by Pete Panzeri
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COLD WARS 2000 SUCCESS Cold Wars 2000 was successful - from my Perspective. It was great seeing everyone and it was a lot of fun. The new ticket system seemed to work well (it did for me as a GM). Some asked me if attendance was down, DIDN'T SEEM SO, but if so, I don't think it was significant. I was not supposed to GM anything (SURPRISE!) as this was our "Honeymoon Convention" (for Jodie and I, married 11 DEC 99 at West Point, if you didn't know, maybe we'll take Historicon off) But I ended up as a GM for the 30 minute/13 hour "Alexander's Successors Challenge" [article below] and also the "1946 Alamo" (Germans and Mexicans Invading Texas, fun stuff!). Jodie Press released several new titles including BAPS-Ironclads, Blood&Swash/Thunder&Plunder (Pirates) and FUTURE RACE (Star wars Pod Racing). Jamie, the Schlegels, Buck Surdu and all the HAWKS had non-stop games of these and others in the paradise room. Other Great Games included Bob Giglio's massive 1930's Prohibition Wars extravaganza, with Coppers, Gangsters, costumes and lots of noise. thanks to all the hardworking people who put so much into the event. Follow-up to "Saving Private Ryan For those who know him, HMGS gamer/Green-Beret JOE BRECHER went to Sarajevo recently. He was an extra in a new Mel Gibson film "The Patriot"(Revolutionary War epic) which is due to open June 30th 2000 in the States. The "Unofficial Patriot Website" is requesting the film be shown at our camps in Bosnia and Kosovo. He started a petition on his site to get the film shown there over the July 4th weekend as a morale booster. If you find the time, please sign the petition at: Follow-up to "Saving Private Ryan....PATRIOT! The first 'BIG' project from Emmerich and Devlin, written by another, "PATRIOT!" is a no-holds-barred, R-rated American Revolutionary War film. It's all based on historical events and historic figures like Light Horse Harry Lee and Frances Marion, the 'Swamp Fox' and the 'Green Dragoons'. Scenes of hacked up women and children, streets filled with hanged men, rivers flowing red with blood with the bodies of the redcoats and the 'patriots' floating by with exit wounds and missing body parts. There is death by oversized lead balls shot from muskets ten feet from their intended targets blowing spine out the back. Saber battles, tomahawks and more. This is the American Revolutionary War film that we have never seen: Morning mist on gigantic battlefields, walls of thousands of redcoats marching, firing, creating a fog bank of musket smoke, then emerging from it to fire again. This film handles intimate skirmishes all the way up to the battles that won the war for us and created this country. This film is just tragic, it will just tear you up. This film is not afraid to let the good folks around us die. "The Patriot" began filming in September of this '99 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The director, Roland Emmerich, took extras to be part of a Revolutionary army, which will be turned into an army of thousands using computer imaging. Also, Emmerich is looking for 11,000 extras to fill a war era town. The plot will reportedly follow Mel Gibson's character and his family through the years leading up to the war to when the war reaches their homestead, causing Gibson's character and his son to join the American cause. (Source : "Ain't It Cool News") Quick and Dirty Paint Job
Steps: 1) Take each pack of figures out separately and use an exacto knife to cut off any flash. Use a file to smooth down the most obvious mold lines, but don't spend to much time on each. We don't have the time. 2) Use Zap glue (crazy glue) to glue on accessories likes shields. You may have to use a tool to bore out holes better on the figure to fit in pegs. 3) File or grind smooth the bases of the figures. A dremel-tool comes in handy here for speed. 4) Bore out any hands that are meant to hold spears/javelins. 5) Mount figures onto wide-head nails using a glue gun. Prop them up in some scrap Styrofoam or pink insulation board. 6) Spray them all with gray or black primer and let dry over night. 7) Paint figures by starting with big things like pants and coats. Then get details like metal bits, flesh parts and straps. For colors, use the plates I sent as guides, but for the most part you can use any color you like because we don't know what they should be. Paint shields all one color. 8) Dilute some umber paint (Liquitex is best) in matte-finishing solution (rather than water). Use a big flat brush to soak up the thin solution and dab over figure to give it a dirty wash. Let dry. The finishing solution eliminates the need for spraying with Krylon matte finish. 9) Glue into place with Zap glue a length of wire for any spears/javelins necessary. 10) Glue figures onto the wooden bases (with magnetic bottoms) according to Hack rules using Zap glue. (Or should it be a more permanent epoxy guys?) 11) Affix shield transfers from Veni Vidi Vici (you guys use these, right?)
SCENARIO: SUCCESSOR'S CHALLENGE Can you Capture Alexander's Cortège? This was a Cold Wars scenario promoting the unique JodieCon 2000 Successors Campaign. Cadets from West Point Prep "faced all comers." Players matched their tactical skill against the future Ike's, Mac's and Schwartzkopfs of the US Army. A novel CONCEPT: a 1/2 hour Continuous game, starting each half hour. The scenario was an attempt to evacuate Alexander's Cortege from a raiding force of Successors. Over 20 players competed one at a time for the most points in a limited time scenario, sudden death victory conditions! At 9pm the two players with the most points competed to win a Successor Army. Sponsored by Old Glory and "CLASSICAL HACK." Champion was Mike Pederson and runner up was Pete Spaith, who won a Gladiator Army as a 2nd Place prize. I was amazed at how well the final version of the scenario worked out. Based on the decisions of the participants, scores ranged from 550 to the negative numbers, with, I think just the right combination of "random" effect. And since both finalists got the Army they wanted, everyone went home happy. My favorites of the day were: 1. The wagon fleeing at top speed, and BREAKING in the 1st Championship round. 2. In the in the final Championship game the Thessalonians CAV filed to contact the fleeing Companions, "ONE FULL INCH SHORT!" . . . which saved the Cortege from capture. Both events reminiscent of single die rolls when I won a tournament game of Avalon Hill's AFRIKA KORPS 20+ years ago. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND for SUCCESSORS A scenario where BOTH luck and SKILL are required. Ptolemy's mounted escort troopers under command of Arrhidaeus and some dismounted wagon guards are attempting to deliver Alexander's Cortege to Alexandria. BUT, a raiding force sent by Perdikkas are hell bent on capturing the Cortege. Led by Perdikkas' captain, Polemon, they have caught sight of the escorts in a narrow defile near Damascus, and now must pursue and act immediately, before the wagon moves safely through the dusty pass and across a river to safety and Ptolemy's waiting Infantry. Some of the scenario participants will sell their lives for this endeavor, others would just as soon water their horses. Power and fame are the ultimate prizes for the fate of the most important man in history. The "GM" plays the escort and attempts to protect and escape with Alexander's Cortege from a raiding force of Successors. Cadets from the U.S. Military Academy Prep School will be waiting to "face all comers." A total of 24 players can compete one at a time for the most points in a limited time scenario, sudden death victory conditions! Prizes for all of the top scoring players. At 9 pm the two players with the most points will compete to win an Ancients Army (see it on display at the contest table.) The outcome of this prelude scenario will affect the placement of the cortege within the Successors JodieCon event, since the campaign begins just around the time the cortege leaves Babylon for Egypt. A. CORTEGE ESCORTS: Arrhidaeus was sent by Perdikkas to deliver the cortege to Pella (or Siwa) but he turned coat (surprise) and diverted it towards Alexandria and Ptolemy. Led by Arrhidaeus 1 FIGURE 1 syntagma hypaspists (320 men). 16 figures - OG PPA-2 (Hack = A heavy infantry) 1 ile Companion CAV (180 men). 9 figures - OG PPA-4 (Hack = A heavy cavalry) 2 CORTEGE WAGONS [expected to surrender on contact] B. INTERCEPTORS: Sent by Perdikkas to take back the cortege and is led by Polemon. Polemon. 1 FIGURE 2 ilai Thessalian CAV (360 men) 18 fig. OG PPA-5 (Hack = B heavy cavalry) 2 ilai Greek light CAV (360 men) 18 fig. OG PPA-6 (Hack = C light cavalry) Polemon's can choose to keep as big units of 18 Figures, or break into smaller units of 9 figures each. C. STATIONARY FORCE: Reaching them is a victory condition; waiting across the river. 2 syntagma heavy inf. phalangites (640 men), OG PPA-8 (Hack = B heavy infantry). 2 units of 16 fig ea. D. SET UP AND STARTING POSITIONS: INTERCEPTOR: set up within "start box" drawn on table [23" from Cortege column] and has first initiative. Any formation and division of forces is allowed. ESCORT is set in Road-column at start line facing toward Damascus. The River, friendly infantry, and safety is 9 feet away. E. VICTORY CONDITIONS TIMED SCENARIO: To "Win" the Interceptor must capture the cortege and have a positive points balance within SIX TURNS or 30 MINUTES, whichever comes first. CHAMPIONSHIP: The Two Highest scoring winners will "face off" with one shot each at the Cortege, with the other as the Escort. (Not using special rules 3 and 4.) F: POINTS - CAPTURE OF the CORTEGE: ON Turn 1= 600 Points; Turn 2 = 500 Points; Turn 3 = 400 Points; Turn 4 = 300 Points Turn 5 = 200 Points ; Turn 6 and After = 100 Points. +10 points per ESCORT figure killed, including wagon masters. -10 points per INTERCEPTOR figure killed. +20 points if Arrhidaeus is killed -20 points if Polemon is killed. SCENARIO SPECIAL RULES: 1. TERRAIN and MOVEMENT: ROAD Column: MOVEMENT ANY UNIT may double movement on the road if it begins and ends it's movement phase in single file column on the road with no other activity. Light CAV may use Road column even on clear terrain, if over 12" from the enemy for the entire move. No charges allowed in this formation, except to make contact with an unguarded Cortege. The Cortege is considered to ALWAYS be in road column. Hills and woods are considered rough terrain. 2. WAGON BREAKAGE: The Cortege must roll a D6 for "breakage" for all turns of full road column movement, off road movement, and all movement in rough terrain. Road column: Six on 1D6 [Double move only] Off road: Six on 1D6 Rough terrain: one Six out of 2D6 3. Interceptor reliability: Some units were not willing to die for this cause, Roll each turn to decide whom it might be. Interceptor rolls a D10 at the beginning of each turn. On a role of "1" the unit farthest from the enemy will "decline to advance" for one turn. [We deleted this at Cold Wars, but it does add some more randomness to the Scenario.] 4. WAGON-MASTER REACTION: The GM will draw a card to secretly determine what the Cortege Wagon will do: 1. (Ace) Full move 1st turn and then stop to defend on the road. 2. ALL Flee Road column move, stop turn 2 to defend on the road. 3. Full flight on main road at wagon's full speed. 4. Full flight on main road at Infantry full speed. 5. Flight on main road, Regular move speed - without breakage risk. 6. Flee cross country, attempt to Defend on nearby hill #1. 7. Flee cross country, attempt to Defend on nearby hill #2. 8. Flee cross country, attempt to Defend nearby woods #1 9. Flee cross country, attempt to Defend nearby woods #2 Jack: Wagon masters attempt surrender - baggage master may take over turn 2 Queen: Flee cross country, attempt to Defend nearby castle ruins King: Follows all orders of Escort Commander Joker: Attempts to Burn Cortege in place: Wagon is fully consumed on a roll of "Six" on a D6 (adding one D6 each additional turn) If captured, INTERCEPTOR will rolls same to extinguish the fire. Note: The two Wagons may split up at any time (one is only baggage), but the Cortege Wagon will follow the selected option card. 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