by Mike Demana
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It is time for another round of elections for the Board of Directors of HMGS Great Lakes. Board members will serve staggered terms of three years. The Board is charged with directing the growth and activities of the organization. Typically, board members serve as officers of the organization, but arc not required to do so. Terms of office will begin in January of next year. CandidatesThe following members of HMGS Great Lakes have been nominated for the Board of Directors (incumbents with an [I] following their name, listed alphabetically:
You may vote for up to five candidates. Write-in candidates ARE allowed. The ballot is attached to this issue. Send it in to the address listed on the reverse. Ballots must be filled out completely and mailed to the addressed indicated on the back -- there is no "e-mailing" of ballots permitted. Ballots should be postmarked no later than December 31, 2001. If yours ballot is missing, contact the editor. Questions should be referred to the Elections Officer, Jeff Chattin, 900 E. Walnut, Washington, IN 47501, or email eldar@, Candidates were encouraged to submit a bio or platform to The Herald. Here they are, listed alphabetically. Tom Bryant I started gaming about 18 years ago, first with the old Metagaming Microgames and Task Force Games Pocket Games, and moving up to board games. After a break of about six years, I started into miniatures gaming. That was in 1995. Since 1996, I've been a member of HMGS Great Lakes and enjoy all aspects of historical miniatures gaming. I decided to run for the board two years ago after seeing the all of the infighting on the miniatures. historical newsgroup about HMGS East. I believed, and still do, that we have a fine chapter and that I could be a part of its decision-making operation. In the past two years, we have seen our membership grow, seen stronger connections made with groups outside of the DaytonColumbus region, and have run several successful conventions. We continue to prosper, thanks in no small way to the interest and participation of our membership. I would like to continue to be a part of that growth and prosperity and help make the Great Lakes chapter the best HMGS chapter in the country. Douglas W. Johnson Member # 255, Married 27 years, two kids, (both graduated college ... Yea!!), Automotive Service Tech.- German cars only. I have been a member of HMGS Great Lakes since 1997, and have the stack of Heralds to prove it! My background in gaming started when I was very young and my two older brothers needed someone to defeat. Gaming rules gave me the opportunity to defend myself, even though I still lost! Knowledge and experience came later. Also the history of the Toledo area has always intrigued me and is another reason why I am involved in HMGS Great Lakes. I am the perpetual volunteer. When my son was a Cub Scout, I was a Den Leader. When he moved on, I staved in to train new Leaders. I helped at FITA, worked in my daughter's Band boosters, and everything else parents do for their kids. I believe if you want something done, don't just talk about it, get busy and work on it yourself. Promoting our hobby and increasing awareness of history in the general public are the points I think should be stressed by the Board. Our gaming conventions and one-day demos are the means to do this. I will be happy to represent Northwest Ohio ( or is it Michigan?) in accomplishing this task. -Doug Johnson, aka "Larry," Drums Staff. Jack E. Shaw, Sr. My name is Jack Shaw and I am running for re-election to the Board of Directors. During the past two years of serving on the Board, I have held the Chairman's position, and am also now serving as interim Treasurer. I have been fortunate to meet some really nice Great Lakes members. Our chapter is currently in a growing period. We now have three great conventions: Drums Along the Maumee; Warparty, Cincinnati; Advance the Colors. Hopefully, we'll have more small conventions in the future. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve on the Board of Directors on your behalf. I have been in wargaming for 12 years and I am a member of Wayne's Legion Historical Gainers and Greater Dayton Wargamer's Club. I have run games at Drums Along the Maumee, Advance the Colors, CAPCON, and the Kettering Game Convention, plus games at the Soldiery, Dayton, and the Tin Soldier. If elected, I'll continue to serve the members of Great Lakes to the best of my ability. Rich Smethurst Hello, my name is Rich Smethurst, and I want to serve on our Great Lakes Board of Directors; the best chapter of HMGS. Through hard work and friendship, Great Lakes has developed into an organization we can all be proud of. I will work to continue Great Lakes growth. My stance is inclusive rather than exclusive. Three areas of particular interest to me are one day mini-cons, in-store games, and greater presence at local, general gaming cons. These are opportunities for Great Lakes in our own neighborhoods. Currently, we have a local group that meets at my house, and travels to various cons. I'm a "50 something" that lives in SW Ohio with a wonderful wife, grown family, and USPS career. Hobbywise, I'm committed to having fun, our gaming group, working on in-store games, Warparty, and Origins. I hope to serve Great Lakes, and would like your vote. If you have any questions or comments, please call or e-mail me: (513) 677-1683 evenings; David van Hoose Vice President of HMGS Great Lakes, joined the chapter in May of 1996. David was elected to the HMGS Great Lakes Board of Directors in December of 1999 and appointed to the role of Vice President by the current Chairman, Jack Shaw. A champion of service excellence, David has also led HMGS Great Lakes' flag ship convention, Advance the Colors, for the past two years, filling both the role of Convention Director and Event Director. This includes scheduling over 90 events and managing the attendance of over 350 attendees at these convention. Also, David was the leading force behind getting the funding for the creation web site. Before his election to the HMGS Great Lakes board, he served as Event Director for the Frankfurt Germany War gainers Club between 1989 and 1993; currently he is keeping this group going by managing a internet mail list for past members. Members of this group are always looking for new ways to support the hobby. Since 1998, David has been the webmaster for Piquet, Inc., and the webmaster of the PK Gamers website. David is also a member in good standing of HMGS Mid-South and a past member of HMGS East. Other elected hobby positions he has held include President of The Citadel Historical Miniatures Club between 1979 to 1981. He was also a Battery Commander in The Citadel Civil War reenactment group and held the rank of Major with the Brunswick Lieb Battalion a German reenactment group in Frankfurt, Germany. David also a founding member of the Lake Braddock Wargaming Club and was its President between 1976 and 1977. David has been in the Historical Miniature Gaming hobby since 1978 when he was first introduced to it at The Citadel. The first Army he paint was a Prussia 1815 force for the Empire 11 system, Since then he has expanded to a number of different periods and scales. His first two major gaming conventions attended were Cold Wars 1986 and Historicon 1986. While living in Europe, he attended at least four conventions a year; two of which were in England. Since moving to the Mid-west in 1993, David has only missed the 1999 Advance the Colors convention. Born in Ashland, Ky., in 1959, David earned a bachelor of science degree from The Citadel in 1981. He is a senior account manager with EDS, and has supported the Department of Defense in many different roles since 1983. He is also an authorized Lead Assessor in the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute Appraiser Program. He and his wife, Linda, have three children, Amanda, Elizabeth and Matthew. 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