by Richard Brooks
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1. Guernsey Foundry figures, available in the US from The Foundry, (440-871-4587 or fax 440-892-5887) 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. If you are writing them directly they have a new address which means a new production facility and probably better service - Guernsey Foundry, Hubert's Lane, Off Doyle Road, St. Peter Port, Gurnsey, GY1 1RG, Channel Islands, Great Britain. Although the web site is not officially part of The Foundry check out See the reviews of the pre-production castings for the forthcoming Darkest Africa Range, WOW!!! and the new book series WOW. 2. Caliver Books/Partizan Press, 816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH, Great Britain. No new magazines. 3. Game Tech, PO Box 247, Springport, MI 49284. Game Tech now has 26 Airships for Space 1889 which includes 8 new ships most priced at $5 and up to $10. 4 Lone Warrior North American Edition, Solo Wargamers Assoc. 1707 Ridge Rd., Leavenworth, KS 66048. No new edition. 5. Wargames, Box 278 Route 40 East, Tridelphia, WV 26059. Nothing new for colonial. They did send a list of the latest Osprey books five of some interest to colonial gamers.
303 The Boer Wars (2) 1896-1902 307 Late Imperial Chinese Armies (3) 1520-1840 309 The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia 1935-36 312 The Algerian War 1954-62 6. Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge St., Yuba City CA 95993. Still has their 15% discount available. If you are into the Wild West check out Frontline Wargaming accessories for dressing up your town available from Miniature Service Center 7. Barnes and Nobles, 1-800-the-book. Nothing notable for the colonial period. 8. At Siege of Augusta I picked up a flyer from World Wide Campaigns, Inc. Advertising "An interactive campaign gaming company located on the internet at The first campaign is "From Bushi to Shogun, the Rise to Power" then "Conquest in the Age of Napoleon," WWII, Knights, and Romans. I also bought some figures, ok ok Napoleonics, from Modelers Mart 1-800-223-5260, their catalog lists 15mm Sword and the Flame figures. I don't how many they have but the list of bags is a full page and in tiny print. They have a nice selection of 25mm Boxer Rebellion figures (13 bags). They list four fieldguns and machineguns with crews. 9. Miniature Wargames. Issue 176, January 1998. While an interesting read, this issue contains nothing colonial. Issue 177 February 1998 contains a Sudan scenario--"Imperius Maximus" by Neil Laird--using DBA as its base rules. The scenario is based on the Battle of Tofrek. Interesting idea, I wish they had remembered to include the shooting factors for artillery. 10. MWAN #90, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471. Issue #91. Reprints of Donald Featherstone's "Wargaming the Boer War" a rules and scenario article and "The Raid on the Kriegstaatz Batteries 1885" a British sea and land raid on a Prussian Coastal Battery. Plus an update on Hal's "NWF Project" always a great read, hmmmmm too bad he doesn't write for the Heliograph. Other than these three great articles to read there's another 175 pages just as good. Highly recommended. 11. Military History magazine. As you know I really don't care for this magazine as its articles are generally superficial. This issue March 1998 contains two articles of some interest to us "Dramatic Zulu Reversal at Khambula" by John Young and "The Siege of Delhi" by John Waller. There is a very nice full page painting of the 90th fighting the Zulus that's worth framing. I must admit John Young has done a very nice job of briefly introducing the war and detail the action at Khambula in these few pages. And John Waller has done a credible job with the "Siege of Delhi". 12. On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525. I haven't received anything from them in awhile. 13. Practical Wargamer, January/February Chris Nelson sent along an interesting article "The Army of the Vosges or Garibaldi Corps" in the Frsanco-Prussian War. Great uniform information. 14. Wargames Illustrated, #s 122 and 123 November and December 1997. Issue 122 has a wild west scenario and supporting article that are fairly interesting. "Range War!" by Ian Barstow and "The Top Notches 1885-1888 Part 2" by Mark Gallear. It's obvious from the title what this rules set is about, if you're looking for an interesting scenario for your wild west lead give this a try. The backup article contains short biographies of 13 gunslingers and lawmen great for added detail. #123 contains a one page historically based scenario "The Taku Race, China 1860" by D K Hunt that is quite interesting. 15. The Scholar's Bookshelf, 110 Melrich Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512. Generally, there's little here except for one or two colonial period books, not this time.
5AH9U Zulu: Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift, 22-23 January, 1879. I Knight, $39.95. 5D99U British Artists and War: The Face of Battle in Paintings and Prints, 1700-1914, P Harrington, $80.00. 5E98U The Ever-Victorious Army: A History of the Chinese Campaign under Lt Col C G Gordon and the Suppression of the Tai-Ping Rebellion, A Wilson, $40.00. 6GE1U The Frontier Ablaze: The North-West Frontier Rising 1897-98 , M Barthorpe $49.95. 622QU Queen Victoria's Little Wars B Farwell, $11.95. 6484U The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation, J Laband, $39.95. I don't know about you but these prices seem awfully high, my budget can only stretch so far, for these prices I can get a lot of lead. 16. Victorian Military Society, Michael Parker, Treasurer, 11 Fennel Close, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU2 6NT UK. Nothing new. 17. Tornado Alert #30, Journal of the Tornado Alley HMGS. This issue contains "Egypt in Danger: The Dervish Invasion of 1889" by Scott Saylors. Based on an historical incident this is a very interesting little scenario utilizing a sternwheeler (what a great idea). The write-up includes loads of OB information and alternatives to this TSATF scenario. 18. Clash of Empires, Keith Frye, 33 Ridge Rd., Bloomingdale, NJ 07403. Another very nice issue, I look forward to the next issue for the Franco-Prussian War article. 19. Emanuel Pentecost asked about British military police investiations I found in the Journal of Military History an article "The Boer War and the Modernization of British Martial Law", by R A Cosgrove in vol 44 #3 pages 124-127. I didn't read it just found it in the index, I hope this helps some Emanuel. Back to The Heliograph #105 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |