by Dennis Frank
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Sunday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Like to have them finished for "Pocket DBA" before Cold Wars. Hmmm, I need to start planning a new series of DBA boards for *Advance the Colors'99 ... now where are the ideas I jotted down? Ah, yes, here they are. I wonder if I can draw them on the computer...heyl That worked out well, I like the colors and I can e-mail them to Dick. It looks like that ridge line is running through too many of the modules. Let's see, how about moving it this way to create a board with a hill in the center? Yeah, that works and it makes the 4' x 8' layout more interesting, too. Monday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. You know, I really need to get a better feel for Roman Italy. I need a better sense of colors and shapes if I'm going to model it. I'm glad I found a copy of "Everyday Life in Ancient Times." It's a bit dated, but the illustrations are good starting points for ideas ... it's in this pile somewhere. Tuesday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Tuesday has become local gaming day here in Bradford. Well, at the end of Bolivar Drive anyhow! Had to catch up on some work tonight, however, so no DBA for me. Rick will be back next week; something to look forward to! Maybe I'll introduce him to Elephants. Wednesday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Bingo tonight at the firehall; down the hill to count the money. Got to pay for those new fire trucks, so no wargaming this evening. Thursday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Road trip today. Made it up to Buffalo by a recently untraveled route and found it a nice drive up to the hobby shop. Got hold of some plastic tile roofing and stonework that I can use on the Italian series of DBA boards. Stopped at a used book place on the way home and found some old National Geographics with pictures of Italy, Greece and Pompeii. I really should have a lava flow on one of the DBA boards. Hmmm, wonder if I can make it a moving flow? Now that would add a new factor to playing the game-live action terrain! Friday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sifting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Got to prepare for Sunday's trip up to the club in Rochester. Looks like most of the stuff is in the DBA box. Tournament list and rules, DBA cheat sheets and clarifications (the clarifications are longer than the rules!), a couple of armies ... where's the dice bag? Rulers. Guess I'll decide which boards to take tomorrow. Saturday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. Say, I'd better get to work on some of the accessories for the Zulu War game I'm on putting on in Rochester this May. 6mm sandbags, palisade, huts, oxen and wagons, and I need some more irregular cavalry. Guess I'll start with the equipment. I wonder what color oxen are? Not bad, that went pretty fast. Those Brits will be glad for the sandbags, assuming I provide a scenario for them. I keep thinking of lsandlhwana! Maybe "The Washing of the Spears" will inspire me. Sunday Those 6mm Romans and Carthaginians have been sitting there, half-painted, for three weeks now, and nobody else is getting to them. And so it goes... Back to The Herald 28 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |