by Richard Brooks
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1. Wargames Illustrated, issue 182 from Chris Leach is an article entitled “Zulu War Battles for Empire: Scenarios, part I, Isandlwana, 22 January 1879”. Don’t look to this article for historic background (see the book review Zulu Victory below). The scenario presents an interesting twist to battle victory conditions—dividing the game into 5 camps; the more captured by the Zulus the bigger the victory. The victory conditions are not conducive to forming a square or lager as the wagons are in a park making conditions for the Brits very hard to obtain. Issue 183 “Zulu War Battles for Empire: Scenarios, part II, Battle of Nyzane, 22 January 1879” by Chris Leach, more interesting ideas for scenarios. “West Coast Chiefdoms: An unusual Army for Darkest Africa” by Chris Peers for his Heart of Africa rules, very nice. “Amazing Adventure: An Introduction to Skirmish Adventures in the 1920s and 30s” by Mark Parkins has interesting background—taking favorite works of fiction from and about the period as history. I like the idea, the article uses “Don’t Panic Captain Mainwaring” (WI 172) as the basis. I’ll have to reread these rules again. “The Egyptian Bug…Herb Gundt gets bitten!” is an interesting, but too short, article to read about constructing Egyptian temples, embalmers workshop, tombs and police station. “Catch them when you can” by Kevin Dallimore discusses converting and painting Foundry’s Victorian civilians. If you are interested in gaming German East Africa as I am, Westwind (see Old Glory in US) offers some figures just for us to add an interesting twist. The Island of Pemba, just off the coast of German East Africa and one of the places they conquered in the beginning, was home to voodoo even though the population was Muslim. Westwind has voodoo figures (priests, priestesses, zombies and more). Navigator Miniatures 25/28mm ad shows Saracens that could be painted as various Arabs. Nice looking figures, great paint job. 2. Castaway Arts See the review. 3. Copplestone Castings See the review. 4. Lone Warrior Issue 140, well no real colonial articles, but as always a great read full of ideas. 5. Soldiers Small Book #57, part of a subscription/membership with the Victorian Military Society. This newsletter is full of Victorian Military news and events in Great Britain. 6. Windcatcher Graphics, 1902 Prelude Dr., Vienna, VA 22182. I received a catalog from them with a listing, for us, of the FFL line. I bought a couple of sets from them three years ago at a toy soldier show and was quite impressed the detail and color of the FFL and Arabs. They have a total of 26 sets, some are even 3-D, these are lithos on wood (flats). They are also beginning a French and Indian War range on set (303) is a keel boat with rowers, gun, officers and Indian guide in 3-D and looks to be the best they offer. Back to The Heliograph # 134 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |