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'Everyone looking for information about the German Artillery of World War Two should look for Ian V. Hogg .... For the specialist as well as for the interested novice this book is an indispenable treasure box of information ... this is a very informative and highly recommendable book.'
'A very valuable book ... Colonel Boatner's work is highly commended and the price reasonable.'
'This remarkable book takes a completely fresh look at the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.'
'The photographs bring (the subject) alive with vividness and often stunning realism.'
'Substantial value, as a reference work for the military historian ... Lavish use of contemporary etchings and excellent photographs for illustrations ... an excellent glossary .... Professor Duffy's admirable book ... The detail is enthralling and he brings it to life with fascinating quotations from those who took part in sieges of this era.'
'I recommend right now that you get a copy. This is truly an encyclopaedic reference work written by someone who really knows the subject. It is packed with information, with no padding, and therefore is a cost effective purchase. It is a book you refer to rather than read, the amount of information it contains is quite staggering. ... This is a primary reference book for the student of World War Two, invaluable to the historian, modeller, re-enactor, at a most reasonable price.'
'Invaluable ... it pays for the reader to make a close study of the photographs because they can yield a wealth of information.'
'The only full bore shooting left to us in this country is rifle shooting and quite frankly the days of cheap ammo are over, so you will have to handload. This book will prove useful to you as its coverage is vast ... A very useful volume with lots of reference material at a fair price.'
'One of the more superior first-hand recollections of the Napoleonic Wars.'
'Those in search of enlightenment today can do no better than to begin with Christopher Duffy's Fire and Stone ... Christopher Duffy's book offers an excellent introduction to the subject of western European artillery fortifications as they had emerged by the last decades of the seventeenth century. Their bastioned trace would be superseded only in the course of the nineteenth century. He lays out the technical details with clarity and a light touch, and in presenting a potentially dry subject in a highly readable form has made the mysteries of fortress warfare accessible to a wider audience.'
'As compelling and absorbing an account of the fighting that I have ever read. One need be no battlefield buff to get into this book and to be won over by its pace and style.'
'This book is the culmination of 37 years' work on the subject and runs to a massive 766 pages. Packed with all the facts on such a huge number of ships as one would expect from such a respected author as former RN Officer H. T. Lenton. The author has given us far more information than will ever be found in official records and one can only sit back in amazement that anyone could compile a book of such complexity. ... this epic is doubtless to become a valuable collectors' item in years to come ... My only complaint is that it should have a Government health warning on the front - just to lift it up could cause all sorts of medical problems for many of us!'
'In a refreshingly different approach several respected historians have now written essays about lesser-known U-boat captains who had remarkable battle experiences. The book also contains an eloquently-expressed testament to Engelbert Endrass of U-567 by his best friend Erich Topp - a moving memoir actually written while Topp was on patrol in the North Atlantic in 1942. Topp, who later became a rear-admiral in the German navy, describes "the ecstasy of hunting unsuspecting prey" and presents us with dramatic extracts from his friend's war diary. There are some astounding stories in these scholarly essays.'
'I read this book at a single sitting, and found it fascinating ... I had seen very few of these photographs before, and they were all accompanied by helpful captions ... I can recommend it heartily to all readers who find a fascination in battleships.'
'Chesney's intellectual rigour and historical methods are beyond reproach, as his peers acknowledged. His impartial comments still manage to prick many a modern bubble of mis-placed nationalism, sloppy scholarship, and ignorance of the real sequence of events. Nor does he flinch from critical judgements. His almost forensic analysis of 'who knew what, when' lays bare Wellington's failure to grasp the true axis of Napoleon's thrust on Brussels and his own slowness to concentrate the Allied army to the south west. The layout of this admirable book, with its references to the sources and direct quotations from those involved on every page, plus the content and the clarity both of thought and of writing, will undoubtedly make this book once again one of the primary texts on Waterloo. It deserves to be on the book shelf of any student of the campaign'.
'A large number of contemporary photographs from which the modeller can glean much information.'
'This is a remarkable history in photographs of the army which cut across Europe from Normandy to Czechoslovakia in the last nine months of the war under the command of one of the most charismatic American generals of the day ... the real value of any such book lies in the selection and quality of the photographs and these are superb.'
'Presented not as a novel but as a documented historical study ... the characterizations and motivations of Robert E. Lee, Longstreet, Pickett, Meade, and other chief figures ring true. Tsouras follows a detailed, hour-by-hour chronology that moves through the skirmishes and pauses to a surprising outcome ... entertaining and compelling.'
'The book can be highly recommended as an expertly and accurately researched, handsomely produced reference.'
'First class.'
'Ideal as a quick reference work for the general shooting reader, this book will also be welcomed by anybody with a special interest in the weapons and equipment of one of the most unsung, yet effective, professionals in the military world, the sniper.'
'Excellent and most useful.'
'A very comprehensive volume of edited interviews with the key German commanders of the Wacht am Rhein, or what we call the Battle of the Bulge. Mr. Parker is obviously a very skilled historian with a deep knowledge of military tactics, and an excellent appreciation of the history of WWII ... Anyone whose interest in the history of WWII extends deeper than what happened to rifleman Jones, or the second platoon of Easy Company, can be gripped by this book ... this excellent book ... When I was a kid in the infantry in Italy, I didn't know what was happening on the next hill and cared even less. Older and wiser in Korea, I was in Division HQ where I knew what was going on and had a real concern for the big picture. Hitler's Ardennes Offensive outlines the big picture on the enemy's side of the line. Any Military reader who wants to know what the story was of the Battle of the Bulge, but from the German point of view, should get to a bookstore and order this one. This is a book that you will read once, and then refer to repeatedly ... Danny Parker has put together a definitive textbook of the German side of our Battle of the Bulge, their Wacht am Rhein. Hitler's Ardennes Offensive is outstanding, a gem.'
'This is an excellent guide to a very large field, handsomely presented in a medium format with many plans and photographs ... Battleships of the World can be recommended as a thoroughly useful reference work and good value.'
'An important memoir of the period.'
'A great deal of information is presented in a concise manner.'
'In this extremely interesting series.'
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