By Mike Demana
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Here is a list of some of the gaming groups in the Great Lakes area. If you would like your club listed, send the particulars (days you meet, types of gaming, your group name and contact point) to The Herald. Allegheny Irregulars This club is just forming, so if you live in the area from Pittsburgh to Youngstown, give these guys a call. They are looking to meet perhaps once a month or so. Contact Tom Semian, 316 S. Home Ave., Avalon, PA 15202. (412) 761-8794, or e-mail: Central Ohio Gamers Association (COGA) Meet 10am - 9 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Whitehall Community Park building. They host a wide variety of historical miniatures and boardgames, and have gotten serious about scheduling games for their monthly meetings. Contact Dave Barr, 2961 Deep Wood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-4015. (614) 864-2044. Events at the Library Seven Years War, June 12, 6pm (GM: Doug Anderson). WWII Eastern Front, August 14, time TBA (GM: Sam Marsh). Colonialls, Sept. 11, time TBA (GM: Del Perry). The Civil War, Oct. 9,5 pm (GM: Doug Anderson). Colby Street Irregulars This group has been meeting for more thanl 6 years on Wednesdays, 7-11 pm, in the Toledo area. They game all periods -their latest specialty being a homegrown set of "universal" rules. They are doing some free demos at Mind Games on Sundays in March and April showing off their newest adaptions to these rules -- WW 11 25mm Infantry fighting and a 25mm Gunfighter Game from the 1800s called "The Code of the West." Contact Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch Ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or e-mail: Confederation of Friends This Indiana club specializes in 20mm Napoleonics. The 10 members have armies to represent all combatants of the 1809 time period. Contact Duke Robinson, PO Box 47, Owensville, IN 47665. (812) 729-7651. Greater Dayton Wargarners Club (GDWC) These guys game a wide variety of periods, They plan on meeting regularly at the new Soldiery location in Dayton on the third Saturday of each month. Contact Tom Miller, President, at: 516 Elderwood Rd., Kettering, OH 45429. (937)-299-5754, or e- mail: Historical Gamers of Indianapolis (or 19 Plus 1)Meets every tuesday for historical games. The address is 2060 E. 54th Street, Village Commons, Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN 46220. New guests are welcome ($3 game fee) and we play different historical games each week. Contact Dennis McKinney, (317) 726-1384. The Minatures and Gaming Association at The Ohio State University This group has been meeting for years, playing a mix of historical and fantasy, on the campus of OSU. They meet every Saturday (except "breaks" and summers) in the basement meeting rooms in the Ohio Union from noon till 11 pm. There is no charge and multiple games are played. All guests are welcome. In the spring of each year, they hold their annual multi-genre convention, Capcon. Next year's version is scheduled for April 28-30. Contact Guy Flora, advisor: 3818 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, Ohio43219. (614) 471-9812, or e- mail: or North Coast Wargamers These guys are a club of friends and family members, with no dues, memberships, etc. Their specialty is 15mm ACW (Johnny Reb), American Revolution and Plains Indians. Contact Scott Mingus, Sr., 4775 South Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081. (440) 358-6124 or e-mail: North Coast Update: "Lately, we have been busy buying figures on ebay and Bartertown, as well as rebasing 1, 700 painted 15mm ACW figs theyjust acquired from a Michigan hobby store. Also, we've been adding to our collection of 4 " GHQ Terrain Maker hexes, fixing them up with model railroad terrain from Woodland Scenics. Our last big battle was a condensed version of Antietam's south side (Burnside's Bridge, "Bloody Angle" and the East Woods) using Johnny Reb III. It ended in a draw after a stubborn Rebel defense by Doug Rogers (Longstreet)and Scott Mingus, Jr. (Toombs) held off Yankees under Doug MacKay (Burnside) and Tom Mingus (Mansfield). Scott Mingus game mastered the event at the Madison, OH, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Gaming Store. " -- Scott Mingus, North Coast Wargamers Northern Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS) Meets on the first Friday of the month in The Warzone (see "Down at the Hobby Store") in the Cleveland area. Their focus is mostly historical miniatures. Contact Jim Schwendeman at: (216) 351-7783. E-mail at: Rochester Historical Simulations Group This group meets at 11:30 on the third Sunday of the month at Millennium Books and Games in Rochester. Recently, they have gamed WWII, Mexican-American, Civil War and Napoleonics. They also just began a year- long DBA campaign. Contact David Abraham, 38 Brewerton Dr., Rochester, NY 14624. (716)594-9717, or e-mail (member Dennis Frank: djf rank Rochester Historical Simulations Update: "The Rochester group, as always, has been busy. We've had skirmish level gunfights at Dusty Gulch, Koenig Krieg, WW I/ Rapid Fire, Fire & Fury variants for AWI and more, over the past months. This month, Mr. Lincoln's War will be fought at Spring Hill, TN, and we W be doing Isandlwana with the Scruby variant published in "The Herald." Coming up are a Fire & Fury variant for the War of 1812, the Mexican- American War and a 24+ player Rapid Fire WWII game. We have an ongoing DBA tournament in progress, too. Oh, by the way, we play DBA every other Tuesday here in Bradford, PA, if anyone should be passing this way. Not if they can help it, right?! -- Dennis Frank, Rochester Historical Simulations Group" South Eastern Michigan Association of Gamers (SEMAG) This group has grown to 17 historical gamers and meets one Saturday a month at at Alcove Hobbies (see "Down at the Hobby Store"). Contact Steve Hazuka, 15657 Stricker, Eastpointe, MI 48021. (810) 778-772, or e-mail: Wayne's Legion Historical Gamers Meet irregularly in member's homes, gaming a wide variety of historical periods. Contact Darryl Smith at: (513) 896-1098 or 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH 45067. E-mail at: Web site: New club (or old club re-) forming:Sterling Heights Association of Gamers Mike Reese is reorganizing the SHAG again, and will be contacting old members and local HMGS members about meeting and starting regular games on Friday nights "I run 11285 scale WWII using WRG 1925-50 (modified) and Spearhead. I also do 11285 modem using WRG 1950-2000 (modified) and hopefully Modem Spearhead (out this year). I also do 15mm skirmish (I have Goths, ACW, WWII, Modern and SWStormtroopers to give an idea of the range), and am looking at Battleground and Fast Rules for WWII games in 15mm. Also, I do 1/2400 WWII naval using General Quarters. I play any historical period (I also play science fiction miniatures -- my own R. 0. M. [Rules of Mike], WH40k, Battletech, Battleforce). New address is: 13405 Denver, Sterling Heights, MI 48313. E-mail currently is, phone (810) 731-2429. The latter two are subject to change. Contact me if interested. Mike Reese, Sterling Heights Association of Gamers. Back to The Herald 29 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |