by Ferkin Doyle
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ELECTIONS: Yes, that's right, two years have come and gone since the last time we held an election and now is the time for 'the burned out directors to retire and return to the gaming tables' and 'for new fresh meat to jam into the butchers grinder'. Sorryl I meant to say, 'for those long haired, motorcycle riders to...'. No, that's not it, 'it's time for new and fresh ideas to come forward', yaaaa that's the ticket. If you didn't get the quotes they're from various newsletter, comments, etc. I've picked up over the years concerning different HMGS elections. Everyone has a gripe, some real some from never, never land. But the only way to correct a problem is to actively work on it, in other words get involved with the organization. I'll have more to say about this later. Official Notice Concerning Elections Any current member of HMGS-Great Lakes can run for the board of directors. The board of directors for HMGS-Great Lakes consist of, at most, seven, members. Nominees will submit a bio, platform, infocommercial, whatever you care to call it to The Herald. It will be published in the Sept./Oct. and the Nov./Dec issues. This is to help inform the members who you are and what you think the organization should be doing. The Nov./Dec. issue of The Herald will have your ballot on the inside back cover. Mark you votes and return your back cover, not a photocopy; your mailing address label validates your vote. If you vote for more then seven candidates only the first seven will count. You will be sending your ballots to Chuck Kennedy, the national representative for HMOs-South, postmarked no later then December 31, 1997. Mr. Kennedy's address will be printed on the ballot. The National BOD has taken on the task of overseeing each chapters elections to end the false rumors that some elections have been rigged. NORTHERN OHIO WAR GAMING ASSOCIATION: I was talking to Jim Schwendeman the other night and he informed me that he can be used as a contact person for NOWA. So if you are interested Jim can be reached at 4803 Landchester, Cleveland, OH 44109, (216) 351 7783. Just like he is listed in the membership directory. Oh, yes! Since it was not listed in the directory Jim plays with 15mm from the English Civil War through the mid 19th century. U.S. NAVAL INSTITUTE: I know we have several naval garners amongst us and I'm sure the majority of them know about the Naval Institute and Press but for the rest of you that may have an interest in naval/marine actions I should pass this information along. I was doing a walk about of Annapolis after Historicon several years ago and found the museum bookstore. I was prepared to drop a few hundred dollars on the spot when the kindly sales person asked if I had my membership card on me. 'What membership?', I asked; I must have saved over a hundred bucks by joining. To join just call (800) 233 8764. Give an example of the savings, you ask. The First Destroyers,the Turtleback Torpedo Boat Destroyers of the 1890s by David Lyon 128 pages, 100 photos, folding plans, $55.00, USNI members $44.00. Call them for their catalog and check them out. It's a great deal. Also for our members with interest in the American Civil War I recommend the Bohemian Brigade Bookshop and Publishers, 7347 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37909, (423) 694 8227 or fax (423) 531 1846. Mr. Archer has aided me several times in finding out of print or obscure material on the ACW. NEW ZINE: I received notice that there is a new ACW magazine coming out, North & South, 33756 Black Mountain Rd, Tollhouse, CA 93667, $24.00 for 6 issues or $19,95 for 7 issues as a charter subscription (20% off for life). You can call (209) 855 8637. Shelby Foote has an article in the premiere issue. NORTHERN CONVENTION: I know that Scott Savory has addressed the issue of ATC change of date and location but I would like to point out that this occurred with a ssee the difficulties that can happen when you're running a convention. Now on the the real topic. I have started looking into places our chapter can hold a second convention, hopefully somewhere up north. My search has been concentrated in the Toledo area at the present time due to several reasons which all come down to one word, LOCATION. But I need some help from our members up north. I know that several one day and weekend shows take place in Michigan but I don't know when or where and I don't wish to compete with one of your shows. I need information and advice from you guys so please write or give me a call. I am looking at spring show in '99, '98 is already booked. Back to The Herald 18 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |