by Richard Brooks
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1. Falcon Miniatures , PO Box 426014, Cambridge, MA 02142. Falcon US is under new management (Keith Astrofsky) and is offering at least the Boer War, Sudan War, German Southwest Africa, and FFL/Arab again. These are true 25mm. The list of figures available includes: German Southwest Africa – infantry and mounted, askaris foot and mounted, sailors, marines, artillery infantry and naval, Herero foot and mounted. FFL – Legion foot and mounted, zouave, chasseurs d’Afrique, arab foot and mounted horse and camel. Sudan and Boer War – Boers foot, artillery and mounted, Dervish foot and mounted camel, British highland, infantry and cavalry. 10 foot 8.95, 4 cavalry 7.95, 8 command 7.95, 3 artillery 7.95. See Keith’s Dispatch. 2. The Gunboat Company, 1001 Warrenville Road Suite 175, Lisle, IL 60532. This new company offers three different gunboats for 25-28mm figures. Made from precision cut wood (laser cut?), waterline models of river gunboats.
3. Lone Warrior, issue 144. As always great and inspiring articles for solo gaming, unfortunately nothing colonial this issue. 4. The Virtual Armchair General, announced last month that Richard Houston had made several more models of river gunboats for sale. The models come completed with crew. They look as good as those above. I received from Patrick Wilson a set of TVAG 1st and 2nd Sikh War Flags done by Chris Ferree. WOW!! See the Review
5. Castaway Arts, has announced new Tuaregs for their FFL to fight. I have taken my Porch off the shelf and have begun read his Conquest of the Sahara and looked over his Conquest of Morocco and The French Foreign Legion. If I can’t find some scenarios to write up here I might as well quit. And no I wont quit.
6. Soldiers of the Queen, The Victorian Military Society, PO Box 5837, Newbury, RG14 7FJ, UK Nothing to report this time. 7. Narrative Press, PO Box 2487, Santa Barbara, CA 93120, publish first person accounts of travel, adventure and exploration. Some of the titles include:
8. The Devil Soldier, Caleb Carr. I had been looking for a copy of this for some time and finally found one in Borders Books. The book details the life of Frederick Townsend Ward in 1859-1863 China, his development of the Ever Victorious Army, and the battles against the Taiping rebels for Imperialist China. Ward was killed in action and Chinese Gordon took over the Ever Victorious Army. Quite a good book with loads of scenario ideas, Ward uses gunboats to move his troops to the battlefield and fire their guns on rebel positions. His main steamer was the Hyson “a small iron paddle-steamer, of about ninety feet long and twenty-four feet wide, drawing three to four feet of water, and carrying one 32-pounder on a moving platform at her bow, while at her stern there was a 12-pounder howitzer. Loop-holed protection of planking ran around the bulwarks to a height of six feet, and the steam-chests were protected by a timber traverse. She averaged eight knots an hour.” (249) The corps used “commands and bugle calls as well as western weapons” and “decidedly non-Chinese uniforms… Boots and leggings were in the European mode, as were the tunics: Ward’s infantry wore light green and his artillerymen light blue…a number of Manilamen…as personal bodyguard… given…uniforms of deep navy…As headgear, the entire corps wore deep green turbans.”(162-163) Highly Recommended Reading 9. From ‘And That’s the Way It Was’ I received three sets of rules—Gunboat Diplomacy, The Kris and the Flame, and The Sword in the Punjab. With the release of Gunboat Diplomacy, TSATF, TSNS, 800 FE, and all the various Sword and Flame variants available from ‘And That’s the Way It Was’ the whole world of 19th century empire building is available for recreating. The rules systems have been integrated so if you know the basic TSATF the rest pretty much follow suit. See the first review of TKATF, fuller reviews of the others will follow as soon as I play test them. The Sword in the Punjab ($14)
Gunboat Diplomacy ($30)
10. Old Glory, announced last month that they are starting to produce 10mm figures. So far nothing for the colonial period has been announced. Personally, I can’t see that small without my trifocals so I’m not about to buy any colonials to paint for the period. I also don’t see myself gaming very large-scale colonial battles, I much prefer skirmish or regimental level not army level. However, I could see playing army level for the Wars of Spanish Succession, also for Napoleonic (not buying any more of them) or ACW (also not buying any more of them). Spencer Smith, The Old Rectory, Wortham, Diss., Norfolk, IP22 1SL, UK. under the name of Jacklex now offers 20mm figures for the Boer War, Sudan, Zulu War, NWF and Russo-Japanese War. 11. This newly formed discussion group is as the name says concerned with colonial German East Africa. I posted the German Casualty article from 138 to their files section and asked for comments. 12. Foundry, has announced that their books will now cost $70, holy cow! So far they have been pretty good stuff. But, if/when I next buy another one I’ll try Amazon or BN first, even if they don’t give a free figure it has got to be a better price. Back to The Heliograph # 140 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |