by Mark Hannam
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The Engagement152nd Brigade of 51st Highland Division was ordered to retake the crest commanding the Somme river valley. The 4th Battalion Queen`s Own Cameron Highlanders launched a two company attack against German forces hidden in the woods on the crest. At 07:00 hrs, B Company led by their charismatic C.O., Lord Findcastle advanced on "Hedgehog" Wood. Covering fire was provided by A Company from dug-in positions south of Tourbieres. Misfortune all too soon overtook B Company. Not only was opposition heavier than supposed, they were strafed by French fighters who had mistaken them for Germans, and were then on the receiving end of their supporting battery of French 75`s which was firing short. Only 40 men of the 193 who began the attack, managed to return to their own positions. At 07:15, D Company advanced from Villers in true Highland fashion with the pipes leading, passing by several hulks left from the previous day`s tank battle. Immediately, they came under heavy enfilading fire from as many as seven machine-guns, whilst German mortars quickly ranged in. The attack went to ground and there was nothing for it but for D Company to retire to their starting positions. Though both companies had been bloodily repulsed the battle wasn`t over, in fact it had barely begun. It was now the Germans turn to counter-attack. Perhaps two companies attacked the remnants of D Company in Villers, supported by machine-guns and mortars. A further assault was launched from the woods towards B Company`s positions, whilst another German force emerged from behind the hamlet of Tourbieres in a pincer movement to cut-off A Company and take the cross-roads east of Huchenneville. .................. ForcesB.E.F. 4th Cameronians (Regular)
1 Boys AT Rifle (2 men) 1 2" Mortar (2 men) 4 Rifle Companies: 8 riflemen each Support Company of :
Carrier platoon of 2 Bren Gun Carriers ( 1 Bren & 1 Boys AT Rifle each) IN SUPPORT
1 Battery of 2 French 75mm guns (Regular, off-table) & 1 FOO officer & signaller in Villers 152nd Brigade AT Battery : 2 2pdr AT guns (Regular, will arrive during game) Deployment
Carrier platoon : in reserve in woods behind HuchennevilleChateau 3" Mortar : in sunken road at Huchenneville A Company & 2" mortar : dug-in in woods south of Tourbieres B Company : dug-in in woods north of Huchenneville C Company & Boys AT rifle : at player`s disposal D Company : dug-in around Villers Germans Elements of at least 2 German Infantry bttns. Each Bttn:
1 50mm mortar (2 crew) 1 AT rifle (2 crew) 3 rifle companies (each 8 riflemen Support company (1 tipod MG 34 (1 truck) and 1 37mm AT gun (1 truck)) Deployment 1st Battalion
1 rifle coy. and MG platoon occupying defensive positions within the wood on the crest of the valley. 50mm mortar and AT rifle at players discretion. remainder in reserve. 2nd Battalion
1 rifle coy. in Tourbieres. remainder in reserve behind Tourbieres. Note: The reserves are being withheld for the German counter-attack. The German positions in the woods should allow no more than 4 riflemen to bring their weapons to bear at once against targets moving in the open. This is to simulate typical all-round defense positions which might only have one platoon in a forward position. THE WARGAMEThe game should be structured to help maintain the reality of the events as they unfolded in the real battle. Game Turn 1 B Company will begin it`s attack on Hedgehog Wood aided by fire from A Company. Air and artillery support is available from the start. Game Turn 2 D Company will begin it`s attack up the Route Nationale. Game Turn 3 152nd Brigade AT Battery will arrive in Villers. Game Turn ? Should the attack look like it`s not going to succeed, the Highlanders must begin to fall back on their original positions. The Germans will then launch a counter-attack in two phases. Once the order to withdraw is given, throw 1AvD. The result is the number of turns the Highlanders have to retreat and re-organise before the German attacks begin. Phase 1 One full German rifle coy. will attack Villers from the crest woods, joined by the rifle coy. in the woods astride the Route Nationale. These will be supported by one 81mm mortar (off-table) and the fire of the MG platoon. Phase 2 Once Villers is taken, the Germans will begin their main counter-attack. All remaining German units in crest wood will attack B Coy`s. position in the woods north of Huchenneville. German units from Villers will attack towards Huchenneville Chateau. German units in Tourbieres will attack down the road towards Huchenneville, bypassing any opposition. VictoryTo gain a breathing space for the allied armies, the Cameronians must both open the Route Nationale to the north and hold Hedgehog Wood by the end of the game. Given the presiding military situation and the strength of German forces this is unlikely to be effected. Therefore if the Cameronians at least manage to keep hold of both Villers and Huchenneville they will have thwarted a major German counter-attack aimed at Paris. However, should the Germans capture Villers and open the Route Nationale south, they will have achieved technical victory as Allied forces south of Huchenneville can now be out-flanked and by-passed. Alternatives The British attack suffered from poor reconnaissance and a lack of appreciation as to enemy strengths. To make this scenario both different and challenging over several plays perhaps I can recommend the following:
3,4 German defensive positions are platoon strength (3 figs)only. Remainder of each company is off-table and will counter-attack if it`s forward position is taken. 5 As above, but 1 armoured car or light tank will appear on the Route Nationale on game turn 3. 6 As 3,4 but Germans in Tourbieres are Panzer Grenadiers - 1 Sdkfz251/10, 2 Sdkfz251/1 Back to The Gauntlet No. 12 Table of Contents Back to The Gauntlet List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Craig Martelle Publications This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |