by Peter Corless
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To all lords and ladies of Arthur's realm! June finds the manor house of the Green Knight busy with preparations for the summer's adventure season. Because of this, the section should be rightly called the "Month in Preview," but understand there's been a lot of work going into preparations from our point-of-view. From playtesting products to stuffing LARP packets, to paying the bills and reviewing the accounts, there's been a lot of preparation for the summer. Origins is coming up the first weekend in July, and later in we have the King Arthur Pendragon Faire and GenCon. If the Green Knight does not respond when you send email, it is likely he has caught the questing bug, and is off on the road himself. Upcoming EventsAt Origins July 1-4 in Columbus, Ohio, Green Knight will be presenting our second North American production of our live-action roleplaying (LARP) adventure, The King of the Woods. You can read the player rules for this system online. Also attend our three seminars about a) the company, b) Arthurian mythology and c) Saxon lore, plus three sponsored roleplaying preview/playtest adventures: Tales of Chivalry & Romance, Tales of Magic & Miracles and Saxons! Wolves in the Fold of Arthur's Britain. Doyle Wayne-Tavener will be assisting Green Knight in running events, as will Michael Schwartz, Dana Lombardy, and Roderick Robertson. At the King Arthur Pendragon Faire, presented by the Oklahoma Renaissance Festival, Green Knight will be sponsoring a complete outdoor event for the whole family. See live jousts and a "living chess game," entertainers presenting music and dance, craftsmen and women of old world traditions, and actors in costume playing the lords and ladies of King Arthur's court. The event will be run over two weekends, July 24-25, and July 31 and August 1, 1999. A portion of advanced proceeds are committed to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, and some at-door proceeds to Character Development programs for Oklahoma schools. More information about this event was published in the May 1999 Pendragon News At GenCon in Milwaukee, WI later in August, we will have many events, and the world release of new supplements and reprints. More news on those events in the July newsletter! Newcomers at CourtBesides the fun and games, these long sunny days are also perfect for committing one's soul to perform some good honest labour. Products are busily being prepared and experienced craftsmen are being brought in to help with the progress of great works. Indeed, the only way to keep up with the demands of our customers for new and unique Arthurian products is to beknight some stalwart followers. After last month's newsletter, in which I said I was looking for someone to take on the business, I got not a flood but a good stream of resumes. It became clear that there were two very different business models to take care of presently, and one or two more opportunities further out. Directly, I needed to take care of the fiction line, which produced one novel, "Arthur, the Bear of Britain" at the beginning of the year, and has "To the Chapel Perilous" in production, with possibilities for more titles later this year. As well, the roleplaying line was ramping up dramatically, with three new titles in pre-production work, a good number of reprints underway, and a few in development for later this year. After looking over the list of candidates and requirements, I decided to actually take on two individuals to split the workload of these tasks. Two solid supporters will provide a good anchor for the current core lines. This still leaves live entertainments, such as the King Arthur Pendragon Faire, and online or computer entertainments and other media either for myself to handle directly, or to defer for future development. Let us leave those for another day's consideration. For now, two seats at the Round Table have been filled by able and worthy knights. Without further adieu, the organizational announcement! ("Oyez, oyez!" the heralds cry...) Back to Pendragon News June 1999 Table of Contents Back to Pendragon News List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Green Knight Publishing This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |