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Here is a list of some of the gaming groups in the Great Lakes area. If you would like your club listed, send the particulars (days you meet, types of gaming, your group name and contact point) to The Herald. 13th Regiment Wargame Club - This club of 20+ gamers says it is dedicated to creating a respect for military history, spirit of camraderie, and long-standing social bonds through miniatures gaming. Members have a wide variety of interests, and are from southern Indiana and northwestern Kentucky. They meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm and most Saturdays at 10 am at the Pr inceton Train and Hobby Depot, 116 N. Main St., Princeton, IN 47670. Contact Club President Danny Mans at above address, or (812) 385-3119, or e-mail: dlmans@yahoo.com. Web site: http://13thregimentwargameclub.homestead.com/ 13th Regiment Update: "Here is an update from the Seven Years War campaign we have ongoing. I am playing the Prussians, and along with the British, we have conquered Austria. Now I am battling the Russians in their Capitol. If I win I conquer the Russian Empire. The French and Spanish are doing nothing, and the Hanovarians are marching and fighting everywhere they can in Europe. I intend to update the site soon with the latest turn." -- Danny Mans, 13th Regiment. 101st Alcove Irregulars - This group games in Royal Oak, MI. They do mostly Fire & Fury American Civil War. They are looking for new members to flesh out their club. Contact James Covell, 322 S. Chocolay, Clawson, MI 48017. (248) 435-7654, or e-mail: Alcovehs@mich.com. Also Scott Harris, saharris@mich.com. Allegheny Irregulars - If you live in the area from Pittsburgh to Youngstown, give these guys a call. They meet on the first and second Sundays of the month in Tom's detached, 3-car garage. Tom Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA 15202. (412) 761-8794, or e-mail: LTsite@aol.com Greater Ann Arbor Area Mostly Historical Miniatures Gaming Group- This group of 15+ gamers has some students and staff of the University of Michigan, but is composed mostly of "regular people." They meet Thursday evenings at members' homes, and try to squeeze in Sunday games once in awhile . Games are played in Saline, MI, about one hour north of the Ohio border. They do 50% DBR, 25% Big Battle DBA, and 25% other stuff. They are always looking for new gamers. Contact Bob Beattie, 437 Lexington Dr., Saline, MI 48176. (734) 429-8521, or e-mail: beattie@umich.edu, or Steve Roper at: sroper@umich.edu. Web site: http://wwwpersonal.umich.edu/~beattie/bobs.html Central Ohio Gamers Association (COGA) - Meet 10 am - 11 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Whitehall Public Library. They host a variety of historical miniatures and boardgames. Dave Barr , 2961 Deep Wood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-4015. (614) 864-2044. Upcoming COGA Events at the Library:
Chicagoland Wargamers - Contact James L. Patterson, III, (773)534-7 305x116, or email: Kraal_of_KaJames@Yahoo.com. Colby Street Irregulars - This group has been meeting for more than 16 years on Wednesdays, 7-11 pm, in the Toledo area. They game all periods, mostly using their homegrown set of universal rules. They also run events at Glass City Games, from time to time. Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or e-mail: JThoma227@aol.com. Colby Street Update: "Drums 2 is the focus point for most of the last three months. We have been planning the convention since the day after the first Drums last May. Right now, we are planning and running two events at the Battlefields 2001 in Westland, MI, March 24. The Johnson brothers are preparing for their games to be run March 31 in South Bend at this year's Seven Years War Convention. Also, the Members out of town are checking in to find out their Duty Station at Drums 2. A concept that we had last year is coming to completion. We came up with the "Colby's in a Box" -- sounds like some kind of cereal, but it's not. We have broken our games down into manageable segments and made it so that if a member needs to run, we have them ready to use. Colonials, Medieval, World War II, French and Indian War, French Foreign Legion, the Western Gunfighter game and all the rest are racked and ready to go for our Game Masters. Works in progress include a 25mm version of the Battle Cry system for many of our armies that have been sitting for lack of a clean set of rules. We now have them - Colby Masters, or something like that. The Pirate Game and the Boxer Rebellion has been put on the back burner because of the Colby Masters. Been painting these Big Dogs and Mummies -- oops! Didn't say that did I?" -- Colonel Colby of the Colby Street Irregulars (Jim Thomasson). Confederation of Friends - This Indiana club specializes in 20mm Napoleonics. The 10 members have armies to represent all combatants of the 1809 time period. Duke Robinson, PO Box 47, Owensville, IN 47665. (812) 729- 7651. Conflict Simulations Club - This group of gamers from Indiana University does mostly historical miniatures, with occaisonal board games and fantasy/sci-fi. They meet Sundays 11 am - 6 pm in the Indiana University Memorial Union (usually in the Tree Suites). The club's members enjoy Ancients using DBA/DBM/DBR and Might of Arms, Volley & Bayonet, Republique, Johnny Reb, Battleground (World War II and Vietnam), Command Decision and Blue Max. Contact Mike Brewington, Unit 1, PO Box 650, Crane, IN 47522-0650. (812) 824- 7858, or e-mail: brewington@homer.crane.navy.mil. Web Site: http://php.indiana.edu/~dlauer/Con_Simulations.html Gargolye Gamers Group - G3 supports ALL gaming in the area to include historical and non-historical miniatures, card, role playing and board gaming. Mark Rosenberger, 1111 Enfield, Rochester Hills, MI 48307-5431, or e-mail: gargoylegamer@cs.com. Or contact Mike Reese, 13405 Denver, Sterling Heights, MI 483 13. (810) 939-1690, or e-mail: mr688@home.com. Web site: http://www.egroups.com/group/G3gameclub. Greater Dayton Wargamers Club (GDWC) - These guys game a variety of periods. They meet regularly at the Kettering Soldiery location on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Tom Miller, 516 Elderwood Rd., Kettering, OH 45429. (937)-299-5754, or e-mail: mtm@erinet.com. Historical Gamers of Indianapolis (or 19 Plus 1) - Meets every Tuesday and some Saturdays for historical games. The address is 2060 E. 54th St., Village Commons, Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN 46220. New guests are welcome ($4 door fee). They play different historical games each week. Tuesday games run 6:30 - 11pm, Saturday 10 am - 5 pm. Dennis McKinney, (317) 873-9624 , or e-mail: bmayhugh@iupui.edu. Web site: http://members.xoom.com/nineteenand1/ Upcoming 19+1 Events:
Kampfgruppe - This central Indiana group plays all historical periods and scales. They meet in member's homes two Saturdays a month. Tony Teal, 6319 Sagewood Ct., Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 388-0579 or e-mail: atea l@cs.iupui.edu. Web site: http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~ateal/Wargames/. Upcoming Kampfgruppe Events:
Mid-Ohio Gamers' Group (M.O.G.G.) - This group was formed in 1980 from a close group of friends dedicated to medieval and fantasy miniatures. In its growth, M.O.G.G. expanded its variety of games, held various Medieval and World War II battles at cons, gained new members, and offered competitive challenges to other local clubs. The group meets in members' homes, playing both fantasy and historical games. Contact Eric Adamaszek, 4888 Almont Dr., Columbus, OH 43229. (614) 847-5884. The Minatures and Gaming Association at The Ohio State University - This group has been meeting for years, playing a mix of historical and fantasy, on the campus of OSU. They play multiple games every Saturday (except during breaks) in the basement meeting rooms of the Ohio Union, noon till 11pm. All guests are welcome and there is no charge. Each Spring they hold Capcon, their annual multi-genre convention. Next year's version is scheduled for April 28-30. Guy Flora, advisor: 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219. (614) 471-9812, or e-mail: flora.1@osu.edu. North Coast Wargamers - These guys are a club of friends and family members, with no dues, memberships, etc. Their specialty is 15mm ACW (Johnny Reb), AWI and Plains Indians. Scott Mingus, Sr., 4775 S. Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081. (440) 358-6124 or e-mail: mingus@ncweb.com. Web site: http://www.geocities.com/scottmingus/index.html North Coast Update: "With travel and the closing of our home base (Madison Sci-Fi Comics and Games), we have not been too active this past couple of months. Doug Rogers is arranging a 15mm Civil War wargame for a local scout troop to introduce them to the world of wargaming. Scott Mingus will be traveling to Antietam in April to research JRIII scenarios he is writing. Also, Scott will present a McPherson's Ridge 15mm JRIII game at Gettysburg at the end of April to a group of historians and history buffs." -- Scott Mingus, Sr., North Coast Wargamers. Northern Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS) - Meet on Fridays at The Warzone in Cleveland. Play a variety of games, but focus is mostly historical miniatures. NOWS nights at The Warzone start around 7:30 pm. Contact Jim Schwendeman at: (216) 351-7783. E-mail at: JFSCHWENDE@aol.com Purdue Wargamers - Meet noon till midnight at Stewart Center, Purdue University. Contact John W. Akers, 6915 N. 50 W, West Lafayette, IN 47906. (765)497-0907, or e-mail: Etzel99@aol.com. Rochester Historical Simulations Group - This group meets at 11:30 am on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Millennium Books and Games in Rochester. They do Ancients, World War II, Mexican-American, ACW and Napoleonics. David Abraham, 38 Brewerton Dr., Rochester, NY 14624. (716)594-9717. Twinsburg Wargame Association - This group of around 20 wargamers gets together about once a week, usually in Club "Enlightened Despot " Rich Oster's basement. They also run some games at stores around the Cleveland and Akron area. All periods seem to be popular, and even some fantasy/sci-fi. Contact Rich Oster, 1867 Ridge Meadow Ct., Twinsburg, OH 44087. E-mail: rjoster@ra.rockwell.com. New Web site: http://junior.apk.net/~splinter/ Upcoming Twinsburg Events:
Wayne's Legion Historical Gamers - This group of gamers from the Cincinnati and Dayton area dabbles in a variety of periods. Every club member is also a member of HMGS Great Lakes. Darryl Smith, 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH 45067. (513) 896-1098 or e-mail: wayneslegion@hotmail.com. Web site: http://wayneslegion.homestead.com. Wayne's Legion Update: "We are busy preparing to attend Drums Along the Maumee, where members Ray Garbee, Bud Hunter, and Darryl Smith will be running events. We'd like to see all the GL members turn out for this great show, and then attend the Fort Meigs tour on Sunday." -- Darryl Smith, Wayne's Legion. Back to The Herald 40 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |