by Brian O'Leary
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Over the past several months, I have had the good fortune to read several really good books and thought I'd let the membership know about them. They aren't necessarily new releases, just good books that lend themselves well to gaming in one way or another. If other members are interested, send in mini-revues and we can make this a regular column. Blitzkrieg in the West; Then and Now by Jean Paul Pallud, 1991
An outstanding description of the Gennan offensive in May/June, 1940. The text details engagements and units of both sides and provides information for dozens of game scenarios. h1 addition to the text there are 1880 photos showing scenes both as they were during the offensive and presently. The photos lend themselves well to modeling the landscape and architecture of the period. It is fascinating and very well written, several maps include, Hardback, 640 pages. My copy was $79.95 from Zenith Books, P.O. Box 1, Osceola, WI 540200001, call for catalog 1-800-826-6600. PanzerTruppen Vol. 1 and Vol 2 Edited by Thomas L. Jentz, 1996
These are the most detailed, down to the nitty-gritty books that I have ever seen. Volume I covers 1933-1942, and details the creation and evolution of the panzer forces, as well as, the offensives from 1939 through 1942 and the Spanish Civil War. Each offensive is generally described by the editor and the explained in extreme detail with excerpts from Nazi documents, orders, strength and production tables, TO&Es of actual units at the time of the battles, and first hand accounts from German officers logbooks and reports. Tactical doctrine is explained prior to battle and analyzed afterward by company, battalion, regimental, and division commanders involved in the fighting. It is paradise if you're a treadhead. Volume 2 is just as good as volume 1, but covers offensives and reorganizations from 1943 to 1945. Both volumes include appendices addressing monthly strength of each panzer type, radio types, statistical evaluation of the panzers and their adversaries, German and allied gun tables, and a glossary of German terms. Volume I has 287 pages and retails for $49; while, Volume 2 is a little smaller at $45. Borders Books usually has them in stock or write to Schiffer for a catalog. 1066: The year of the Conquest by David Howarth, 1977
This is a very entertainingly written history about the Norman conquest. It starts with New Years day of 1066 and explains the plight of the new King Harold, his success against King Harald Hardrada of Norway, his quality leadership and presents an exceptionally interesting idea as to the real reason for the Norman victory. The best thing about the book is that it is a truly enjoyable read, not a typical British, brain numbing, concise history in 402 volumes kind of book. My hardback version retails for $13.95; I've seen it in paperback for about $5. It was recently reprinted and is available at Barns and Noble stores, and Borders Books. Back to The Herald 15 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |