by Mike Demana
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101st Alcove Irregulars - This group formerly met in the now departed Alcove Hobby Shop, but is still gaming in Royal Oak, MI. They do mostly Fire & Fury American Civil War. They are looking for new members to flesh out their club. Contact James Covell, 322 S. Chocolay, Clawson, MI 48017. (248) 435-7654, or e-mail: Also Scott Harris, Allegheny Irregulars - If you live in the area from Pittsburgh to Youngs-town, give these guys a call. They meet perhaps once a month or so. Tom Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA 15202. (412) 761-8794, or e-mail: Greater Ann Arbor Area Mostly Historical Miniatures Gaming Group - This group of 15+ gamers has some students and staff of the University of Michigan, but is composed mostly of "regular people." They meet every Thursday evening at a member's house, and also try to squeeze in Sunday games every couple months. They are always looking for new gamers. Games are played in Saline, MI, about 1 hour north of Ohio Border. They do 50% DBR, 25% Big Battle DBA, and 25% other stuff (including Hordes of the Things). Contact Bob Beattie, 437 Lexington Dr., Saline, MI 48176. (734) 429-8521, or e-mail:, or Steve Roper at: Web site: Upcoming Ann Arbor Events:
June 8 DBR, French vs. Italians (Battle of Fornovo?). (GM: Steve M.). June 15 Playtest of Bob's "Duplicate" games: 1066 A.D. and Kadesh (GM: Bob Beattie). June 22 Desperado Wild West game (GM: Steff). June 29 "55 Minutes of The Sword and the Flame," Peking Boxer Uprising (GM: Bob Beattie). July 2 "The Relief of Peking," 1pm. (GM: Bill). July 6 The rest of the "55 Minutes." (GM: Bob Beattie). July 13 "Battle of Ipsus," 25mm DBA -- all the elephants you can eat! Central Ohio Gamers Association (COGA) - Meet 10am - 11 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Whitehall Public Library. They host a variety of historical miniatures and boardgames. Dave Barr, 2961 Deep Wood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-4015. (614) 864-2044. Upcoming COGA Events at the Library:
Sept. 9, noon "Wild West," modified "War Paint" rules. GM: David Barr Oct. 14, noon "British Colonial Expedition," GMs: Del Perry & David Barr Nov. 11, 1 pm "World War II," Piquet rules. GM: Joe Fox Dec. 12, 1 pm "British Colonial," 15mm scale. GM: Lind Pratt Chicagoland Wargamers - Contact James L. Patterson, III, (773)534-7305x116, or e-mail: Web site: Upcoming Chicagoland Events:
Colby Street Irregulars - This group has been meeting for more than16 years on Wednesdays, 7-11pm, in the Toledo area. They game all periods -- their latest specialty being a homegrown set of "universal" rules. They are doing demos at Mind Games on Sundays. Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or e-mail:
Confederation of Friends - This Indiana club specializes in 20mm Napoleonics. The 10 members have armies to represent all combatants of the 1809 time period. Duke Robinson, PO Box 47, Owensville, IN 47665. (812) 729-7651.
Friday Night Fights - This blossoming club saw its genesis in the "Tuesday Irregulars," who met to play Piquet at The Soldiery in Columbus, OH. Unofficial head honcho Joe Fox moved the group to Friday nights, where it has exploded into gatherings of nearly 30 gamers. They do lots of World War II miniatures, having added "Crossfire" to their frequent playlist, along with various periods of Piquet. Contact Joe Fox, 1783 Forest Oak Ln., Columbus, OH 43229. (614) 854-0312, or e-mail:
Gargolye Gamers Group - G3 supports ALL gaming in the area to include historical and non-historical miniatures, card, role playing and board gaming. G3 can be contacted c/o Mark Rosenberger, 1111 Enfield, Rochester Hills, MI 48307-5431; Web site still not up (AT&T problem!). Or contact Mike Reese, 13405 Denver, Sterling Heights, MI 48313. (810) 939-1690, or e-mail:
G3 Update: "SHAG and G3 in Sterling Heights area ran several games over the last couple of weeks. Historically, we had a Napoleonic game in Lansing on May 13, but I didn't attend, so I don't know how it came out. We did run a 1982 European armor game to try and see what rules we will use for modern armor warfare. We want to use Modern Spearhead, but that isn't due out until at least July of this year. We tried Challenger and will be trying my modified version of the WRG Modern 1950-2000, in the
future. Challenger wasn't too bad, but seemed overly complex compared to WRG -- and isn't that saying something?
I note that one of our "historical" games was also Science Fiction -- since there wasn't any Soviet invasion of Western Europe in 1982! Has there been a reduction in the modern battles played since the Soviet menance dissappeared? We certainly stopped playing and did mostly World War II after 1989. Has anyone else seen a trend away from Soviet/NATO to, say, peace-keeping actions or the Middle East?" -- Mike Reese, Gargoyle Gamers Group.
Greater Dayton Wargamers Club (GDWC) - These guys game a variety of periods. They mee regularly at the Kettering Soldiery location on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Tom Miller, 516 Elderwood Rd., Kettering, OH 45429. (937)-299-5754, or e-mail:
Historical Gamers of Indianapolis (or 19 Plus 1) - Meets every Tuesday for historical games. The address is 2060 E. 54th Street, Village Commons, Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN 46220. New guests are welcome ($4 game fee). They play different historical games each week. Tuesday games run 6:30 - 11pm, Saturday 10am - 5pm. Dennis McKinney, (317) 726-1384, or e-mail: Web site: Upcoming 19 Plus 1 Events:
Kampfgruppe - This central Indiana group plays all historical periods and scales. They meet in member's homes two Saturdays a month. Tony Teal, 6319 Sagewood Ct., Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 388-0579 or e-mail: Web site:
Upcoming Kampfgruppe Events:
June 3 "Dog Green Sector, Omaha Beach," Command Decision scenarion based on D-day. GM: (Tony Teal).
Kampfgruppe Update: "Our club's next event will be a D-Day, Omaha Beach scenario on June 3. I was initially going to use Command Decision III, but instead I'm learning towards playing this one out with ÔGreat Battles of World War II,' which would be a new set of rules for our club. Your basic maneuver element is a whole company,
which allows you to fight the larger battles that were typical of the war in a single game session. I'm currently building a scale model of Omaha Beach (1cm=50yd) on modular terrain boards. It is very doubtful I'll have this project totally completed by June 3rd, but eventually it will make it out to some local conventions later this year or early next year.
We do have a number of events that are in the planning stage for late summer and fall. And the tempo of operations will pick up in the fall to two or more events per month. No exact details yet, but we have a few Volley & Bayonet games coming up, and as mentioned elsewhere, more Piquet. Also we plan on running a few Napoleonic ÔCorps Command' games (Corps Command is another rules set that is new to us). Current listing of club events are available on the web at:" -- Tony Teal, Kampfgruppe
The Minatures and Gaming Association at The Ohio State University - This group has been meeting for years, playing a mix of historical and fantasy, on the campus of OSU. They meet every Saturday (except "breaks" and summers) in the basement meeting rooms in the Ohio Union from noon till 11pm. There is no charge and multiple games are played. All guests are welcome. In the spring of each year, they hold their annual multi-genre convention, Capcon. Next year's version is scheduled for April 28-30. Guy Flora, advisor: 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43219. (614) 471-9812, or e-mail:
North Coast Wargamers - These guys are a clubof friends and family members, with no dues, memberships, etc. Their specialty is 15mm ACW (Johnny Reb), AWI and Plains Indians. Scott Mingus, Sr., 4775 South Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081. (440) 358-6124 or e-mail:
North Coast Update: "North Coast Wargamers continued our string of monthly 15mm Johnny Reb III events. Recent games include Honey Hill (South Carolina) and Port Gibson (Vicksburg campaign). May's game will be Salem Church. We are working on final details and making special terrain for the Origins 2000 JR III game of Chantilly (Ox Hill - part of the 2nd Bull Run campaign).? -- Scott Mingus
Northern Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS) - Meet on Fridays at The Warzone in the Cleveland area. Play a variety of games, but focus is mostly historical miniatures. NOWS nights at The Warzone start around 7:30 pm. Contact Jim Schwendeman at: (216) 351-7783. E-mail at:
Purdue Wargamers - Meets noon till midnight at Stewart Center, Purdue University. Contact John W. Akers, 6915 N. 50 W, West Lafayette, IN 47906. (765)497-0907, or e-mail:
Rochester Historical Simulations Group - This group meets at 11:30 on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Millennium Books and Games in Rochester. They game Ancients, WW II, Mexican-American, ACW and Napoleonics. David Abraham, 38 Brewerton Dr., Rochester, NY 14624. (716)594-9717, or e-mail (member Dennis Frank:
Twinsburg Wargame Association - This group of around 20 wargamers gets together about once a week, usually in their War Room, (a.k.a. Club "Enlightened Despot" Rich Oster's basement). They also run some games at stores around the Cleveland and Akron area. All periods seem to be popular, as can be seen from their schedule below. Contact Rich Oster, 1867 Ridge Meadow Ct., Twinsburg, OH 44087. E-mail:
Wayne's Legion Historical Gamers - Wayne's Legion runs a variety of periods, including a good number of game days events at The Soldiery in Kettering. Darryl Smith, 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH 45067. (513) 896-1098 or e-mail: Web site:
Wayne's Legion Update: "We ran our American Civil War game, "The Guns of August, 1861," at Capcon. The event was sponsored by The Quartermaster. Matt signed up three new members to Great Lakes while there!" -- Darryl R. Smith