by Mark Hannam
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Situation A Prussian division under General Manstein is advancing In two columns upon Sonderborg. As it reaches the small village of Kjaer, the Danish counter-attack under General Stelnmann. The 2nd Brigade (18th & 3rd Regiments) attack from Ulkebol and the 6th Brigade (5th & 10th Regiments) from the south. The Prussians establish a line just outside of Kjaer. Gabon's brigade (15th & 65th Regiments) with the divisional artillery on the left facing south, whilst Roders brigade (64th & 24th Regiments) refuses the right Hank to meet the assault from Ulkebol. The Prussians are spread thinly, particularly as the 15th Regiment is deployed in echelon behind the 55th Regiment, and Danish attacks upon the angle of the Prussian line at Bagmose make headway. In the end Prussian reinforcements began to arrive and the Danes forced to withdraw In the face of superior numbers. The Prussians finally entering Sonderborg at 6.30pm. The Forces: The Prussian Division had two brigades each of two regiments, each of three battalions of four companies. The division would also deploy a battalion of Japers, a regiment of Dragoons and six batteries of artillery. The Danish brigades had two regiments of two battalions, each of four companies. No artillery or cavalry is mentioned, but there's no reason why you can't add some to even up the scenario.
An excellent little scenario which coiled out to me to refight it using my 6mm 1870 Prussians, with the Danes represented by French Mobiles. As the Danes wore a dark blue kepi and vest with sky blue trousers, the Mobiles in dark blue didn't look too out of place. For rules I suggest Richard Brooks' magnificent 'Schlochtenblummler' breechlooder rules for the later nineteenth century which appeared in Wargarnee Illustrated No.5, January 1988. Falling this, try They Died for Olery, Franco-Prussian rules by David Waxtel; save yourself some money here as they were originally a pull-out In The Courier, Vol VII No.1. Finally, use 'A Day of Battle' by Brent Oman from Issue no.1 of The Gauntlet. A good basic Introduction and wargamees guide to the war has appeared recently in the July/August and September, October issues of Practical Wargarner. Treat the Danes as French under your rules. Danish battalions had 800 men, Prussian 1000. The Danes still used a muzzle loading musket, whereas the Prussians had the breechloadlng Dreyse, which allowed them load and fire from a prone position. As the Chaseepot outclassed the Dreyse in the Franco-Prussian War to probably the same extent as the Dreyse outclassed the muzzle loader of the Danes, the cheat solution is to use the French Infantry fire results for the Prussians of 1864 and the Prussian fire table for the Danes. The Danes win a Tactical Victory by giving the Prussions a 'bloody nose' and capturing Kjaer. There is no Strategic Victory as they can't possibly retrieve the situation. The Prussians get a Tactical Victory by throwing back the Danish attack, and a Strategic Victory by entering Sondeborg before Turn 20. Best of Luck! Back to The Gauntlet No. 3 Table of Contents Back to The Gauntlet List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1995 by Craig Martelle Publications This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |