by Mike Demana
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Here is a list of some of the gaming groups in the Great Lakes area. If you would like your club listed, send the particulars (days you meet, types of gaming, your group name and contact point) to The Herald. Allegheny Irregulars - If you live in the area from Pittsburgh to
Youngstown, give these guys a call. They meet perhaps once a month or so. Tom
Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA 15202. (412) 761-8794, or e-mail:
Central Ohio Garners Association (COGA) - Meet 10am - 9 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Whitehall Community Park. They host a variety of historical miniatures and boardgames. Dave Barr, 2961 Deep Wood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-4015. (614) 864-2044. Upcoming events at the libra The American Civil War, Oct. 9, 5 pm (GK Doug Anderson). ACW Battle of Chickamunga, Nov. 13, 1 pm (GM: Lind Pratt). The American Revolutions, Dec. 11, noon (GM: Gregg Pittenger) Colby Street Irregulars - This group has been meeting for more than
6 years on Wednesdays, 7-11 pm, in the Toledo area. They game all periods -their
latest specialty being a homegrown set of "universal" rules. They are
doing demos at Mind Games on Sundays. Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch
Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or e-mail:
Confederation of Friends -This Indiana club specializes in 20mm Napoleonics. The 10 members have armies to represent all combatants of the 1809 time period. Duke Robinson, PO Box 47, Owensville, IN 47665. (812) 729-7651. Greater Dayton Wargamers Club (GDWC) - These guys game a variety of periods. They mee regularly at the Kettering Soldiery location on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Tom Miller, 516 Elderwood Rd., Kettering, OH 45429. (937)-299-5754, or e-mail: Historical Gamers of Indianapolis (or 19 Plus 1) -Meets every tuesday for historical games. The address is 2060 E. 54th Street, Village Commons, Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN 46220. New guests are welcome ($3 game fee). Dennis McKinney, (317) 726-1384. Kampfgruppe - This central Indiana group plays all historical
periods and scales, including: Napoleonics, SYW, \AM 11, ACW, Franco-
Prussian War, and multiple Naval periods (Age of Sail, ACW, Spanish-
American, both World Wars, Russo-Japanese). They meet in member's
homes two Saturdays a month. Tony Teal, 6319 Sagewood Ct., Indianapolis,
IN 46268. (317) 3880579 or e-mail: Checkout their web
site: http:/
The Minatures and Gaming Association at The Ohio State University This group has been meeting for years, playing a mix of historical and fantasy, on the campus of OSU. They meet every Saturday (except "breaks" and summers) in the basement meeting rooms in the Ohio Union from noon till 11 pm. There is no charge and multiple games are played. All guests are welcome. In the spring, they hold their annual multigenre "Capcon." Next year's is April 28-30. Guy Flora, 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219. (614) 471-9812, or e-mail: flora. 1 North Coast Wargamers - These guys are a club of friends and
family members, with no dues, memberships, etc. Their specialty is 15mm
ACW (Johnny Reb), AWI and Plains Indians. Scott Mingus, Sr., 4775 South
Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081. (440) 358-6124 or e-mail:
Northern Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS) - Meets on the first Friday of the month in The Warzone in the Cleveland area. Their focus is mostly historical miniatures. Contact Jim Schwendeman at: (216) 351-7783. E-mail at: Purdue Wargamers - Meets noon till midnight at Stewart Center, Purdue University. We play a variety of wargames and role-playing games. Johnny Reb II is enjoying a comeback and we play DBA occasionally. MicroArmor games used to be popular. I'm trying to promote the new Warhammer Ancient Battles game, as soon as I get the armies painted! Avalon Hill board games are popular as well. Over the last couple of years our interest has been in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but our membership is flexible regarding what we play. Contact John W. Akers, 6915 N. 50 W, West Lafayette, IN 47906. (765)497-0907, or e-mail: Rochester Historical Simulations Group - This group meets at 11:30 on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Millennium Books and Games in Rochester. They game Ancients, WW II, Mexican-American, ACW and Napoleonics. David Abraham, 38 Brewerton Dr., Rochester, NY 14624. (716)594- 9717, or e-mail (member Dennis Frank: djf rank South Eastern Michigan Association of Gamers (SEMAG) -This growing group meets one Saturday a month at at Alcove Hobbies. Steve Hazuka, 15657 Stricker, Eastpointe, MI 48021. (810) 778-772, or e-mail: Sterling Heights Association of Gamers - Mike Reese is still attempting to restart this group, and hopes the upcoming Winter weather will help. Although he plays any period, WW II & modern armor, WW II Naval, and Sci-Fi miniatures are favorites. Contact Mike at (810) 939-1690, or e-mail: Back to The Herald 31 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |