by Darryl R. Smith
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2. Each unit of the American army may carry out the number of operations equal to the value determined by the die roll in #1 above. Units attempting to charge will close to within 2" of their intended target. 3. The American players check morale to see if any units fired at will stand or if units charged from the front will stand and fire. 4. The Indian players check morale for any units that were fired at to see if they will continue their charge. 5. All charging units in good morale may move to contact with enemy figures if sufficient movement exists, and all melees are fought. 6. All American units which are still in disorder from a previous phase move their skirmish movement rate away from the enemy. PHASE TWO
2. Each unit of the Indian army may carry out the number of operations equal to the value determined by the die roll in #1 above. Units attempting to charge will close to within 2" of their intended target. 3. The Indian players check morale to see if any units fired at will stand or if units charged from the front will stand and fire. 4. The American players check morale for any units that were fired at to see if they will continue their charge. 5. All charging units in good morale may move to contact with enemy figures if sufficient movement exists, and all melees arc fought. 6. All Indian units which are still in disorder from a previous phase move their skirmish movement rate away from the enemy. PART 2: OPERATIONSAll movement, fire, and all other actions will be carried out by the use of operation points. Each operation point can be used to do one of the following operations:
2. MOUNT/DISMOUNT 3. CHANGE FACING AND/OR FORMATION 4. RALLY 5. FIRE 6. LOAD 7. CHARGE 8. LIMBER/UNLIMBER Units may carry out more than one operation a turn. If a side has rolled a 5 (yielding 3 operation points), a unit could do any of the following operations in the course of the turn:
FIRE, LOAD, MOVE MOVE, LOAD, FIRE CHANGE FACING, MOVE, FIRE RALLY, MOVE, LOAD MOVE, FIRE, CHARGE Normally only the phasing side is allowed to use action points during their turn. However, if a non-phasing unit which is charged from the front passes it's morale check and it's weapons are loaded it may fire at the charging unit. The action point expended is deducted from it's next die roll. PART 3: FORMATIONSAll units must be in one of the following formations:
OPEN ORDER A single rank of figures, with all figures in contact with one another. A line may be bent to conform to terrain. COLUMN: Any formation with more than two ranks. SKIRMISH: A line of figures (either single or double) with one figure spacing between the figures. Again the line may be bent to conform to terrain. MASS: A group of figures that is as wide as it is deep, with all figures touching one another. Only Indians may use this formation. DISORDER: A clump of figures as equal in width and depth as possible. Units in disorder have a facing, but are not allowed a bonus for depth. LIMBERED: The battery is ready for movement. It may not fire. UNLIMBERED: The battery is ready for action. It may 6c only moved by prolong. PART 4: MOVEMENTUnits move at the following rate as determined by their formations. Remember that each operation point spent for movement allows the unit to move once. Thus a unit which uses two operation points for movement would move twice the distance given.
CHARGING UNITS: Any units which charge get a 5Q% movement bonus on the fast movement phase only. All units which charge are considered disordered at the end of their turn, after melee has occurred. Units do not have to charge to enter contact with the enemy, but if they do not charge they do not gain either the movement or the melee bonus. COMMAND: All units which wish to move must have an officer with or attached to the unit. TERRAIN EFFECTS:
PART 5: FIRESmall arms fire may be conducted by all infantry or cavalry figures against the closest enemy unit in their arc of fire. The fire arcs for all units depend upon their formation, and are as follows:
COLUMN: As line, but only the front rank may lire. SKIRMISH: The arc is 1800, but the figures may not fire through other figures of the unit. MASS: Only the first rank may fire, at 180°, but not through other figures of the unit. Artillery may fire at the closest enemy unit within a 300 arc of either side of the battery, and must be unlimbered to fire. Roll a d10 for each figure firing in unit. To hit roll must be equal to or under the numbers on the table.
Rifles and artillery take two operation points to reload. If any hits are scored, roll a d10. On a result of 10 the officer or chief of the unit is dead. CLASS A: formed troops (including mass) in the open.
PART 6: MORALEUnits which have been fired at by artillery, have taken a small arms hit(s), is initiating a charge, or is the target of a charge, must check morale. The unit must roll equal or under the rating to continue the desired action. The unit's morale ratings are as follows (the two ratings for Indians and the Canadian militia are for cover/open.):
Indians 8/6 Legion artillery/dragoons 9 Canadian militia 8/6 Militia 6 Modifiers:
FAILURE OF MORALE: The cffects of failing a morale check are as follows:
FAILED BY 3 OR 4. The unit immediately moves back the number of turns that it missed it's morale by, and ends up in disorder facing away from the enemy. Use skirmish formation movement rate. FAILED BY 5 OR MORE: The unit immediately moves back the number of turns that it missed it's morale by, ends up in disorder facing away from the enemy, and suffers a permanent one level drop in it's morale. Use skirmish formation movement rate. PART 7: MELEEUnits which move into melee do so in the following manner. The attacking figures are placed next to the enemy figures that they are meleeing, with the requirement that they stay in the same formation that they attacked in. Thus skirmishers must keep their spacing, columns must . keep their formation, etc. In some cases the attacker may be able to double up on the defender, or in the case of skirmishers attacking a line, the defenders may be able to double up on the attacker. For each figure(s) in melee, roll one die (d10), applying the following modifiers:
Mounted figure +3 Defending works +3 Figure attacked from flank or rear -2 Figure is in disorder -1 Figure (non-Indian) is charging + 1 Indian charging in skirmish order +1 Indian charging in mass +2 Attacked in water -2 For one additional figure attacking + 1 If a figure's die is twice that of his opponent, then the opponent is considered dead. If a figure beats his opponent but doesn't double him, then the loser falls back to the rear one skirmish move. Whichever side has the highest losses in the melee is considered the loser. The difference in the winner's versus the loser's casualties is used to determine the loser's outcome. Use the FAILURE OF MORALE table to find loser's results. Back to The Herald 1 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |