by Richard Brooks
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1. Guernsey Foundry figures, available in the US from The Foundry, (440-871-4587 or fax 440-892-5887) 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. If you are writing them directly they have a new address which means a new production facility and probably better service - Guernsey Foundry, Hubert's Lane, Off Doyle Road, St. Peter Port, Gurnsey, GY1 1RG, Channel Islands, ë Great Britain. See the article by Mark Copplestone, the designer with info on the range. See the preview pages from the catalog of the now in production castings for the Darkest Africa Range, WOW!!! Although the website is not officially part of The Foundry check out To be found are complete lists of all Wargames Foundry and Guersey Foundry Figures, plus Foundry News future projects and rules. 2. Lone Warrior North American Edition, Solo Wargamers Assoc. 1707 Ridge Rd., Leavenworth, KS 66048. Number 122 is in hand and has two interesting articles. ("A Spanish-American War Naval Wargame" by Marvin Scott is aset of rules for the USS Oregon against the Spanish fleet. A bit one sided for me but it's interesting. And "Zulu Army 1800-1850" by Carl Holliday contains some basic information to those new to Zulu warfare, but still interesting. 3. Practical Wargamer, Volume 12, number 2. Chris Nelson sent along two articles from PW. One by Ian Knight "'To Brave Men': The Last Stand of the Shangani Patrol" came from a demonstration game put on at the 1997 To The Redoubt. This was one of the best skirmish game reports I can think of having read. It contained everything I wanted to know including info on a set of rules I cannot recall having seen before uSuthu produced by Redoubt. This article is A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READ. The second article "The Polish Uprising of 1830-1831" by Ralph Weaver is not really my cup of tea but does contain information I have been looking for -- Russian uniforms and organization. 4. Miniature Wargames. Issue 180, May 1998. While an interesting read, this issue contains nothing strictly colonial. 5. MWAN #93, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471 ($35.00 per year six issues). "Rules for the Conduct of the Yanko-Spanko War or 'There's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight!' by Greg Nichols. You will have to ajust them for Houston's 15 mm figures as they are geared to 25 mm. Quite good give them a try. Other than this great article to read there's another 180 pages just as good. Highly recommended. 6. From the Redoubt, Newsletter of the Wargames Study Group, Ray Boyles, 19 Plantsbrook Rd., Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, B76 1EX Great Britain. This is a separate newsletter (one of many) produced by members of the Victorian Military Society. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU JOIN THIS VICTORIAN MILITARY SOCIETY STUDY GROUP. 7. Principles of War, John Hollyoak, 63 Vivian Rd, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 0DT Great Britain. See John's letter. John produces a magazine for Principles of War, a subscription airmail to the US for four issues is £ 5.00 which is about $10. Highly recommended to those of you who have PoW. 8. Victorian Military Society, Michael Parker, Treasurer, 11 Fennel Close, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU2 6NT UK. Issue 92 March 1998 contains three article of note: 1. "British Tactics in the Canadian Rebellion, 1837" by NC Hayes; 2. "British Tactics in the Early Anglo-Boer Conflicts" by NC Hayes; and, 3. "A Short Story from the Pedi War of 1879" by Huw Jones. These articles have lots of good ideas for rules variants as well as skirmishing. This Journal is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 9. Siege of Augusta, 8-10 January 1999 at the Augusta (GA) Sheraton. 10. Terry D. Hooker, 27 Hallgate, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HU16 4DN UK. Booklets by the South and Central American Military Historians Society. The title to have is No. 4 The Spanish American War: The Cuban Land Campaign, Order of Battle, by Terry Hooker, includes both sides down to Captain. The latest by Terry and the Society is Notes on Haiti, 1793-1916, Booklet #6 available from Terry or Andrew Preziosi, 11017 SW 125th Ave, Miami, FL 33186. This contains 18 articles and eight pages of uniform illustrations with detailed descriptions in the articles. Recommended! 11. Tactical Conflict Systems, 545 Newport Ave. Suite #155, Pawtucket, RI 02861, 401-437-9820. They have lots of 15 and 25 mm buildings. I have a round thatched hut, very good for African games particularly suitable for the Foundry's Darkest Africa range. They have several stucco buildings suitable for northern Africa, particularly H-64 - a medium stucco strong point, two storeys, crenallated walls, Very nice. 12. Merrimack Miniatures, 1524 Lois Dr, Shoreview, MN 55126. I bought a bag of their small longboats, quite nice for smaller 25s (4 for $5.00). They also have a steam launch, very nice (2 for $15.00), with an awning this could be the African Queen. An would work with Foundry's Darkest Africa although boats are only launches and would carry five to six people max. 13. Ral Partha Enterprises, 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, OH 45212-1197. They have a very nice collection of smaller 25 mm colonials 14. The Colonial Connection, 226 Wareham's Point, Willaimsburg, VA 8 23185, 757-229-1499. Hinchliffe figures, larger 25s, the catalog lists 56 foot and 16 cavalry colonial figures for the Sudan and Zulu Wars with a nice Gardiner Gun. 15. I received an email from Bill Stewart telling me about to sites on the internet These are both very interesting sites to visit. tetrad has some interesting rules and stuff. But, majgen is so full of interesting info on wargaming with colonials it's like reading a magazine on colonial gaming. If you don't have access at home then go to your local library and check these two sites with their access. WOW!!!! 16. Helion & Company, 26 Willow Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 1UE, email Duncan Rogers sent along an 82 page catalog of books "Military History 1700-1914". He has some interesting books that I do not recall having seen elsewhere particularly about the German navy pre-WWI and several German colonial books. There are six other catalogs with approximately 13,000 in-print titles. The catalogs are updated quarterly by a supplement/newsletter. The catalogs are free as is an out-of-print/secondhand professional booksearch service with no obligations. There is also a bibliographic database service with 250,000 references. Duncan takes payment by credit card or by checks in $s as well as £ s. This is most useful for us in the US. Finally, Duncan writes that he will soon be producing 25mm 1866 Austro-Prussian War troops (the first three sets of Prussians will feature approximately 46 castings with 20 possible head variants). For European and American subscribers this will be a valuable addition to your list of military book dealers. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 17. Castaway Arts, PO Box 7599 Cairns, Q. 4870, Australia. A new figure manufacturer with a set of Ashanti War figures. See the Review. 18. Historicon, 23-26 July 1998 at the Lancaster, PA Host Holiday Inn. The preliminary events list is out for the HMGS East big bash. The convention theme is "Be a Rough Rider - 'Charge!'". Well this is a first, a convention with more Colonial games than Napoleonic. The breakdown is: 50 Ancients, 60 Gunpowder 1700-1900, 34 Napoleonic, 9 Mexican War, 26 Civil War, 35 Colonial, 19 WWI, 72 WWII and 10 other. The breakdown for the colonials: 2 FFL, 7 Franco-Prussian, 4 Am. Indian, 5 Wild West, 7 Sp-American War (land), 4 Sp-American War (naval), 3 Zulu War, 3 Sp-American War seminars and 1 - each Boxer, Anglo-Boer, North-Africa, 1st Afghan, Sand Pebbles, and Indian Mutiny. Several of our subscribers are putting on these games lets support them!!! 19. Caliver Books/Partizan Press, 816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH Great Britain. Have come out with several new short catalogs, lots of colonial and regimental histories, very valuable information, Highly Recommended. ALSO A NEW The Age of Empires issue 14 WOW. Five full color German colonial illustrations very nice. I haven't read it yet but my mouth is watering, a great job Ian. Nine articles plus book reviews. WOW WOW WOW. Obviously, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, tell them The HELIOGRAPH SENT YOU for a subscription. 20. Miniature Wargames, issue 181 June., an interesting read, a wild west gunfight but nothing really colonial. 21. Richard Houston, PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113. Richard Sent along his Rorke's Drift Boxed set. VERY VERY NICE. I will review it with scans next issue. Well worth the money. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 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