by Richard Brooks
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1. The Foundry, figures available in the US from Patrick Wilson, business hours are from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Central Time, Mondays through Friday's (barring holidays, calls of nature, doctor appointments, and F5 Tornadoes). Patrick may be faxed at 1-800-282-1802 (local calls to 405-755-8572) or phoned at 405-755-8863. In the UK 24-34 St, Marks Street, Nottingham, NG3 1DE, Great Britain. North American convention Rep Howard Whitehouse, 409 Wellesley St. East. Toronto, Ont. M4X 1H5. I do not know what has happened to the New Darkest Africa figures, Mark Copplestone is currently working on some Elves for Foundry and his own line of Future Wars figures. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FIGURES!!!! 2. Castaway Arts, PO Box 7599, Cairns Q 4870, Australia, email: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! 3. Articles of War, Ltd., 3 Rodeo Road, Silver City, NM 88061-8710, (505) 534-8840. Checkout their new web site at, Bob Ruman is going to be primarily an internet dealer, the web site offers new features, easier browsing, and a new arrivals section. Highly recommended! email: 4. Bob Burke, 4726 Apaloosa Court, Antioch, CA 94509. email: See the ad See Bob for back issues of the Heliograph and Savage and Soldier. Also They Died For Glory Rules set. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 5. MWAN, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471, $35.00 a year for six issues. Issue 111:
6. Cannon Fodder Miniatures, P.O. Box 36604, Winnellie 0821 NT, Australia. Email: SEE THE AD.
7. Lone Warrior, US: Richard Barbuto, 1707 Ridge Road, Leavenworth, KS 66048.
8. Victorian Military Society, Dan Allen, 20 Priory Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7QN Great Britain. If you don’t belong to the Victorian Military Society you should, and tell them the Heliograph sent you. Soldiers of the Queen Issue 104 “Special Naval Issue”
There are three great articles in this issue: First, “By Land By Sea By Camel? The Royal Marine Detachment of the Camel Corps in Egypt 1884-5” by Cliff Fuller contains some great information. Uniforms were grey/khaki tunic with brass buttons, blue shoulder straps, silver badges, trousers without puttees, light brown helmet with pagri, buff waist cartridge belt, white haversack, black boots and a black bayonet scabbard. “Major Poe continued to wear his red Marines Officers tunic.” The Guards wore red serge jumpers (or loose tunics) yellow-ochre cord trouser, dark blue puttees, leather angle boots and a white pith helmet with goggles. The Marine detachment consisted of 101 men, Major, Captain, 2 Lts. The Marines formed the 4th Company of the Guards Camel Regiment. The camels were used strictly for transportation. The coy consisted of four platoons of 1 officer, 5 NCOs and 25 other ranks. Each man carried a rifle, sword bayonet, leather bandolier with 50 rounds, leather belt pouch, frog and sling, haversack and water bottle. Second article is”Lieutenant Herbert Alexander Child CMG, RN Veteran West African River Campaigner” by Louis Ackroyd. The article is too short for real details but does have sketchy information on the following actions: Gambia River 1891-92, Nana 1894, Brass River 1895, Benin 1897, Aro 1901-02, Biblicala 1903, Brass River 1905, and Kuru Patrol 1911. WOW. The article has a nice list of sources and photos, one of a steamer with a 6” gun 1914. The final article “The Brass River Expedition LTC Richard Denny RMLI” by Ralph Moore-Morris. The article fills in the above mentioned action very nicely and contains several photographs including a Royal Niger Co. launch and a War Canoe. Boy these war canoes are easy to make, they’re flat and boat shaped how easy can it get. It starts out with 2000 white washed warriors some armed with enfields (most armed with rifles of some sort) in war canoes (some carrying 50-70 men) captured natives were eaten. The war was apparently only against the Royal Niger Company any one else was safe from the natives. Marines and Hausa infantry were involved and transported by the Royal Niger Coy and other craft. They carried 7pdrs, 3pdrs, Maxims, and a 3-barrelled Nordenfelt machinegun. The enemy was in fortified Nimbi and had a 13-gun battery, 3 9pdr smooth bores in one stockade. The Marines and Hausa burned the capital and captured 22 smooth bores. Great story, full of action and ideas. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! 9. The Melik Society, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW, Great Britain.
10. Wargames Illustrated, 18 Lovers Lane, Newark, Notts. NG24 1HZ Great Britain. Issue 164
Issue 165
There are some great photos from the Battlegroup North II convention at the Yorkshire Air Museum in England of game scenery, no not the girl in shorts. Seems to me the Brits scenery at conventions is much better than American convention scenery, although I must admit I have seem some great scenery at Cold Wars and Historicon (See you at Historicon). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 11. Osprey Military Journal, Osprey Direct, P.O. Box 140, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 4ZA Great Britain. Osprey Journal Vol. 3 Issue 3 unfortunately has nothing colonial. 12. Internet sites and manufacturers: 13. Caliver Books, 816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 3NH, Great Britain. Check out their web site Caliver Books latest catalog List 52 is Colonial, European, ACW, and Indian Wars. This is a very nice list of books with good prices. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! 14. BY JINGO 15. Savage and Soldier Old issues with some updating at: Highly Recommended! Full of great information. 16., another colonial site. You must first go to find colonial wars and ask to subscribe, once you are accepted you start receiving all the email/chat. 17. Warrior Miniatures, 14 Tiverton Ave. Glasgow, G32 9NX Scotland. 0141 778 3426 18. If you are reading this on magweb--how about a paper subscription!! MagWeb has over 95 different magazines here, Wow. See in the PW Review a review and game report by Wally Simon of Howard Whitehouse’s Science vs. Pluck in the April 2000, the latest, issue. 19. And That’s the Way it Was, 213 3rd St. NE, Hickory, NC 28601-5124 This is where to get your copy of The Sword and the Flame, this is a great set of rules and at 52 pages it is packed with great information and packaged very nicely. My favorite set of rules!!!! See the review of Scenario Portfolio 2000 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 20. Military Illustrated, 45 Willowhayne Ave. East Preston, West Sussex, BN16 1PL UK. 21. Miniature Wargames, reported by Stuart Asquith: Miniature Wargames -- No Report yet may be when Stuart resettles in the country we’ll hear from him. 22. Principles of War, The Magazine 23. The Journal of America’s Military Past, PO Box 1151, Fort Myer, VA 22211-0151. 24. The London War Room Check this site out, they now carry Richard Houston’s Naval Guns in 25mm. Scans of each gun are added after they are painted. Highly Recommended!!!!! 25. On Military Matters, tel: 609-466-2329. email: 26. Bicorne Miniatures
27. Mammoth Miniatures 28. Britannia Miniatures Have figures for Pershing’s hunt for Villa in 1916, Sudan 1884, and the NWF, unfortunately no pictures. 29. David A. Clayton, P.O. Box 574, Kennesaw, GA 30144, carries Fantassin Miniatures of Spain. The one colonial period is the Spanish-American War in 15mm the line has 23 different packs. 30. Lord Al’s Expeditionary Supply, 2819 Columbine, Nashville, TN 37204-3103,carries Dixon, Foundry, Essex, FAA, 1st Corps and more. Email: GAISERCO@BELLSOUTH.NET 31. Ral Partha figures are available from Star Books and Games, 3848 Tower Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45248, (812) 637-1633 The old prices are still good. 32. Greenhill Books, Stackpole Books The latest catalog indicates that this month they will publish “A Rain of Lead: The Siege and Surrender of the British at Potchefstroom, 1880-1881” by Ian Bennett for £ 18.99. 33. Reviresco Figures, 34. Eureka Miniatures, 10 Wooryl St. Carnegie, Vic. 3163, Australia See the Review 35. Ultimate Miniatures, PO Box 3959, Visalia, CA 93278-3959 See the review and ad 36. Old Glory Corp., Box 20, Calumet, PA 15621. I recently ordered some figures from Old Glory via their web site, fairly quick response which was very nice, so see the review. They also sent their catalog, which includes new stuff for 2001. The only things colonial are: Great Powers High Command for the Boxer Rebellion, $20. Wall sections for the Legations of Peking, $16. Sudan River Steamer “Safieh” with crew and gun, $75. African River Steamer, $75. See the review 37. Italwars, PierPaolo Triglia, via Patrizio Gennari 81, 00156 Roma, ITALY, have some very nice figs for the Abyssinian War in 28mm based on their web site. I have not been able to reach them at their email, so will try snail mail, more later. Back to The Heliograph # 125 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |