by Richard Brooks
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1. The Foundry , figures available in the US from SEE BELOW. 24-34 St, Marks Street, Nottingham, NG3 1DE, Great Britain. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! Some of you will have almost no idea of what I'm talking about, but may still be glad to share my good fortune. Others of you may understand exactly what I'm talking about, but not give a bucket of warm air. And that's....OK. 'Cause, darn it, I'm good enough and people like me! If only to confirm some rumors and deny others, I have been authorized to confirm my appointment as the new USA Mail Order Rep for The Foundry, now moved to Nottingham, England. Independently approached with this opportunity by both Mr. Howard Whitehouse, now of Toronto, and Foundry boss Bryan Ansell, I was invited to Guernsey during the last week of March where I was rather lavishly welcomed and given some exposure to their operations and ambitious plans for the future. American Foundry customers of record will be receiving in the near future formal letters of notification which will include a stamped, return order envelope good for a 25% discount if ordered by the date stamped thereon. Further deals will be offered to those who take advantage of this first encouragement to return to the fold--in spite of the collapse of the previous Mail Order service in the USA. For all those wishing to make orders for current Foundry releases, establishing standing orders, subscribing to "Wargames Illustrated" (with special incentives), or purchase new catalogs, please feel free to contact me directly. The orders I receive are faxed to Nottingham on the same day and are delivered stateside in about 7 days--intact! Having seen the system at work myself, I can testify to the efficiency of The Foundry's mail order business. They do fill and ship every order within 24 hours of receipt, and most often the same day. Of course, it helps when orders are faxed to them daily, and that is a large part of my job. As always, checks drawn on US banks are acceptable (if made out to "The Foundry"), and credit card orders (Visa, Master Charge, Discover) are easier still. With the inevitable--but rare--exception, you will get your order as fast or faster as any you get here in the States and with no difficulty over rates of exchange, postage, etc. Orders up to $80.00 cost a flat $10 more for postage, while orders larger than $80.00 are entirely postage free. Don't forget to ask about monthly specials, deals, and bonus figures! My business hours are from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Central Time, Mondays through Friday's (barring holidays, calls of nature, doctor appointments, and F5 Tornadoes). I may be faxed at 1-800-282-1802 (local calls to 405-755-8572) or phoned at 1-800-986-3060 (local calls, again, to 405-755-8863). If I can be of any service to you old timers with The Foundry, or can help any of you who are new to mail ordering, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hoping to hear from you interested souls soon, and just to hear from the rest of you at your leisure, I remain Your Humble And Obedient Servant, Patrick R. Wilson
2. Castaway Arts, PO Box 7599, Cairns Q 4870, Australia, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! 3. El Dorado, The South and Central American Military Historians Society Quarterly. Terry D. Hooker, 27 Hallgate, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HU16 4DN, England. In the US Paul V. Walsh, 3412 Huey Ave. Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2311. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 4. Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Tridelphia, WV 26059. 5. Bob Burke, 4726 Apaloosa Court, Antioch, CA 94509. Until further notice, all original back issues of Savage and Soldier are on sale for only $2.50 each (photocopies of earlier back issues are still $2.75). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 6. MWAN, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471, $35.00 a year for six issues. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 7. Cannon Fodder Miniatures, P.O. Box 36604, Winnellie 0821 NT, Australia. SEE THE REVIEW. Also check out their web site Check out the free flags pages, These are really fine flags made just for 28mm figures. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 8. Lone Warrior , US- 1707 Ridge Road, Leavenworth, KS 66048. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! 9.Victorian Military Society , Dan Allen, 20 Priory Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7QN Great Britain. If you don't belong to the Victorian Military Society you should, and tell them the Heliograph sent you. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! 10. The Melik Society , 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW, Great Britain. The purpose of the Melik Society is to advance public awareness of Britiah and Sudanese history, particularly the development of river gunboats and the achievements of those involved in the military campaigns between 1883 and 1899. One of the immediate objectives is to facilitate the preservation and restoration of the remaining gunboats Melik and Bordein so that they can be exhibited, maintained and demonstrated to the general public. Every dollar or pound helps. Highly recommended charity!!!! 11. Wargames Illustrated , 18 Lovers Lane, Newark, Notts. NG24 1HZ Great Britain. No. 150 Ian Knight has an article "Everything you ever wanted to know about the Cape Frontier Wars But were afraid to ask" delivers as the title promises. Includes a photo of nicely painted Cannon Fodder Miniatures Xhosa. Good text and illustrations. Also includes a two page spread of color photos of First Corps figures, pretty nice. "In the Heart of Africa: Part Four: The Campaign Rules" is another great article by Chris Peers. How does he find the time? as if I didn't know. These campaign rules will work well with other rules than those Chris has written. No. 151 "On to Kabul" by Gerald Scase is a well written and useful set of rules Definitely well worth stealing from. Great color photos of an Indian Mutiny game. OH NO another great series of articles starts by Chris Peers "The Azande: The Zulus of the Congo" part 1. As usual great text, good contemporary illustrations. Then there is an interesting article by Bob Coggins "The Development and Current State of US Wargaming" it was a good thing people like Bob began the HMGS east, too bad they're not still in charge. On to something really useful an article on modeling "African Acacias" by Herb Gundt. Get out your wire and putty and start in. No. 152 A photo spread on a Darkest Africa Game is stunning and great for ideas. Chris Peers' "The Azande: The Zulus of the Congo" part 2 is full of really good information that can be used for gaming purposes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 12. Osprey , Osprey Direct, P.O. Box 140, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 4ZA Great Britain. Osprey Military Journal, 64 pages six times a year, great articles, illustrations and maps. If you like their Men-At-Arms and the Campaign books etc. you will like this journal, and if you don't you get your money back. $39.95 US, £ 25.50 UK and £ 42.50 rest of world. Volume 2, no. 2 contains a nine page article by Mark Henry "With Brave Hearts and Bright Weapons: the US in the China Relief Expedition." A very nice article with illustrations from Lynn Bodin's Osprey MAA 95 as well as other photographs and maps. While the article does not contain any new information, based on Bodin, it is well written and very useful as a campaign guide or overall review of the conflict. Highly Recommended!!! 13. Howard Whitehouse , was been found by the Emin Pasha Expedition in the wilds of Outer Toronto just before being trampled by a Gnu. 409 Wellesley St. East. Toronto, Ont. M4X 1H5. 14. Caliver Books and Battlefields , 816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 3NH, Great Britain. Check out their web site Battlefields and Age of Empires are available in the US from On Military Matters, (609) 466 2329. Battlefields issue 9, "Fields of Battle: part two, To Dye the Earth with Brave Men's Blood," by Ian Knight. This a photo essay continues with Isandlhwana and Rorke's Drift. Very nice and useful descriptions of the two battlefields. I like the new look of the magazine, although I was distracted some by the reversed background images and the lost uniforms of the Zulus in the background. The background on one page showing readers painted figures was so distorted by being blown up to a mess of pixels it detracted from the rest of the page, even if it was a Byzantine cavalry figure. Age of Empire Issue 15. For all you Zepplin heads there is an article so you can use your Lego model Zepplin. "Zepplin L.59 and the Africa Raid" by Tim Tawnay, interesting article with photo, but you'll need a bigger Zep. "The French Campaign in Dahomey, part III" by Conrad Cairns. This part follows Dodds campaign route to Abomey and a brief sketch of the battles to get there. Also has a color illustration from Military Illustrated as well as an OB for the French. "British Tactics in the First Burma War, 1824-26" by Nigel Hayes. This is a good introduction with explanations of tactics mainly for the British but includes info for the Burmese. "Isandlhwana Re-enacted" by Ian Knight contains some great color photos as well as an interesting story. "Led into a Butcher's Shop and Bloody Left There" by John Davenport is the story of "Black Week" 10-17 December 1899 (three British defeats-Magersfontein Line, Stormberg Junction and Colenso). This article focuses on Metheun's mistakes at Magersfontein with the Highland and Naval Brigades. Interesting article with Photos, maps and illustrations. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! 15. BY JINGO 16. Savage and Soldier Check this out at Highly Recommend full of great information. 17. , another colonial site. You must first go to find colonial wars and ask to subscribe, once you are accepted you start receiving all the email/chat. 18. Warrior Miniatures , 14 Tiverton Ave. Glasgow, G32 9NX Scotland. 0141 778 3426 They carry 25mm colonial figures, sorry I do not know whether they are standard or large, I assume standard. The line includes 7 inf and 2 cav Brits and 10 Zulus for the Zulu Wars, 5 Fuzzy Wuzzy and 5 Brits for Sudan and 5 Boer inf and 1 cav. 40p each or 50 figure packs for £ 12.50, 100 figure Zulu pack for £ 24.95, that works out to 25p each about 40 cents US. If you have standard size 25mm write for a sample, send some cash along or use plastic. 19. The Heliograph is, sniff sniff no longer in the top ten, now that magweb has over 75 magazines but we're still going strong. 20. Regiment , Nexus House, Azalea Dr., Swanley, Kent BR8 8HU. Issue 45, part 2 of The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire, 1881-2000. Again some great photographs and captions but mostly dress uniforms. The issue contains several color plates within the colonial period: 1881 march order, 1902 service dress, mounted infantry 1901, as well as full dress plates. Photos of interest include the Ashanti War 1896, India 1896 and 1900, WWI, and the Boer War. There is a one page description of the regimental museum in York where it is housed with the Royal Dragoon Guards, see you guys soon. If you haven't been there you should go, it is well worth the visit as are the other museums in York. Be careful driving on B roads near Catterick, we were nearly run over by a Dragoons tank, which in itself was kinda neat. Another great effort by Stuart Asquith. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 21. And That's the Way it Was , 213 3rd St. NE, Hickory, NC 28601-5124 As I said last issue this is where to get your copy of The Sword and the Flame, this is a great set of rules and at 52 pages it is packed with great information and packaged very nicely. 22. Regimental Orders, Victorian Tymes, 22 Kennard Road, New Milton, Hants, BH25 5JU, UK £ 4 or $7 for a year. Issue 1. Brought to you by Keith Perks and Chris Coogan formerly of Dress Regulations. This issue contains three pages of photos and uniform descriptions of soldiers from the 1880s to 90s, four pages of drawings from late 18th earlyn 19th century uniforms, and five pages on the 1871 valise equipment. If you are interested in uniforms and equipment this is for you. High Recommended! 23. Military Illustrated , 45 Willowhayne Ave. East Preston, West Sussex, BN16 1PL UK £ 35 or $100 for a year sub. Number 141 contains a three page article on recreating the Boer War entitled "End of empire" by Philipp Elliot-Wright. Nice article good photos and if you are going to be in England see it played out by History in Action at Kirkby Hall 12-13 August or at Audley End 23-24 September. Number 142 contains "Captured by Zulus" by Ian Knight. The story of Trooper Grandier caught at Hlobane by the Zulus, interesting tale, useful for a scenario. "The Italians and trhe Running Shoes: Does the Italian Soldier Deserve his bad Reputation?" by Andrew Uffindell who does a very nice job of dispelling the myth. While this is most concerned with 1866 and WWII it does contain several interesting bits on the colonial period. Back to The Heliograph #118 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |