by Scott Mingus, Sr.
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Doug Rogers and Scott Mingus presented the 15mm ACW game of "Chantilly" (or, as the Southerners call the battle, "Ox Hill") Saturday night, Sept. 30, at NOWSCON, in Berea. Thanks go to Jim Schwendeman for his gracious invitation to allow us to gamemaster at this convention. First, however, we report on the convention as this was the first time that elements of North Coast Wargamers had attended this particular gaming convention. NOWSCON 2000: General Report Jim and his Cleveland metro group put on quite an interesting regional gaming convention. Food was abundant (there was an open grill with hot dogs and the like, pop and refreshments on a donation basis), and great hospitality. There was a fairly large, boisterous crowd in the lodge hall that was hosting the regional convention. A number of games were in full session, including a nice 25mm gladiator game, some medieval, World War II armor game, and many other games. A crowd was thoroughly enjoying a large-scale Limeys and Slimeys game with pirates and imperial ships, and every now and then a roar of approval from the players would be greeted with sea chants. The players were enthusiastic, and everyone in the lodge hall was having a very good time. I had heard that attendance was somewhat down from previous years, but with the Indians and Browns both playing at home over the weekend, conflicting schedules may have contributed to this. The lighting in the lodge was relatively poor, but several persons were actively taking pictures of the various games, and hopefully some of these will wind up posted on the HMGS-GL web site. Chantilly After-Action Report Doug Rogers and Scott Mingus are the co-founders of North Coast Wargamers, serving Lake, Ashtabula, and Geauga Counties in extreme NE Ohio. This small, informal club is made up of our kids (college aged), some of their college and high school buddies, and a few local gamers that join us when they are available. Chantilly is an original Johnny Reb III scenario by Scott, and had been previously played at both Origins in Columbus and Historicon in Lancaster, PA. Four players, including Bob Lohman made up the CSA side, and three took the North under the overall command of Steven Anderson and Jim Kopchak. Doug and Scott helped referee the battle. The Union cautiously advanced on their left to the edges of a cornfield, where spirited CSA attacks and vigorous Union counterattacks reaped more than 1,200 casualties, but failed to substantially change the tactical position of either army. A small CSA breakthrough was made when elements of Morrison's Brigade were captured in melee, and the Rebs made a dash towards a key objective. Quick thinking by Union general Isaac Stevens resulted in one of his regiments hurrying over to the railroad grade and pouring fire into the Rebs. This coupled with accurate artillery fire from the Millan farm complex halted the South's best chance at victory. A massive brigade attack column under Jubal Early smashed through the Yankee right and destroyed the fighting ability of Ferrero's Brigade. The timely arrival of Fighting Phil Kearny and his III Corps Brigade stopped follow-up gains by Early and the supporting Louisiana "Pelican Brigade" under Stafford. Unusually good die rolls with blind fire into the woods by the Yankee artillery soon helped take the fight out of Early's men.. As a thunderstorm raged over the battlefield, powder became wet and many regiments could not fire. With darkness drawing near and both lines keeping up infantry fire, but with no tactical advantage to either side, the game and scenario ended in a stalemate (as did the actual battle). Doug Rogers took photographs of the game at various stages for publication in "The Zouave" (the leading Civil War miniature gaming magazine, which will publish the scenario in their winter edition). Everyone seemed to have a good time, and we at North Coast Wargamers hope to become regulars at future NOWSCON conventions. Back to The Herald 38 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |