by Richard Brooks
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1. The Foundry, figures available in the US from Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145, 440-871-4587, fax 440-892-5887. Guernsey Foundry, Hubert's Lane, Off Doyle Road, St. Peter Port, Gurnsey, GY1 1RG, Channel Islands, Great Britain. See the figures as illustrated in issue 147 of Wargames Illustrated. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! 2. Castaway Arts, PO Box 7599, Cairns Q 4870, Australia, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! 3. El Dorado, The South and Central American Military Historians Society Quarterly. Terry D. Hooker, 27 Hallgate, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HU16 4DN, England. In the US Paul V. Walsh, 3412 Huey Ave. Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2311. Check this out on or get a subscription. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 4. Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Tridelphia, WV 26059. Their latest flyers show their 15mm British Sudan and Zulu figures 5. Bob Burke, 4726 Apaloosa Court, Antioch, CA 94509. Until further notice, all original back issues of Savage and Soldier are on sale for only $2.50 each (photocopies of earlier back issues are still $2.75). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 6. MWAN #102, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471, $35.00 a year for six issues. While there are no colonial period articles the article by Orv Banasik "The Iowa Greybeard" is great. In it he discusses his old and new game rooms and the little bits and pieces that make it work well for him. There are some really great ideas: 6'x14' game table with sawdust rather than sand for modelling terrain; storage units that also serve as display cases; and best, as if there other wasn't enough, is the idea of using bulletin boards to hold charts and tables for his rules sets so there are no misc. pieces of paper all over the table. Great article full of ideas that have started me thinking. MWAN is full of other great articles and as always a great read. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 7. Miniature Wargames. Recommended Reading! Issue 198 has an article by Gerry Armstrong "The Somaliland Camel Corps" basically a WWII scenario but could be turned around into a 19th C one. Looks like most of the figures are Essex 28mm Colonial Sudanese painted to 20th C needs. Some basically good scenario ideas. 8. Cannon Fodder Miniatures, P.O. Box 36604, Winnellie 0821 NT, Australia. See the Review of the latest figures. Also check out their web site Check out the free flags pages, These are really fine flags made just for 28mm figures. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 9. Lone Warrior, US- 1707 Ridge Road, Leavenworth, KS 66048. Great read, but nothing colonial. Of interest is the concept of Solo Wargamers Association Aides De Camp. Where the Aide sort of takes the place of an umpire. Great idea! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! 10. Clash of Empires, Keith Frye, 33 Ridge Road, Bloomingdale, NJ 07403. Highly Recommended!!!! 11.Victorian Military Society, Dan Allen, 20 Priory Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7QN Great Britain. If you don't belong to the Victorian Military Society you should, and tell them the Heliograph sent you. Soldiers of the Queen issue 98 has three great articles: "The 74th in the Kroomi Range: 8th September 1851" by Ian Cross; "'Russia and England Face to Face in Asia': The Pendjeh Incident of 1885" by R.A. Johnson; and "Casuses of the Boer War: A Naval 'window of opportunity'?" by Roger Stearns. Stearns article is pretty good but the illustrations and photographs are better. Soldiers Small Book number 48. This issue contains information for anyone with an interest in the colonial period -- study groups, tours, magazines, books and more. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! 12. The Melik Society, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW, Great Britain. The purpose of the Melik Society is to advance public awareness of Britiah and Sudanese history, particularly the development of river gunboats and the achievements of those involved in the military campaigns between 1883 and 1899. One of the immediate objectives is to facilitate the preservation and restoration of the remaining gunboats Melik and Bordein so that they can be exhibited, maintained and demonstrated to the general public. Every dollar or pound helps. Highly recommended charity!!!! 13. Wargames Illustrated, 18 Lovers Lane, Newark, Notts. NG24 1HZ Great Britain. Issue 146 "'Shadows in the Jungle': A Big-Game Hunting Game for Darkest Africa (and British India)" by Chris Peers, great color photos of the scenario, good article very interesting game. Gary Chalk's "Adobe Architecture" has some VERY useful ideas that can be used for building North African or Arab structures in Zanzibar. Herb Grundt's (HG Walls) "Perfect Palms" contains great ideas for making very realistic palm trees using artificial fur, twine and furnace wire. Issue 147 "'In the Heart of Africa' Part One: Wargames rules for the period of Exploration and Imperialism in 'Darkest Africa', c. 1850-1899" by Chris Peers. This part contains scales, definitions and troop characteristics. Can't wait for the next part, great reading, good ideas what more can you ask for. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 14. Articles of War LTD., 8806 Bronx Ave., Skokie, IL 60077-1896. 847-674-7445. Lots of good books here. They are moving order now. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 15. Osprey, Osprey Direct,P.O. Box 140, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 4ZA Great Britain. Osprey Military Journal, 64 pages six times a year, great articles, illustrations and maps. If you like their Men-At-Arms and the Campaign books etc. you will like this journal, and if you don't you get your money back. $39.95 US, £ 25.50 UK and £ 42.50 rest of world. Volume 1 issue 2 unfortunately has nothing colonial. Still a great read. Highly Recommended!!! 16. Redoubt, in the US from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge Street #163, Yuba City, CA 95993, 530-673-5169. A 15% discount still continues. 17. Howard Whitehouse, 312 Ridgecrest, LaFayette, GA 30728. Howard still has copies of his colonial classic book Battle in Africa for $10. If you don't have one you need it. This is the best of its kind! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Howard also makes some really great scenery modules or whole tables of scenery. I have some small scenery piece Howard makes and they are outstanding, very functional, made to your specifications, good looking, and not that expensive. Give Howard a call. Highly Recommended!! 18. Caliver Books and Battlefields,816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 3NH, Great Britain. Check out their web site Their latest catalog contains a title I have not seen yet Besieged in Peking: Story of the 1900 Boxer Rebellion by Preston £ 17.50 also an alphbetical listing of second hand books, 17 pages in small type, makes by eyes hurt there are so many books to buy and no money. Battlefields is available in the US from On Military Matters, (609) 466 2329. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! 19. BY JINGO 20. Savage and Soldier Check this out at Highly Recommend full of great information. 21., another colonial site. You must first go to find colonial wars and ask to subscribe, once you are accepted you start receiving all the email/chat. 22. Warrior Miniatures, 14 Tiverton Ave. Glasgow, G32 9NX Scotland. 0141 778 3426 They carry 25mm colonial figures, sorry I do not know whether they are standard or large, I assume standard. The line includes 7 inf and 2 cav Brits and 10 Zulus for the Zulu Wars, 5 Fuzzy Wuzzy and 5 Brits for Sudan and 5 Boer inf and 1 cav. 40p each or 50 figure packs for £ 12.50, 100 figure Zulu pack for £ 24.95, that works out to 25p each about 40 cents US. If you have standard size 25mm write for a sample, send some cash along or use plastic. 23. Cromwell Productions Ltd. 7 Mansell St, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6NR, email They have at least four colonial war history videos and lots more interesting military history videos as well an informational CDs. They do not list an American distributor, but write them for details or a catalog. I have several of their videos and audio tapes and am very happy with them. 24. 25. Military Illustrated, issue 137 two articles of interest "British Army in South Africa" a review of the National Army Museum exhibition commemorating the centennary. And "First Clash" by Ron Lockan article about the battles of Talana and Elandslaagte. Issue 138 contains "Attack at Dawn" by Ron Lock about the battles at Modder River and Magerfontein. Great reading and great illustrations in both articles 26. Regiment, Nexus House, Azalea Dr., Swanley, Kent BR8 8HU. Issue 43 titled Queen Victoria's Line Infantry and is devoted entirely to the Victorian period, what a surprise, 64 pages with no text only captions, WOW There is a two page color painting of the charge of the 1st Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment at the Battle of Waggon Hill, Boer War, 6 Jan. 1900. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED My subscription included a copy of Stuart Asquith's 1991 The Collector's Guide to New Toy Soldiersres from 1973 to the present day. I have a few of the larger 54mm figures and the book is visually pleasing. On page 39 is a photograph of the "HMS Mosquito, a stern wheeler on the African Zambesi Station" man talk about giving you ideas this is great, and most of the figures illustrated are Victorian period, way to go Stuart. 27. And That's the Way it Was, 213 3rd St. NE, Hickory, NC 28601-5124 As I said last issue this is a great set of rules and at 52 pages it is packed with great information and packaged very nicely. See their ad page!!! I got my copy of the French Foreign Legion Supplement with a page and a half of organization and special rules and four pages of charts. Now I can take on those dastardly French Foreign Legion and run them out of Arab territory. Or something like that. I'll get out my Airfix Beau Geste Fort with all those plastic Airfix FFL and Arabs and have a great time, especially when those relatives come over. Back to The Heliograph #116 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |