by Mike Reese
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The map is a sea coast area with long side of table/floor running north-south and with two to three small islands close together. The islands are about in the middle (north-south), but on the Norwegian Coast (east) side. The British are deployed north of the islands, the Germans south. Allied reinforcements will come in from the table edges (if using an 8' x 4' table) or at the maximum daylight visibility range (40"). Note that if German radar is working, the German player should be notified of radar contacts. Judge's SheetRADAR: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau have search radar with a range of 68". Roll a d6 starting with turn one and then every ten turns. On a d6 roll of 5+ the radar is operating.
Gneisenau radar die roll was: T1____ T10_____ T20____ The Allied Task Force French's three CL have radar. CL Fiji has air and surface search radar, the two Dido AA cruisers have air search radar. On turn one, roll a die to determine if the radar is working. You will then test every 10 turns to see if it continues or starts working. Ship Type Range Reliability Turn 1 Turn10 Turn 20 Fiji 279 48" 4+ get _____ _____ _____ Dido 281 All 4+ get _____ _____ _____ CL Naiad 281 All 4+ get _____ _____ _____ WEATHER Squalls
2. Smoke screens last 1 turn. 3. All DD or smaller ships add +2 to their straddle rolls. 4. Visibility is 40". MINEFIELDS: One field is already laid, 4.25" north of the closest island. See MINE AND TORPEDO HIT TABLE. Chance to hit is determined by the number of rows. Attacks are done by the Judge in secret. AIR SUPPORT: Allied air support will not arrive, BUT the Germans may be mistaken for Allies by their commanders! German air support arrives if the German makes the correct die roll. German air should be run by the German convoy commander. German air support may mistake a German for a British ship, and vice versa. For each group of aircraft that attacks a ship, the Judge will roll a d6. If a "6" the aircraft will break off the attack if attacking an enemy ship, mistaking it for being German. For each German group within 40" of that air group, roll a d6. If a "6" is rolled, that air group will move to attack the nearest German ship. Roll a d6 again when the attacks are made, and if a "6" is rolled, they recognize their mistake and attempt to attack the nearest Allied ship, etc. German Sheet
A major reinforcement convoy is moving north to reinforce German forces at Narvik. They are escorted by units of the German fleet. Aircraft have been spotted to the southwest just before dusk. A Luftwaffe bomber unit is expected shortly after dawn to support the task force. LOCATION: The convoy is placed within a one foot square from 2' to 3' north of the southeast corner of the table and 1' to 2' from the east table edge. It is moving north at a speed of 8". Norway's coast is to the east. Ships may not move off table in that direction. The convoy escort must be placed within 6" of the convoy at the start of the game. The heavy escort must be within 15" of the convoy. Escorts are also moving 8" per turn. NOTE: Ships must be placed more than 1" from each other or they risk colliding. They must also remain more than 4" from land or risk running aground. SHIPS: There are two groups with the task force.
WEATHER: Squalls
2. Smoke screens last 1 turn. 3. All DD or smaller ships add +2 to their straddle rolls. 4. Visibility is 40". AIR SUPPORT: On turn 2, the German player rolls a d10 (0=10) for air support to arrive. Results are:
6 Aircraft arrive from the south edge but aircraft speed is (roll d10) and no bombing is allowed. 7+ Aircraft will not arrive. Weather has prevented them from joining. Aircraft are:
6 JU-88 with bombs (2 groups of 4) Aircraft roll a d6 for the entire formation to determine which foot (starting in the SW corner) they will arrive at. They move north at full speed. Their spotting range is the same 40" as the surface units. RADAR: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau have search radar with a range of 68". Roll a d6, starting with turn one, and then every 10 turns. On a roll of 5+ the radar is operating.
Gneisenau radar die roll was: T1____ T10_____ T20____ Norway's coast is to the east and ships may not move off table in that direction. Allied SheetSITUATION: German forces have attacked Norway, upsetting Allied plans to secure that country and cut the German Swedish iron ore supply. Narvik in the north and Oslo in the south have fallen. An Allied convoy en route to secure Narvik and supported by British and French naval units is continuing to Narvik to capture that port. British naval units have already attacked the German shipping in the port and inflicted heavy losses. The Germans are expected to react. A naval recon flight from the British carrier Glorious spotted and reported a German convoy off the coast of Norway moving north at 4" (10 knots). A British mine laying task force was diverted to lay a minefield along the approach route of the German convoy. Also, a French and British surface force separated from the Glorious' escort, leaving behind two destroyers, to intercept the Germans. WEATHER: Squalls 1. All DD or smaller ships have their speed reduced to 12" maximum. 2. Smoke screens last 1 turn. 3. All DD or smaller ships add +2 to their straddle rolls. 4. Visibility is 40". AIR SUPPORT: Glorious is launching an air patrol to your area which should arrive shortly to conduct reconnaissance. It will arrive from the south or west. UNITS: There are three Allied ship groups:
Task Force French's three CL have radar. CL Fiji has air and surface search radar, the two Dido AA cruisers have air search radar. On Turn 1, you need to roll a die to determine if the radar is working. You will then test every 10 turns to see if it is still/has started working. All radar is detection only, no fire control. Ship Type Range (Reliability) Turn 1 Turn10 Turn 20
STARTING POSITIONS:Task Force Yellow: The CL's must be moving west or east within a one foot square 2' to 3' south of the NE corner of the table and within 1' of the east table edge. These two ships are minelayers, and are laying two additional fields 1" apart starting at the east table edge and going west for two feet. One field is already laid, 4.25" north of the closest island. The three DD may be anywhere within 1' of the two CL, but MUST be north of the minefields. The CL are moving at 4" (10 knots, or half normal speed) due to the weather. Task Force French: Arrives turn two along the west or north edge of the table. Roll a d8 to determine which one foot square it arrives along, with "1" starting as 4' south of the NW corner (west table edge) and "8" being 4' east of the NW corner (north table edge). Ship speed is 12". Task Force Triumph: Arrives turn three along the west or south table edge. Roll a d6 to determine which one foot area it arrives in, with "1-2" being the south table edge within 1' of the SW table corner, "3-4" being within 1' of the SW table corner on the west table edge, and "5-6" being from 1' to 2' from the SW table corner on the west table edge. Ship speed is 12". Ships must remain more than 1" from each other or risk collision. Ships must also remain more than 4" from land or they risk running aground. Back to The Herald 33 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |