challenges to other local clubs. The group meets in members' homes, playing both fantasy and historical games. Contact Eric Adamaszek, 4888 Almont Dr., Columbus, OH 43229. (614) 847-5884. The Minatures and Gaming Association at The Ohio State University This group plays a mix of historical and fantasy, on the campus of OSU. They host multiple games every Saturday (except during breaks) in the basement meeting rooms of the Ohio Union, noon till 11pm. All guests are welcome. Guy Flora, advisor: 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219. (614) 471-9812, or e-mail: OSU Gamers Update: "Happy New Year! Another quarter at OSU has begun and gaming in the afternoon on Saturdays will commence on Jan. 12. The Ohio Union is renovating our usual haunts in the Scarlet rooms, so the scheduled rooms for this the quarter will be listed below. We will have a meeting for Capcon preparation including what to do if the available rooms are significantly reduced by renovation. The dates for the con are April 12-14. More later. Gaming dates are: Jan. 12, 19 & 26 in Gray Suites A-C; Feb. 2 in the third floor Buckeye Suites; Feb. 9 & 16 in Gray A-C; Feb. 23 in Gray G,E,C; March 2 & 9 in Gray A-C; March 16 in Gray B,C." -- Guy Flora, OSU Gamers North Coast Wargamers These guys are a club of friends and family members, with no dues, memberships, etc. Their specialty is 15mm ACW (Johnny Reb), AWI and Plains Indians. Scott Mingus, Sr., 4775 S. Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081. (440) 358-6124 or e-mail: Web site: Northern Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS) Meet on Fridays at The Warzone in Cleveland. Play a variety of games, but focus is mostly historical miniatures. NOWS nights at The Warzone start around 7:30 pm. Contact Jim Schwendeman at: (216) 351-7783. E-mail at: Purdue Wargamers Meet noon till midnight at Stewart Center, Purdue University. Contact John W. Akers, 6915 N. 50 W, West Lafayette, IN 47906. (765)497-0907, or e-mail: Purdue Update: "Personaly, I've been working on a huge project painting figs for an Arthurian campaign. If it ever gets finished, it will feature various Romano-British, Saxon, Pict & Irish armies. My goal is to have them ready for ATC '02 so I can put on a game." -- John Akers, Purdue Wargamers Rochester Historical Simulations Group This group meets at 11:30 am on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Millennium Books and Games in Rochester. They do Ancients, World War II, Mexican-American, ACW and Napoleonics. David Abraham, 38 Brewerton Dr., Rochester, NY 14624. (716)594-9717. Smethurst's Basement Meets 7:30 pm second and third Wednesdays of the month in northeast Cincinnati (203 Albright Dr., Loveland). Call Rich Smethurst, (513) 677-1683, or e-mail ( ahead for specifics and directions. Just finished close run TSATF Sudan mini-campaign, and are starting into 15mm "Battlefront" scenarios. Will be organizing for Warparty (July 20th), and gaming DBA, pirates, and convention scenarios. You are welcome to join them when you can. Twinsburg Wargame Association This group of around 20 wargamers gets together about once a week, usually in Club "Enlightened Despot " Rich Oster's basement. They also run games at stores around the Cleveland and Akron area. Recent events include regular DBA tournies, Blue Max World War I air campaign, Medieval Skirmishes, Battleground WW II and chariot racing. Contact Rich Oster, 1867 Ridge Meadow Ct., Twinsburg, OH 44087. E-mail: New Web site: Wayne's Legion Historical Gamers This group was formed a decade ago by a bunch of guys from the Dayton area, who share like-interests. Not only do we game together, but we have toured battlefields together, and feel that historical miniatures should be enjoyable -- not something that feels like work. Darryl Smith, 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH 45067. (513) 896-1098 or e-mail: Web site: Wayne's Legion Update: "The Legion boys have been gearing up for the convention season -- planning our own area (Wayne's World) at Drums in May. We'll be running 5 to 7 events, ranging from Ancients through ACW. Look for more info soon! We are also planning to run an event or two at the ACW show in Mansfield, May 4-5. We hope to work with the North Coast Gamers in this venture to bring historical gaming to the public eye. We also have welcomed back to the Dayton area Bob Knecht, who has been in Spain the last several years. We look forward to renewing our old friendships and gaming adventures with Bob. We are hoping that Ray Garbee will start his ACW naval campaign soon (entitled Anacaonda), using Smoke on the Water rules. Great fun! We use the 1/600th scale ships from Thoroughbred. Ray also has some Peter Pig models. And, I have set up a Yahoo e-group for our 'official' club rules, Our Moccasins Trickled Blood, which we use to game the time period 1790-95. Anyone can join the group: Those who join receive the rules as a Word file. I have set up the group as a way to further develop the rules, and we also discuss the period 1754-1814 as it relates to local military history. It has been an enjoyable experience thus far." -- Darryl Smith, Wayne's Legion. Back to The Herald 45 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |