1998 International Congress
on the first
Duke of Wellington

A rare event of special interest to all who study the Napoleonic Wars will be the International Congress on the first Duke of Wellington at the University of Southampton from 13 July to 17 July 1998. Last held in 1987, this year's Congress at Southampton, home to the first duke's archive, will have more than forty speakers on many aspects of Wellington's career. They include keynote addresses by Field Marshal Lord Carver and Professor Neville Thompson, as well as papers by Don Horward, Edward Ingram, Charles Esdaile and Norman Gash. There will be overviews of military subjects, including the development of the British Army during the wars with France and its relationship with the Navy, as well as studies relating to Wellington and his brothers, the politics of fighting the war, and investigations into Wellington's campaigns and forces by both British and foreign researchers.

Besides its formal sessions, the Congress will include workshops on research in progress, presentations on the Wellington papers and conservation, a gala dinner on board HMS Warner in Portsmouth Harbour, a visit to the Duke's home at Stratfield Saye, and - of course! - a Greenhill display.

For further details about the Congress and information about registration, please contact the Congress organiser:

    Dr C. M. Woolgar
    Archivist and Head of Special Collections
    Hartley Library
    University of Southampton
    Southampton SO17 1BJ
    Voice-mail: (44) 01703 595487
    Fax: (44) 01703 593007
    E-mail: well98@soton.ac.uk

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