by Richard Brooks
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1. Guernsey Foundry figures, available in the US from Pendragon Miniatures see ad. If you are writing them directly they have a new address which means a new production facility and probably better service - Guernsey Foundry, Hubert's Lane, Off Doyle Road, St. Peter Port, Gurnsey, GY1 1RG, Channel Islands, Great Britain. Check out the latest US Cavalry offering WOW. 2. Caliver Books/Partizan Press, 816-818 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH, Great Britain. I haven't seen any new magazines but their book Catalogue X has several hundred books for the colonial period. Recommended for subscribers in Europe and the US. 3. Editions Friese & Lacina, Haidbarg 4 d, D-21244 Buchholz, Germany. If you are really into the Seven Years War this is for you, but also for us. 3 vols of Adolph Menzel's uniforms of Fred the Great; part 1 of Fanfaro Prussian Hussar, 1721 to 1807-224 plates, and 18 vols of Richard Knotel's Military Dress. There are approximately 1000 plates to the set. They sent Knotel plate 55 from volume 13 (I think) depicting Inf. and Cav. Staff Guard, very nice. Also a Fanfaro 6th Hussars and Menzel Krassier 6th Regt., all plates are worth framing. Highly recommended that you at least write them for a listing of the books, plates and reproductions available. Prices are somewhat steep depending on the $/DM exchange rate. 4 Lone Warrior #118, 119 and 120 US edition, Solo Wargamers Assoc. 1707 Ridge Rd., Leavenworth, KS 66048. 118: "Solo Campaign Rules", Nicholas Birt-At first I thought this system would only be useful for European warfare, but the more I think about it the less I feel that way. This system gives you an opponent who may be many moves ahead of you and has already attacked you. Very ingenious. "Campaign Maps", Michael Buttle-discusses choosing terrain on maps, commercially available or homemade, for your battlefield, population distribution, and movement. There are several other articles of varying use for colonials. However, this issue also has several pages of chance cards that should spice up any solo (or not) game. 119: "Variable Movement Table", Kevin White-uses playing cards to determine the number of paces (for Nopoleonics) a unit can move. This could be adapted for colonials and natives very easily. "A Fresh Start", Martin Hogg- an Indian Mutiny scenario where the British are out numbered two to one. The extra rules for the appearance of the natives is quite good and useful for many other games. "Terrain Cards", Kenn Hart-If you are looking for a fast way to determine your terrain for todays game this is it. You make a set of cards with different terrain features on it then divide your table into six segments, then pick a card for each segement, you got it. From the magweb 119 issue I found Rich Barbuto's Forest Fighting, The Last of the Mohicans Ambush" to be quite interesting and insightful, as well as useful for colonials in a jungle/forest situation. There are three scenarios that can be easily modified for our use. 120: "Narrative Wargaming", Donald Featherstone-this is apparently an old article but the subject should appeal to colonial gamers as the thrust is the Boer War. "More Solo Campaign Rules", Nic Birt- adding further to his rules system in 118. The readers forum in these issues is well worth reading to see what other gamers are up to and if they have the same problems as we have and how they might have solved them. 5. Wargames, Box 278 Route 40 East, Tridelphia, WV 26059. The latest list from Essex includes 15mm figures for the Franco-Prussian War, part 1 French Infantry. There are 58 different packs listed. 6. Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge St., Yuba City CA 95993. Still have their 15 percent discount available on all orders. Doug also has a Zulu War skirmish rule book "Spearpoints Gleaming" $15. He also has a Napoleonic Peninsula War skirmish rules book "First in the Field" $14.95. And new Spanish Guerillas to go along with them. Doug announced that he will no longer be carrying Battlegroup figures. Battlegroup bought out Village Green and they have decided to carry everything under the Village Green name, handled by Keith Leidy. 7. Barnes and Nobles, 1-800-the-book. The latest catalog contains lots of good military history books.
A142713 - Regiments and Corps of the British Army Ian Hallows $12.98 B144324 Flashman series, all ten George M. Fraser $89.95 Videos D141735 Zulu $14.98 D144024 The Lighthorsemen $14.98 D148536 Gallipoli $14.98 D156660 Lawrence of Arabia $29.95 D161592 The Crimean War $49.95 Then of course there is Mr. Bean's Best Bits $19.95 D148743 8. Scholar's Bookshelf, 110 Melrich Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512. Robert Conroy's "1901: A Novel" (catalog #6TB6E) is available in limited numbers from The Scholars Book Shelf mail order company for $5.95, plus $4.50 p&h. Unfortunately, they seem to need a minimum $10 order, if by check, and $15 if by Visa or Master Charge. 9. Miniature Wargames. Issues 172 and 173 arrived 172: While there is nothing colonial this issue, there is an article "Prelude to Balaclava" Jim Webster great scenario, includes OBs for the Alma and Balaclava. 173: This issue contains an amusing scenario about the French invasion of England 1940. The single colonial period article "Sikh Wars Colours" John Watts-includes two uniforms and two flags. <>10. MWAN #89, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Drive, Richton Park, IL 60471. While there are no real colonial period articles there is still loads of great stuff to read. Two articles stand out as useful for steal ideas from. "First, Prepare Firelocks - Small unit actions in conjunction with Firelock and Scalplock". by Henry Lubbers some pretty good ideas for small unit and single figure games. Second - Premeasuring-The Wargamers's Taboo & the Field Commander's Ace in the Hole by Craig Martelle writes that premeasuring before the game is perfectly acceptable while measuring during the game is cheating. 11. Fall IN! November 7-9, 1997 at the Eisenhower Inn, Gettysburg, PA, subtitled "And go to your God like a soldier" theme is, obviously, Colonial South Africa. This is your chance to meet Ian Knight and hear him discuss the Zulu War at four lectures as well as a chance to refight Isandlwana with him. Other convention VIPS include : Frank Chadwick, Jim Getz, Rich Hasenauer, Mark Hayes, John Hill and Pete Panzeri. I counted at least 14 colonial period games, land and naval, plus Getz and Panzeri are giving lectures (Getz - the Malakand Field Force, Panzeri - Custer's Last Stand). Don't miss this opportunity put on by our own Bob Giglio. WAY TO GO BOB!!! 12. On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525. Catalog 15 contains at least 60 colonial period books, mostly Zulu and Sudan Wars. Highly recommended service. They also have magazine subs for Miniature Wargames, Practical Wargamer, Wargames Illustrated, Battlefields, and Age of Empires. 13. El Dorado, The South and Central American Military Historians Society, Vol. VIII No. 1. This issue, as is the usual case, contains nine pages of short book reviews, some of which are pretty interesting. Also of special interest to me is a list of US Troop Ships embarked at Tampa for the Spanish-American War. Includes units and troop numbers, very useful. Besides the various articles there are lots of uniform drawings for the period 1800 to 1900. Highly Recommended. 14. Buffalo Books, 29151 195th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048. No, No, I'm sure that George Knapp (913-651-4243) is not living at the Federal Pen. George has a deal for anyone interested in selling copies of Featherstone's "Redcoats for the Raj" book (actually a VERY good deal). Back to The Heliograph #103 Table of Contents Back to The Heliograph List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |