The Redoubt
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From the Redoubt
1. Britannia Miniatures of 33 St. Mary's Road, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2BJ (Great Britain) have announced the start of a new 25mm range. No doubt inspired by Michael Barthorp's The Frontier Ablaze they cover the Great Pathan Revolt of 1898. Initial releases are Highlanders for the British including an officer, piper and sergeant together with 2 poses of infantry (charging and advancing). There are 6 Pathan types: Malik with sword and 5 types of tribesmen all with sword in various poses and headgear. 2. Ian Knight has received the following letter (unfortunately just after the publication of the last issue). I thought the Web site may be of interest but I'm sure any information would be gratefully received by Parmjit. "I am a young Sikh who is interested in tracing as much information as possible on the above topic. A friend and I are currently involved in private research. We are collecting old photographs and paintings, mainly those of Sikh 'warrior-priests' known as Nihangs or Akalis. Our collection at present dates back to the turn of the century and before. We also have many regimental photographs showing the Sikh involvement in the two World Wars. We aim to exhibit our findings so that other people may be able to enjoy the images that we have obtained. We have already held several exhibitions in the local community which were very well received. My friend has produced a web page on the internet called "Sikh Images of the Past". This web page has most of the pictures and photos that we have come across, as well as contemporary quotations relating to the Sikhs and their character. The address is We would be grateful for any comments that you may have. We have your book Queen Victoria's Enemies (3): India (Osprey). We are interested to know whether you have any other pictures similar to the ones in your book and additionally more about your other works and your interest in the Sikhs. We are also interested to know if you have any leads that we may be able to follow up. We have tried to cover as many museums and libraries as possible in our research but we still feel that there may be many private sources that we do not have access to at the moment. Any ideas that you have will be gratefully received. If you wish, you can contact me by e-mail on I went to the web site and there are loads of images, at least 100, that can be used as painting guides for some of the Akali Fanatics figures from The Foundry. As this goes on the will get more and more information and the site will get better and better. This site is highly recommended for any one with an interest in the Sikhs and the NWF. The New SOLDIER'S COMPANION Well, what can I say, but that during the next year the colonial period should see a bit of a revival (finally), as there will be two very important happenings for the colonial wargamer! First, will be the re-release of the New SOLDIER'S COMPANION rules by Emperor's Press/Old Glory. As I write this I am in the process of reworking the original SOLDIER'S COMPANION rules. The original rules were recently scanned in, fixed, and being modified with the various new rules, modifications, and clairifications that have been added over the last five or so years by Keith Frye and myself. Anyone who has played in any of the colonial games run at the various large HMGS East conventions or GenCon over the last few years, have had a chance to sample these new changes. Basically, this has gotten a lot of people who have never heard of the original rules to want to obtain the copy, and led to the demand that these "excellent" rules that capure the colonial period flavor so well, be reprinted! While its too early to give an exact release date, it is probable they will be available sometime in 1999, hopefully at Cold Wars, and will be complete. Shortly thereafter, however, various modules to further enhance the periods that the game represents will appear. For example, The Zulu War, North-West Frontier, The Sudan, Indian Mutiny, American Indian Wars, and other colonial conflicts, as well as European 19th-century periods. These modules will each contain specific information on the periods to further "flesh them out", as well as a score of scenarios, OB's, and some painting guides. One additional module will be the unique campaign system by Dave Waxtel, published in The Courier in the early 80's, called 'The Sun Never Sets'. Those familiar with this campaign system know that it is fantastic, and a lot of fun. This will be published as a seperate module, and probably available when the rules are printed (I basically already have them finished). Naturally, a full-size campaign map is plan, but a nicer one than the original, and hopefully with counters, etc. Those familiar with SOLDIER'S COMPANION know that the rules are perfect for the various colonial "small wars" of the 19th-century, that the various Imperial powers were involved in. But, the rules work equally well for various European actions of the 19th-century, as well as into the early 20th-century. Naturally, the huge battles are not as easy to game with the rules, but there are many actions of reasonable size that can be handled quite nicely. As further developments transpire, I will keep you informed. And hopefully next issue (seeing how this year is the 100th anniversary of 1898 and all that) I will have the River Vessel Rules for you. These will cover the various steamers, gunboats, and other riverine craft (dhowls, junks, etc.) that were involved in many colonial actions. Now you will have decent rules to send a gunboat up the Nile looking for the Khalifia's floatilla, or the Irawaddy to rescue some Imperials trapped by Boxers, or even face-off between another Imperial power's gunboat over land rights in the "Scramble for Africa". Now for the second news item. Old Glory is just beginning to work on extensive 25mm lines for all the colonial periods. Due for release at Historicon are the following ranges: Zulu War, North-West Frontier, The Sudan, The Boer War, and The Indian Mutiny. Each initial release will have about 10 bags for each side, and will generally follow along the usual Old Glory method. Although, since Emperor's Press/Old Glory will be printing the new SOLDIER'S COMPANION rules, every effort will be made to adjust the bags to fit nicely with the unit requirements of the rules, but easily be adapted for the unit requirements of other colonial rulesets as well. The initial releases of the ranges will cover most (90%) of the period, but naturally some items will not be available until a future release soon thereafter. For example, the Dervish releases will cover everything for Ansar, Fuzzy and Jehadia infantry, plus Dervish cavalry, casualties figures, and possibly artillery, but I believe camels will be a later release. Later releases will also cover such things as Specialty Packs, such as ambulance wagons and heliograph crews. Other ranges planned for later release are the Boxer Rebellion (and probably the Taiping Rebellion too), Egyptian Army, further expansion to the French Foreign Legion, plus others. Not to mention, Old Glory will also release at Historicon some figures for the often neglected American colonial period of the late 1890s to early 1900s. This small initial release will be for The Spanish-American War. This will coincide with the theme of Historicon this year -- 'The Spanish-American War and the American Colonial Period.' Releases planned are Rough Riders (no doubt including Teddy), and US Marines. Eventually they probably plan on releases for the Philippines, Moro's, etc., so we can finally start gaming those colonial American actions with some decent 25mm figures! In addition, Emperor's Press/Old Glory is reprinting 'Remember the Maine, And To Hell With Spain' by Greg Novak at Historicon this year. I have asked Greg to try to put add some statistics, unit values, etc., for use for SOLDIER'S COMPANION for The Spanish-American War. He said that he would comply. This will go nicely with the new American figures. Oh, by the way, I will be the official presenter (front-runner, promoter, lackey...) for Old Glory's colonial figures starting with Historicon. To help with the theme, I plan on using Old Glory's 'Sons of the Desert' range (painted as Riffian Berbers), and their new US Marines, in the final climatic and rousing battle from the popular movie 'The Wind and the Lion.' Historicon's Guest of Honor this year is Greg Novak, one of the late GDW's game designers. He will probably be assisting at the game, as it is his favorite movie! "Mrs. Pedacaris, you are a great deal of trouble" -- Shereef Mulai Ahmen iden-Muhammed er Raisuli "The Magnificent," Lord of the Riff, Sultan to the Berbers. Lastly, and on a different note. All those colonial fans of the Sudan and Sahara will not want to miss Fall In! this year (Gettysburg, PA; Nov. 6-8, 1998). While I am working on developing the theme now, as well as confirming the Guest of Honor, I am quite sure it will involve the aforementioned periods. The working title thus far is 'Blood In The Sand'. Stay tuned for details..! Well, I guess that was enough news to send the Sun Helmet off everyone's head! I'll see everyone at Historicon, where no doubt they will be very busy buying and carrying lots of new colonial lead away from the Old Glory booth! Back to The Heliograph #106 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |