by Richard Brooks
Time has caught up with me too quickly and again once again, I had hoped to have a flyer finished and sent to each of you to place in your local hobby shop or wherever gamers meet to try and interest them in the Heliograph. Sooner or later I will have it done and in a mailing, hopefully next time, please try and post these where other gamers might see them and give us a try. We could sure use the added subscription base. I still need articles for the next issue The Spanish American War. PLEASE!!!! I could also use anything for the NWF and Reconquest of the Sudan issues. Speaking of help, Ron Lizorty has sent along the cover you see. THANK YOU RON for a great job well done! Another thank you to John Hollyoak and Ray Boyles for permission to reprint articles from the Victorian Military Society's Wargames Study Group newsletter "From the Redoubt". We have two special guest writers this time Mark Copplestone and Ian Knight. I greatly appreciate the time anyone who provides an article or review material for us, thank you all very much. We have several new overseas subscribers and I have made the promise to them that should their issue arrive damaged or not at all I would replace it no questions asked. This is policy for all subscribers anywhere. Just let me know, I generally have three or four extra copies and will be glad to replace damaged issues. Should you buy anything based on a review you read in the Heliograph, please let the manufacturer or retailer know that you bought it on the Heliograph's recommendation. This will help us get you more information on new products, re-releases, old products whatever. Should you be missing any old issues of the Heliograph, please check with Bob Burke for back issues. Especially useful is his index for those of you looking for great rules variations. Highly Recommended. Maybe some good news coming about Savage & Soldier with the next issue in June. It's that time of the year when most of your subscriptions end, please re-enlist for another year in the colonial army. The Heliograph needs YOU! Back to The Heliograph #106 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |